
美 [əˈkaʊnt]英 [ə'kaʊnt]
  • n.账户;说明;账号;叙述
  • v.认为是;视为
  • 网络帐户;帐号;帐目

复数:accounts 现在分词:accounting 过去式:accounted

open account,give account,close account,settle account,keep account
current account,brief account,full account,accurate account,general account


n. v.

银行at bank

1.账户an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.

商业记录business records

2.[usupl]账目a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it

商店with shop/store

3.赊销账;赊欠账;赊购an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month

老主顾regular customer

4.老主顾a regular customer


5.(互联网、电子邮件等的)账户,账号an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by email, etc.


6.描述;叙述;报告a written or spoken description of sth that has happened

7.(对思想、理论、过程的)解释,说明,叙述an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process


by/from all accounts

据说;根据报道according to what other people say

by your own account

根据某人自己所说according to what you say yourself

give a good/poor account of yourself

(尤指比赛中)表现好╱不好,干得出色╱差劲to do sth or perform well or badly, especially in a contest

of no/little account

不重要;无足轻重not important

on account

挂账;(先付小部分款额的)赊账if you buy sth or payon account , you pay nothing or only a small amount immediately and the rest later

on sbs account

为了某人的缘故because of what you think sb wants

on account of sb/sth

由于;因为because of sb/sth

on no account|not on any account

决不;绝对不not for any reason

on your own account

为自己for yourself

on this/that account

由于这个╱那个缘故because of the particular thing that has been mentioned

put/turn sth to good account

善用;利用to use sth in a good or helpful way

take account of sth|take sth into account

考虑到;顾及to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision about sth


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... D coordinate measurement 三次元量床 3 account 帐户 acid open-hearth furnance 酸性平 …


账户account),一组或一批会计记录(每一个记录称作一个账户)。这些账户整合起来,就能让企业主和经理人员知道该企 …


一个帐号account)是指属于一个用户的所有文件、资源、以及信息。这个术语暗示如同在银行一样,并且在一个商业系统中 …


账号(account) 一个账号是一种特殊用途的共享空间,里面存放着用户的信息。这些信息包括用户身份列表,共享空间(包括一 …


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... accordingly ad. 因此,所以;照着 account n. 记述;解释;帐目 accuracy n. 准确(性);准确度 ...


服装英语_百度百科 ... A/H,A.H.=armhole 袖窿,[粤]夹圈 a/c,acc.=account 帐单,账目 a/w.,aw=actual weight 实际重量 ...


英语构词法研究之一:A|英语单词构词法 ... accost 招呼,搭话 account 叙述,说明 accumulate 堆积,积聚 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... accordingly ad. 因此,所以;照着 account n. 记述;解释;帐目 accuracy n. 准确(性);准确度 ...

