according to

美 [əˈkɔrdɪŋ ˌtu]英 [əˈkɔː(r)dɪŋ ˌtuː]
  • prep.根据;按照;据(…所说);按(…所报道)
  • 网络依照;根据…所说;依据

according toaccording to

according to

1.据(…所说);按(…所报道)as stated or reported by sb/sth

2.依照;按照;根据following, agreeing with or depending on sth


字典中 据 字的解释 ... (3) 依靠,凭借[ rely on;depend on] (5) 根据[ according to] (7) 占有,占据[ occupy] ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... according as 根据…而… according to 根据…所说;按照 account for 说明(原因等);解释 ...


准_百度百科 ... ⑼ 揣测,揣度[ conjecture] ⑽ 按照,依照[ according to] ⑹ 轻重相当;均等[ equal] ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... according as 根据…而… according to 根据…所说;按照 account for 说明(原因等);解释 ...


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... with regard to 关 于 according to prep. 依据, 按照 in view of 鉴于, 考虑到 ...


to的用法 和介词_百度知道 ... 十九: 表示依据或是根据,如: according to,in proportion to adjust to 适应, ...

President assistant -Able to follow up the company projects according to projects aim and situation. 职责1、能够依照公司计划和目标推进实施;
According to the currently accepted definition, neither the concept of practice nor matter can be a logical starting point of a new system. 依据目前公认的定义,“实践”概念和“物质”概念都无法成为新体系的逻辑起点。
KKR is now hoping the New York listing will value the firm at $15bn-$19bn, according to people familiar with the matter. 知情人士表示,KKR现在希望纽约上市对该公司的估值将达到150亿至190亿美元。
According to Buddhism, memory power of a person can remain with him even after death until the last birth. 根据佛教,一个人的记忆能力能够保持到他死后以及后世。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. 老师的工资应该根据学生所学多少来支付,同意与否?
According to the scientific team, only one of these four categories of gamblers actually shows signs of a significant pathology. 根据科学小组得知,事实上在这四种赌徒里只有一种显示出明显的病理学的迹象。
TAKING extra vitamin C does little to stop most people from catching a cold, according to a study of years of research. 一项长期研究表明,对大多数人来说,服用额外的维生素C不能防止感冒。
And Osho told him to just spend the money according to his instructions. 奥修告诉他只是根据他的指示来花这些钱。
Torture in Syrian prisons, long known as some of the worst in the world, is now "rampant" according to a report by Human Rights Watch. 叙利亚监狱的虐待,久为人知是世界最差的一些地方之一,根据人权观察的一份报告,现在虐待是「肆虐」。
According to my understanding, "BE" is a state of recognized, organized form of elements and NOT BE is just a mess of the materials. 所谓“有”是一种被元素区分开,被组织的状态,而“无”是一团杂乱的物质。
Whether to handle affairs according to the law is often determined by relations, i. e. , personal relations. 很多时候,照不照法律办事,关键在于关系,也就是说在于人情。
According to his father, the officers were about to plant weapons in the boot of his vehicle but abandoned the plan when a crowd gathered. 按照阿里父亲的说法,警察想在他的车底下埋藏武器,但是聚集的人群,让警察被迫放弃了这个方案。
She had been dead for nearly two years, according to the system. What system? The bank wouldn't tell her. 她原来已经“死”了快两年了!系统是这么说的。哪个系统?银行不告诉她。
According to at least one estimate, China's economy will surpass that of the U. S. by 2021. 根据起码一个以上的推测,中国经济会在2021年以前超越美国。
According to her mother, uncle got married in Zhangping Xi, master of ceremonies for her office to say something. 据她妈妈说,在张冯喜舅舅结婚的时候,司仪让她上台说几句。
XML is all about standards, but it's not always easy to get everyone to play ball according to the rules. XML到处都有标准,但让每个人都照规矩行事并不是一件容易的事。
According to a Bush spokesperson, the participants focused on the nature of the enemy and the challenges in the war-torn region. 据布什代言人说,与会者集中讨论了在遭受战争破坏的地区前景和敌人的特性。
According to the Daily Mail, Emma is trying to seek out the source of the image so she can put a stop to it. 据每日邮报,艾玛正试图找出图像的来源,使她能制止它。
The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating Mr Sokol's trading, according to a person familiar with the matter. 据知情人士透露,美国证交会(SEC)正在对索科尔的交易行为展开调查。
In case of any other liability form, the foreign investor shall be liable for the enterprise according to Chinese laws and regulations. 外资企业为其他责任形式的,外国投资者对企业的责任适用中国法律、法规的规定。
The constitution of a state is the collection of rules and principles according to which a state is governed. 一国的宪法,是据以治理国家的法规和原则的汇集。
JA : True, Dean has started all this by torturing a lot of souls in Hell. . . You know, according to me that's still Sam's fault ! 美人:没错,因为Dean在地狱里折磨其他的灵魂这一切在开始的…不过,对我来说这还是Sam的错!
China's available water per capita is just a quarter of the world average and the lowest of any large economy, according to the World Bank. 根据世界银行的数据,中国人均占水量仅为世界平均水平的四分之一,更是大型经济体中最低的。
If you cannot adhere to this type of schedule, than adjust your goals according to a schedule you know you are capable of following. 如果你不能遵守这样的计划,那么建议你按照你觉得你可以接受的计划来制定目标。
But a daily tipple did not cut the odds of heart disease in women, according to the findings reported in the British Medical Journal. 但发表在英国医学期刊上的研究结果显示:女人每天喝点酒不会减少心脏病的发病风险。
According to this deduction, how can you say that a man of supreme benevolence has no filial piety in his heart? 依照这样的推论,你怎么可以说有至高无上仁的人,心里没有孝顺这样的成分呢?。
Just one class is all you need to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to a study from Jefferson Medical College. 根据杰弗逊医学院的一项研究,仅仅只需一堂瑜珈课就能降低压力荷尔蒙--考的索的水平。
According to Midrash , what was interesting about the lettering was that it was able to be read correctly from both sides. 按照犹太法学博士的圣经注释,关于所刻字母的解释为从两侧可以正确读。
Because occupies the place in me not to have the earthquake, is impossible according to the geography form to occur! 因为在我处在地方从来没有发生过地震,按照地理形式也不可能发生!
Be ever ready to move according to what you learn as new, and be assured that much will be happening very soon. 一直都准备好,好让自己可以去接受学习新的,并且请确信许多事情很快就要发生。