
美 [æd]英 [.eɪ 'diː]
  • n.【网】打成平局后得分 = advantage. ad in (打成平局后)发球人得分
  • abbr.〈外(=Anno Domini)公元
  • prep.达;根据
  • 网络阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease);活动目录(Active Directory);广告(advertisement)


put ad,take ad,make ad,place ad,see ad
recent ad,print ad,corporate ad,japanese ad,personal ad


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阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease)

阿尔茨海默病老年健康的杀手阿尔茨海默病AD)也叫老年性痴呆或早老性痴呆,是一种可引起脑功能逐渐衰退的神经退行性 …

活动目录(Active Directory)

活动目录(AD)的作用和意义活动目录AD)的作用和意义2010-02-02 16:01.安装活动目录的作用和意义|微软Windows2000-…


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公元(Anno Domini)

3500高考英语单词_百度文库 ... actual 实际的,现实的 AD 公元 ad 广告 ...

特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis)

  患特应性皮炎AD)的婴幼儿常在随后数年中出现过敏性鼻炎、哮喘等变态反应性疾病。特应性体质或AD患儿随年龄增长,过 …

The data from all (h)ad converters is all transmitted using a USB tool connection to a laptop which records data directly to its hard drive. 所有来自模仿数字转换器的数据都通过衔接在笔记本电脑上的USB工具来转换,电脑则直接将数据记载到硬盘驱动器。
When you are tempted, the Holy Spirit will remind you that you Ire a child of God and that it would be wrong for you to ad in this ~ay. 当你受试探的时候,圣灵会提醒你,叫你记著自己是神的儿女;既是神的儿女,就不该作出有违这身分的事。
When a particular language is entered into a box on the ad signup form, the approximate reach of the selection will appear at the bottom. 在广告注册表格中,选择某个特定语言后,在表格底部马上显示接收人数。
In 1199 AD, King Richard I and known as Richard the Lionhearted , paused to admire an arrow had been fired directly at him at Chalus. 公元1199年,理查王一世,也就是众所周知的狮心王理查,在查洛斯,一支箭直接射向他,顿时,他停下来赞赏射术精湛。
How much does it cost to take out an ad in a newspaper? 在报纸上刊登广告需要多少钱?
While admitting that the ad has helped drive traffic to his Taobao store, Mr. Liu denied that he's trying to create media hype. 刘世杰承认该广告提升了其淘宝店的流量,但他否认这是试图进行媒体炒作。
Vince has called a meeting for Wednesday to discuss whether to pull the ads and remake the ad campaign entirely or to stick with it. 文斯已下令星期三召开会议,讨论是撤回广告、重新策划广告还是坚持下去。
Then, you wake up one morning, and all that's left of your site is a full-page banner ad for a site you'd rather not be associated with. 然而某一天早上醒来之后,您突然发现站点上全是某个与您毫无相关的站点的全页横幅广告。
Not a good day. I hate to tell you that Mr. Green wants to see the designs for the product ad tomorrow morning. 真不是好日子。我真不想告诉你,格林先生给您添上午还要看产品广告设计呢。
For instance, the definition of a brand may be very radical for an ad agency as compared to a corporate house. 例如,某一品牌的定义相对于本地公司而言,广告公司可能会更积极。
It has been used in commercial ad. and achieved good results in combination with digital technology. 目前在商业广告中立体印刷已被采用,并且与数码技术相结合,取得了令人满意的效果。
Involvement--Watch a dancing silhouette ad for the iPod and mirror neurons in your brain will cause part of you to dance, as well. 叁与-iPod广告里面那个舞动的剪影,能够刺激脑内的镜像神经元,令你身体某些部份也会一同起舞。
Any watch ad campaign that touts its wares as having "pure rose gold" is engaging in a bit of marketing hyperbole. 任何广告战中在兜售它们的产品中提到的“纯玫瑰金”的说法都是掺进了一些营销的浮夸。
It was one of the first ad sites to go viral, getting more than 15 million hits in the first five days and nearly half a billion since. 这是首批病毒式广告网站之一,头五天吸引了超过1500万人浏览该网站,最后网站的总浏览人数更是破亿。
Are they conservative in their appearance like a bank, or more contemporary like an ad agency, or are they somewhere in-between ? 他们是保守的外观象是一家银行,或者更象一个当代广告代理,或者他们在某个地方之间?
For many companies, overhead reduction is the first line of attack when trying to reduce costs, yet many approach it in an ad hoc way. 许多公司谈及精简成本,首先想到的是从裁员着手,这只能称得上是临时措施。
Grab a copy of the ad from our site and print it out, circle what you want and keep it on your side at all times. 从网站上复制一份广告并将之打印下来,圈住你想买的产品,并随时带在身上。
Have your printed ad or commercial ready to be delivered and produced to fit the format. 准备好你的印刷广告和电台广告,根据形式需要进行播放和生产。
For the last 20 years, we have been negotiating, ad nauseam, with a process that has no relationship to reality, " she said. " 阿什拉维说:“过去20年我们一直以一种跟现实脱节的过程来谈判。”
During the ad breaks, a man often asks a woman to explain the plot and tell him where the relationship between the characters is going. 在插播广告的时间,男人常让女人为他解释电影的故事情节以及片中人物的关系进展情况。
Microsoft said the loss in its ad sales division was due to the significant decline of average rates in display advertising. 微软表示,这一损失主要是由于在线图片广告平均资费的大幅度降低。
Microsoft's experienced display ad sales team (via their aQuantive acquisition) should be able to help Facebook with the latter. 微软公司经验丰富的广告销售团队(可采用新近收入旗下的Quantive)应当有能力帮助Facebook达成后者。
Analysts say ad revenue at many free newspapers has fallen by more than a third in recent months, compared with a year earlier. 分析人士认为,与上年同期比,许多免费报纸中在最近几个月中广告收入下降了三分之一以上。
And her place would be filled up by advertisement. The boss would make an ad to hire someone else to take her place in the store. 她的位置将会通过招聘广告让人顶替。
There's Lara Stone, in the Louis Vuitton ad by Steven Meisel, lying on her back in a woodsy setting with some birds. LaraStone,在StevenMeisel为路易威登拍摄的广告中,和几只鸟一起躺在森林中。
No special skills are required for an employee of the relevant dealer to create such an ad in line with the CI in just a few minutes. 无需专门的技能,几分钟之内,相关经销商的员工就能在网上利用CI软件制作出这样一份广告。
If you track by invoice, you can also determine how much revenue each ad dollar is producing. 如果您通过发票跟踪,还可以确定花在广告上的每一块钱能产生多少收益。
Ad spending in those markets in the first quarter was down at least 5% from a year earlier -- and much more in some markets. 这些市场今年第一季度的广告支出较上年同期至少下降5%,其中一些市场的降幅还要大得多。
A more important and enduring tradition was that of the "Way of the Celestial Masters, " founded by Chang Tao-ling in AD 142. 一种更重要和持久的传统就是张道陵(张天师)天公元142年创立的“天师之路”。
Instead of steadily building brand equity around a real value proposition, they expect to measure the immediate impact of every ad. 他们期待衡量每一份广告的眼前影响,而不是在一个真实的价值构成附近稳步地打造品牌资本。