However, they took the money for the passport out of my account 2 months ago, causing me to go overdrawn, and not pay my travel insurance. 问题是他们两个月钱就把办护照的钱从我帐上扣走了,于是我帐户透支没办法买旅行保险。
While HKE is still the biggest contributor to CKI's profits, overseas investments now account for half of the company's bottom line. 尽管港灯集团仍然是长江基建的最大利润来源,但海外投资目前已占到该公司利润的一半。
Trains from Shanghai may be up to ten minutes late, on account of repairs to the track. 由于修轨,由于修轨,从上海来的火车可能晚十分钟到达.车可能晚十分钟到达。
Napoleon made ironical remarks during Fabvier's account of it, as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence. 拿破仑在法布维埃报告的中间插了几句讽刺的话,好像没有他在那儿,他并不期望事情会有别样的结果。
No. APS may also be used for a non- discretionary account upon request of a customer. 不是。APS系统可以根据客户要求用于非委托账户。
TYPICAL USE: A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tends to condone these practices in his friends. 一个在所得税和费用帐户上做手脚的人,有原谅他朋友如是做的倾向。
Therefore, the MA would wish to be notified of, and approve, such a change, taking into account the principles set out in this Guideline. 因此,金融管理专员希望能获通知有关的转变,并按照本指引所载原则就有关转变给予批准。
But she did say I could pick up my debit card in person at the third branch and could use it when my account was eventually unfrozen. 不过,她的确告诉我,我可以亲自到第三家分行去领回自己的卡,当账户最终解冻时,我就能继续使用那张卡了。
(Film critic)Libby's columns serve as a continuing account of her amusingly mundane life and the peripheral role that movies play in it. 影评家利比的专栏文章,是在不断描写自己那平凡而快意的生活,以及电影在她生活中所扮演的次要角色。
If you are trying to open a second account under the same name, or using the same credit card, you will not be allowed to. 如果您试图使用相同的人名或信用卡注册第二个帐户,就会遭到拒绝。
China's current type of meat, sausage products because of their long shelf life, easy to carry, and thus account for a large market. 中国目前类型的肉类,香肠制品,因为其保质期长,携带方便,因此占了大市场。
The little prince crossed the desert and met with only one flower. It was a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all. 小王子穿过沙漠。他只见过一朵花,一个有着三枚花瓣的花朵,一朵很不起眼的小花…
I'm wondering about your plans for paying your account which, as you know, is now over 40 days ast due. 我一直在怀疑关于你为付清你的账目的计划,你知道的,现在已超过40天了。
Log on to the IIS server as the domain account that your browser was trying to use, and then run the code. 以域帐户的身份登录到您的浏览器尝试使用的IIS服务器上,然后运行该代码。
By the way, this is not a woe-is-me story, but rather an honest account of my experience and I am not alone with a story like this. 顺便说一下,这不是一个“悲哀的我”故事,而为我的那些经验提供了一个诚恳的理由,象我这样拥有这样故事的人并不只有我一个。
Certain country often loses face in regard to its relations with small weak countries on account of its dirty tricks. 某个国家在与弱小国家交往中因其使用卑鄙手段而总是丢脸。
Even then, deactivation does not actually get rid of your account but leaves it 'hanging in a cloud', waiting for you to scurry back. 就算如此,注销也不能让你完全摆脱你的账户,而是让它“挂在云端”,等着你把它要回去。
Pulling a set amount of cash out of your account on a weekly basis for your expenses can help eliminate this mindless spending. 针对你的开销,每周在你的账户上设定一个现金值,它可以帮你减少不经过大脑思考的花费。
These figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation. 这些数据没有将通货膨胀率的变化考虑进去。
provided that the gas emitted will not cause danger on account of its toxicity, its flammability, the quantity released, ETC. 但所释放的气体不得因其毒性、易燃性和排放量而造成危险。
One of the very first pieces of information needed by MissMASH is some sort of online calendar account information. MissMASH首先需要的信息之一是某种类型的在线日历帐户信息。
Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship did the burden begin to lighten. 直到他出版了自己的这本有关他们关系的书时,他身上的负担才得以减轻。
There was an incredible energy between us but I knew we were racing against the bottom of my bank account. 我们都对未来充满无限信心,但我知道,这是一场与我即将见底的银行存款之间赛跑。
I need some information about my account. I wonder if you could connect me with the proper person. 我需要一些有关我户头的资料。你能为我接通一位适当的人员吗?
He gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president. 他给出的密谋刺杀总统的计划的解释不准确。
The medium effects are studied by taking account of the surface potential in a simple HP-lattice model. 我们在简单的HP格点模型中引入溶液对蛋白质表面的吸引势来研究溶液环境的影响。
Although my mother dosent want me to leave home, on account of my future, shes still pretty supportive. 而我妈妈虽然不想我离开家,但是考虑我的未来,她还是很支持。
Liu: I thought as much! Then it is understandable that the bank statement is right. Ok, problem is solved. Please add the account! 张:果然不出我所料!难怪银行这里没问题。那好吧,请你把这笔账补上吧。
And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. 并且被造的没有一样在他面前不显然的;原来万物在那与我们有关系的主眼前,都是赤露敞开的。
In their account, Smith's assertion was that purely selfish individuals are led by an invisible hand to produce the greatest good for all. 他们所理解的斯密的主张是完全利己的个体,总是跟随看不见的手,生产最受欢迎的产品。