
美 [ˈæktʃuəli]英 ['æktʃuəli]
  • adv.事实上;竟然;(礼貌地纠正他人)实际上
  • 网络其实;实际地;居然

actually happen,actually come
actually mean


1.(在口语中用于强调事实)的确,真实地,事实上used in speaking to emphasize a fact or a comment, or that sth is really true

2.(表示想法与事实不一致因而惊奇)居然,竟然used to show a contrast between what is true and what sb believes, and to show surprise about this contrast

3.(礼貌地纠正他人)实际上,事实上used to correct sb in a polite way

4.(礼貌地引起注意、转换话题、直言)确实,说实在的used to get sb's attention, to introduce a new topic or to say sth that sb may not like, in a polite way


牛津初中英语词汇表_百度文库 ... A-1-15 actor 男演员 8 A-5-81 actually 实际上 8 B-1-1 add 补充;增加 9 ...


人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... come up 走近,上来.提出 actually 实际上,事实上 base 根据 ...


“其”怎么组词?_百度知道 ... 其所〖 place〗 其实actually;infact〗 其势汹汹〖 fierce〗 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... actual a. 实际的;现行的 actually ad. 实际上;竟然 acute a. 尖的,锐的;敏锐的 ...


宠物店男孩_百度百科 ... 请( Please) 实际地Actually) 自省( Introspective) ...


《牛津英汉词典》全集完整版TXT电子书 - 豆丁网 ... actuality n. 实际 actually adv. 实际上,居然 acute adj. 剧烈的,敏锐的 ...


实字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 实在〖 indeed〗 实则actually;infact〗 实战〖 actualcombat〗 ...

I was in teams here who had that benefit and I never thought it was an issue because I actually thought we had a bad time by referees. 当时我还在队中,并不认为这是什么问题,因为我实际上认为裁判给了我们不愉快的经历。
SmartyPig will actually calculate how much money you need to allocate every month. SmartyPig会帮我精确计算出每个月需要存多少钱。
I think none of them answered me except for one, who said, "You know, our graduate students actually pay us to go on digs. " 我想,除了有一个地方说:“你知道,我们毕业的学生实际上都是付给我们钱去继续挖掘的。所以很显然,你这样是不行的。”
So, to understand sorrow or to go beyond it, one must see actually what is inwardly taking place, and not cover it up. 所以,了解悲伤或者超越它,你必须真实地看到内心发生着什么,而不去掩盖它。
She was not actually nervous about the wild beast, but she had a morbid dread of performing an atom more service than she had been paid for. 她倒并非真正害怕那野兽,而是绝对不愿多做一点没有报酬的事。
The Heilongjiang pavilion, designed to look like an ice sculpture, is actually made of crystal resin. 黑龙江馆外观设计看起来像一座冰雕,其实是用水晶树脂做成的。
Ready to plant the British flag and claim the land as New South Wales, he'd actually landed back in his homeland. 他准备把英国旗插在那里,以示这块土地属于英国,并且称这地为新南威尔斯,殊不知他只是回到了他的家园。
It got to be such a problem that he actually prevented his troops from receiving gifts which in turn insulted the people themselves. 这样就有了这样一个问题:他实际只是禁止部队接受馈赠,换来的是对原住民的冒犯。
Antonio: You've got to be kidding me! You actually eat that? You can stomach something that smells that foul? 安东尼奥:你开玩笑吧?!你真吃了吗?你能吃得下那么臭的东西吗?
Using fpm actually helps cut down on the number of these files, whether one uses RBAC or not. 无论使用RBAC与否,使用fpm实际上有助于减少这些文件的数量。
Apparently, the woman spent most of her time trying to impress people, and very little actually living her life. 似乎她大部分的时间都是在争取给人留下深刻的印象而没有真正的活出自己。
If you really want to get out of here and get away from it all the flight to Anchorage, Alaska, is actually boarding. 如果你真的想搭乘航班离开这里,所有到阿拉斯加的安克雷奇市的航班实际上都是在登机状态。
Could I try some of that jam? Jam? That blackberry jam. Oh, of course, darling. Actually, it's sort of a fish berry jam. It's called caviar. 吃寿喜烧以前,来一点餐前甜点。我可以吃一点那个甜酱吗?甜酱?那个黑莓酱。哦,当然,亲爱的。事实上,这是一种鱼莓酱。它的名字叫鱼子酱。
For the sake of research, you actually volunteered to become infected with a cold. Was the experience everything you thought it would be? 为了研究的需要,其实你是自愿感染了感冒。你所能想到应该发生的每件事情都体验到了吗?
Jerry: I'm supposed to see her again on Thursday, but can I go out with someone who actually likes this commercial? 杰瑞:我们本来约好周四再见的,不过我真的能和一个这么喜欢那广告片的人出去约会吗?
And I also strongly encourage you, and I'm sure we'll also have these discussions afterwards, to think about, how do we actually prioritize? 我很想大家认真地想想,当然以后我们还要加以讨论,我们的缓急先后次序,实际上是怎样订出来的呢?
The funny fact is that this artist actually tried to dress a cat in one of his costumes but failed, as the animal scratched him. 最有意思的是,这位艺术家实际上想亲自为一只猫装备上铠甲,不过失败了,因为猫咪不停地挠他。
Question 583 asks how much choice do you think NHS patients should have, and 584 asks how much choice do you think they actually have. 问题583问的是你认为NHS的病人应该得到多少选择余地,问题584问你认为他们实际上得到多少选择。
He said he would like to see other data besides images to support the claim that there was actually a lake. 他表示,除了火星图象外,对于火星上确实有湖的说法,他还愿意看到支持这种说法的其它数据。
It's actually a good thing that it stays for a while at the surface so that I can get ready. 还好它在表面,停留一段时间,这样才方便我计时。
Actually, whether the changes can carry out smoothly or not, the craftsmen and the various social groups should strive for it together. 当然,要实现传统木雕的顺利转型还需要社会各界群体的共同努力。
Actually, the Mao dynasty seems to have been not such a bad option so far. 其实到目前为止,毛(泽东)王朝似乎还是一个不错的选择。
The compiler is actually free to take some liberties with the program order within a thread as long as as-if-serial semantics are preserved. 编译器实际上对在线程中使用程序顺序是可以有一些自由的——只要保留了as-if-serial语义。
Actually, i used not to tell about this , but when i came to meet with someone, something, that pulls me to this . 其实原来我今天不是想说这个,一些人,还有一些事,把我引向这里。
He stated that the charity was actually initiated by two sisters named Preston and that the effigy on the cake was that of two poor widows. 他认为该慈善活动最初是由普列斯顿两姐妹发起的,糕饼上的肖像则是两位贫穷的寡妇。
We are not originally ripe also very many friends all remind me to have to be careful her, but I actually close with a smile. 我们本来不熟且很多朋友都提醒我要小心她,但我却一笑置之。
He did not investigate how any of it actually worked. 但却不调查其中任何一种情况实际是怎样运作的。
Doable, approximately. But the point is, we can actually now locate all those lines that we sort of arbitrarily drew on the phase diagrams. 是可以做的,近似地考虑,要强调的是,我们现在可以计算,相图里面的线了。
And then if I go over here, the list begins to scroll, and there's actually thousands of feelings that have been collected. 然后如果我移到这里,列表就开始滚动,这里实际上已经收集了成千上万的感觉。
You've got to create the illusion that it's actually summer. It's got to be all time, Margaritaville up in here. 你必须制造现在实际是夏季的假象。而且必须一直这样,玛格丽塔酒一直到这里。