
美 [ˈædəmənt]英 ['ædəmənt]
  • adj.坚决的;坚定不移的
  • n.坚硬无比的东西;【地】硬石(指金刚石等)
  • 网络固执的;坚定的;坚硬的



1.坚决的;坚定不移的determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about sth

But Mr. Boehner is adamant: our mortgage is part of the cost of our meal, and to say otherwise is just a budget gimmick. 但是,博纳先生却坚定不移说:住房抵押贷款就是饭费的一部分,不这么看就是在预算问题上耍滑头。
Jessica is adamant that the insights her team is providing into how the human brain works would simply not be possible any other way. 杰卡西坚持,她的小组是在为大脑工作原理提供进一步的信息,其他途径得不到此信息。
However, he was adamant that the company culture, which allows engineers freedom to create new products and services, would not change. 然而,他坚定的表示,该公司的文化不会改变,该公司赋予工程师创造新产品和服务的自由。
He's so adamant that however hard I tried to persuade him to join us he did not change his mind. 不管我怎样劝他跟我们一起干,他毫不动摇,不肯改变主意。
I tried to talk her out of it. but she was adamant. 我想劝她,但她很坚决。
Reds manager Rafa Benitez is adamant that Mascherano will not depart the side as he sees the 25-year-old as a vital component of his squad. 利物浦主帅贝尼特斯坚信,马斯切拉诺不会离开,他认为25岁在他的阵容中是重要的组成部分。
But it is adamant that it would not do the deal if it did not believe that Geely would be a "responsible future owner" . 但是福特公司坚持认为,如果吉利公司不能成为一个“未来称职的所有者”,他们将拒绝同吉利签订协议。
Benitez accepts it has been a disappointing season - but the Spaniard is adamant his side will continue to fight for a top four finish. 贝尼特斯承认这是一个失望的赛季,但是西班牙人承诺他的球队将继续为英超前四而奋斗。
Congress, in giving shape to Obama's proposals, was adamant that programmes should be ready to go within the two-year deadline. 国会在奥巴马提案的形成过程中态度很坚决,认为项目应该在两年的期限内完成。
He was offered a couple of jobs but stayed adamant about his salary demands and about a title that would befit a man of his stature. 他有若干个职位可以选择,但是他固执地坚持其薪水要求以及一个与其地位相称的头衔。
Even John Maynard Keynes, the arch-slayer of the last remnants of commodity money, was an adamant supporter of fixed exchange rates. 即便是强烈主张消除“商品货币”最后-残余的经济学大师——约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes),也是固定汇率的坚定拥趸。
They have served the dark for so long that they do not know any better and are very much adamant that their way is the best way. 他们服务于黑暗时间太长,以至于他们甚至不知还有比这更好的。他们十分固执的认为他们所坚持的是最好的。
But Steve Howard, executive director of the Climate Group, is adamant that the message is beginning to reach a wider audience. 但是气候集团执行干事史蒂夫•;霍华德(SteveHoward)坚信,相关信息已经开始传达到了更多人的耳中。
The defender and his Stoke colleagues are adamant that a genuine attempt to win the ball proved mistimed rather than malicious. 肖克罗斯和他的队友们也坚持说这次犯规只是在错误的时间想争得球权,并没有什么恶意。
But she was adamant that shedidn't want one of each, thus doubling her side effects and recovery time. 但是,她显然不希望一个孩子自然生产另一个剖腹产。这样,副作用和产后恢复时间都要加倍。
HBOS was adamant that it was a "strong bank" and still attracting deposits from customers. 该行强调,他们是一家“强大的银行”,且它仍在吸引顾客存款。
Shevchenko has a special affection for his current club and he is adamant that money will not be a motivating factor in his decision. 舍甫琴科对他现在的俱乐部有着特殊的感情,他坚持钱将不能成为他作出决定的主要因素。
After a few days of adamant denials, I decided to place a tape recorder on the bedside table. 前几次我还坚决否认,后来我决定在床头柜上放一个录音机试试。
However, when asked if the fitness sessions would develop into anything more serious, Wenger was adamant that would not be the case. 然而,当问到这些健身项目是否会延伸出更多事情,温格坚决的表示不会。
I was really adamant that they should try to support all things that MonoRail support, but I'm not sure they are going for that. 我真的非常期望MSMVC团队能试着支持MonoRail现在所支持的所有的东西,但是我不确定他们打算这样做。
General Butler grew ever more adamant in the defense of "his" contrabands, to a degree that must have shocked his old associates. Butler将军在保护这些“敌人的财产”上态度越来越坚决,甚至可能会让他过去的同事震惊的程度。
My guidance counselor, Edith Irons, was adamant that I should go, that it was an investment in my future that my parents should make. 我的指导顾问伊迪丝。艾恩态度则很坚决:我应该去,我父母应该对我的未来进行投资。
Prof Gauthier is adamant that the personal aspects of an MBA are critical to the experience even if students do not realise it at the time . 古西尔坚持认为MBA课程中的个性化内容对MBA的经历至关重要,即使学生当时并没有意识到这一点。
For the moment, Greek officials are adamant that neither a default nor a euro exit and devaluation is in the cards. 目前,希腊的官员们坚信,违约和退出欧元区以及货币贬值都是不可能的。
The family was adamant that the tickets not be scalped and the Los Angeles Police Department is prepared to charge those they catch. 杰克逊的家庭成员坚决反对门票的倒卖的行为,洛杉矶警局也做好了起诉被捕黄牛党的准备。
But Dalglish is adamant his player has done nothing wrong, and is relishing the chance to put his own case to the game's governing body. 但是国王坚持认为自己球员没有做错事儿,而且准备自己把情况诉诸足协的管理部门!
But Ibrahim Khan, a member of the Pakistani parliament, is adamant that the time has come for the U. S. to quit Afghanistan. 但是巴基斯坦议会的一位议员汗坚称,美国到了离开阿富汗的时候了。
I have been adamant about this because small businesses are the backbone of our economy. 我一直坚持这个法案,因为小企业是我们经济的脊梁。
It was really up to Steve to go beyond what the law requires, but he was adamant that he didn't want his privacy invaded. 乔布斯真的就要按照法律的要求做了,但是在个人隐私方面,他没有妥协。
US officials were adamant that Mr Chen had never asked for asylum or to go to the US while he was in the embassy. 美国官员们坚称,陈光诚在美国使馆期间从未请求庇护或前往美国。