
美 [əˈdres]英 [ə'dres]
  • n.地址;(信上的)称呼;致辞;寒喧
  • v.称呼;应付;在…上写姓名住址;向…致意

复数:addresses 现在分词:addressing 过去式:addressed

address issue,address problem,give address,address meeting,address audience
same address,inaugural address,final address


He turned to the banker, the only one of that black, uneasy, stoop-shouldered group who seemed enough of an individual to be addressed. 他转身对着银行家,那团黑黑糊糊、惶惶不安、勾腰驼背的人群里唯一有点个人特征的,似乎可以招呼一声的人。
In Maslow's view lower needs had to be satisfied at least in part before higher needs could be addressed. 他还认为,在高层次的需要出现之前,低层次需要至少要得到部分满足。
He said he hoped Earth Hour provided a "very big visual message" to politicians that climate change must be addressed quickly. 瑞德里表示,他希望“地球一小时”活动能向政界人士传递一个“具有很强冲击力的视觉信息”,让他们意识到治理气候变化刻不容缓。
The first article in this series has already addressed why TestCase class-based testing is often not necessary in the modern world. 本系列的第一篇文章已经讨论过基于TestCase类的测试在现代环境中为什么常常是不必要的。
And yet - by virtue of the fact that this was not addressed in the antenna design - it appears that the inconceivable did in fact occur. 天线的设计并没有考虑到这个事实,最终导致了这种不可思议的事情还是发生了。
In fact, however, trauma is only a small part of a wide array of psychosocial issues that ought to be addressed. 而实际上,心理创伤只是一系列需要解决的繁杂的社会心理问题中的很小一部分。
As you model your use case, you must ensure that every initiation is addressed by some sort of system response. 当建立用例模型的时候,您必须确保每个启动被某种类型的系统响应访问到。
Wang Yi stressed that the demarcation in the East China Sea can only be addressed through negotiations, which are the only right choice. 王毅强调,东海划界只能通过谈判解决,这是唯一正确的选择。
God now addressed the serpent. There is no doubt from the language used in verse 14 that God was speaking to one of His animal creation. 神现在审判蛇。从第14节中我们毫无疑问地明白,神是在与自己所创造的一样动物说话。
The company was undertaking a thorough review of its service and believed it had addressed most of the problems, it said. 谷歌表示,该公司正在全面重审自己提供的服务,并认为已经解决了多数问题。
The answers are scarcely self-evident, and yet the questions have never been satisfactorily addressed, let alone answered. 答案无法不证自明,这一问题甚至从来没有被令人满意地提出过,更遑论解答。
Both of these have serious political implications that have to be resolved and are unlikely even to be addressed with consumption subsidies. 这两种方法都会产生深远的政治影响,亟待解决,而这并非通过消费补贴解决。
Then, touching the shoulder of a townsman who stood next to him, he addressed him, in a formal and courteous manner. 随后,他碰了碰旁边站着的一个本镇居民的肩膀,礼数周到地开了腔。
Lenski stresses that how the conflict is addressed is often more important than what the conflict is about. 兰奇强调,「『如何』提出冲突」,通常比「冲突是『什麽』」来得重要。
The new general manager did not feel very comfortable with the way he was addressed by his colleagues in the company. 新来的总经理很不习惯公司里同事们称呼他的方式。
From this arises a question: if, as I said above, the first man spoke in the form of an answer, was that answer addressed to God? 由此出现一个问题:正如我上面所言,如果第一个人是以回答的方式第一次言说,他是在回答上帝吗?
Many feel that this monitoring bill will easily pass through legislation once the technicalities and practicalities have been addressed. 很多人认为,一旦技术性和实用性的问题得以解决,这项监测很快会得以通过。
For a moment, the man thus addressed said nothing, but sat staring at the boy stupidly with an expression of heavy surprise. 他打招呼的那个人并没有立即作答,只是愚蠢地盯着小伙子,脸上露出非常吃惊的表情。
It believed that WIPO was one of the appropriate fora, where such issues could be addressed. 它认为,WIPO是能够适当处理这些问题的一个论坛。
The recipient domain to which the message is addressed isn't within any of the accepted domains defined for this organization . 邮件要发送到的收件人域不在为该组织定义的任何接受域内。
A second "noneconomic" objective to which trade policy might be addressed is the distribution of income within the nation. 可能涉及贸易政策的第二个“非经济”目标,是国内的收入分配。
Security is often the last item addressed on even larger commercial sites. 安全经常甚至是那些大型商业站点都需要忙于处理的最后一个问题。
The dark forces of civil conflict and sectarian war will have to be averted, and difficult political and economic concerns addressed. 他们必须避免国内冲突的黑暗面和宗派之间的战争,强调艰难的政治和经济改变。
It was the first time a President had addressed the nation in such an intimate and informal way, and it had a profound impact. 这是美国总统历史上第一次以如此亲密和非正式的形式向全国发表讲话,这次炉边谈话产生了深远的影响。
In this way, a large pool of memory can be addressed as if it were linear. 按照这种方法,如果某个大的内存池是线性的,那么它就可以被寻址。
Currently, no specific study has examined why chronic medical needs seem to be insufficiently addressed in disaster relief interventions. 目前还没有有效的研究说明,为什么灾后对慢性病的医疗干预明显不够。
his wife, Sue, was Emily's intimate, and she addressed much of her poetry to her. 她的妻子Sue是艾米丽的闺中密友,艾米丽把自己写的大部分诗都寄给她看。
She said it addressed the historic US "foot-dragging" over an issue that many Americans believed only affected remote parts of the planet. 她说,这份报告阐述的是历史上有名的美国式“拖延”,而不是一个问题,即美国人相信受影响的仅仅是行星遥远的一部分。
"The pursuit of power among nations must no longer be seen as a zero-sum game, " the president said as he addressed the gathering. 总统在讲话时说,“国与国间的权力之争一定不能再看做是零和博弈。”
He addressed them, he pointed them out and he said we have to fix them, make sure it does not happen again, carry forward. 他指出这些丑事,并且表示,我们必须解决这些问题,确保它不再发生。然后大家继续向前走。