
美 [æd]英 [æd]
  • v.增加;补充说;附加;获得
  • abbr.(=American Dialect Dictionary)美国方言词典
  • 网络活动目录域服务(Active Directory Domain Services);添加

第三人称单数:adds 现在分词:adding 过去式:added

add item,add number,add word,add model,add note
quickly add



职称英语综合类B级完型填空例题... ... )gives( 给, 授予,让步) )adds( 增加, 添加) the French call the “tourism( 游览, 观光) ...

活动目录域服务(Active Directory Domain Services)

介绍Active Directory Domain Services(ADDS)安装ADDS域控制器来创建一个单一的森林 模块 二 加强活动目录的管理与安全 …


郑州大学西亚斯国际学院---大学英语精品课程网站 ... array( 排列;布置) adds( 增添;添加) alternative( 两者择一的;交 …

She thinks for a minute and adds with a smile: "But maybe not the kind America is comfortable with. " 她在沉思了一会后又笑了一下,补充道:“不过,或许不是那种让美国人感到舒服的榜样。”
"It all adds to the gaiety of life, " said the journal's spokesperson with a laugh. “增添了生活中一些趣事而已”,杂志发言人笑着这样说到。
However, re-unification of the Korean peninsula could impart some positive benefits as well, at least in the longer-term, Ubhi adds. 不过,乌比补充说,半岛的统一也会带来一些益处,至少长远说来如此。
All this adds up to a large amount of evidence for a female advantage in empathising, with at least some biological determinants. 所有这些构成了大量的证据,表明女性在同情心方面有优势,其中至少涉及一些生物方面的决定因素。
"It's also about stabilising economies, not just a question of creating new jobs, " he adds. “这不只是创造新工作岗位的问题,它还事关稳定经济,”他补充道。
Such new oil as it has been able to find adds up to only about 700, 000 barrels a year, less than the main field produces in a day. 能够找到的新油田的产能只有一年70万桶,低于主油田一天的产量。
He says that "almost all the key people left" and adds that "there is no company left" at the headquarters, just a shell. 他说“所有主要的人几乎都走了,”还说“总部已经没有公司存在,只剩一个空壳。”
The American and Taiwanese militaries estimate that China adds up to 100 new missiles a year to those arrayed against the island. 美国和台湾军部估计,中国每年添加100枚导弹到那些针对台湾的军队里。
Isaacs adds that Palin threw in a bit of French with a quick quip of "Merci beaucoup" while leaving one of the centers. 萨克斯还说,佩林法国扔在一个位与中心的快速妙语“谢谢博库”的同时使之一。
In this respect, the NIC adds, speaking of the "the international order" may become something of a misnomer. 美国国家情报委员会补充称,从这点来看,谈论“国际秩序”可能有些用词不当。
By going to the General Assembly, he adds, the Palestinians will show the world there is extensive support for the establishment of a state. 罗斯说,通过在联合国大会投票决定其国家地位,巴勒斯坦人将向全世界表明,他们在建国问题上获得了广泛的支持。
Mr Phillips adds that this minimalist approach should apply to the writing as well. 菲利普斯表示,在撰写简历时,也应该采用这种简约风格。
It has much more sharply tapered edges, and a new, optional, white color adds to the sense of lightness. 它的边缘削得更厉害,新增的、可选的白颜色使它看起来更轻。
Once the coalition has adopted its new strategy, the general adds, we must "signal unwavering commitment to see it through to success. " McChrystal将军补充道:一旦盟军接纳了我的新战略,我们必须发出“毫不动摇的战斗到最后胜利的信号”。
The translational motion of the system, as a whole, simply adds a constant to the total energy. 体系作为一个整体的移动运动,只单纯地在总能量上加一常数值。
The author adds that this was not a practice reserved for monarchs but was widespread among the well-to-do in Europe. 作者补充,这并不是为君主预留的一个惯例,但在欧洲富裕阶层是很普遍的。
The bank says it has found four isolated incidents raising concerns but adds that senior executives did not know about the activities. 德银表示,共发现4起引起关注的独立事件,但补充道,该行高管们对此并不知情。
The seventh day is a day of rest from all this creative activity. But it too adds to the overall structured nature of the account. 第七天是从所有的创造活动中休息的一天,但是它也补充了这个纪录中整体结构的本质。
In contrast, boosting SOD1 levels in unrelated muscle cells seems to have had no effect on the flies' life span, he adds. 他补充说,反过来看,让不相关的肌肉细胞增加SOD1的量,似乎不会影响果蝇的寿命。
He adds, "It seems odd. . . He's been living in Switzerland for years and I've visited him there, so this is all very strange. " 他补充道,“这太奇怪了…他已经在瑞士住了这么多年,我们也去瑞士看了他好几回,这太让人不理解了!”
As you may have noticed, the statement adds a top row that contains the total of all the orders issued by all customers. 您可能已经注意到了,该语句添加一个顶行,其中包含由所有客户发出的全部定单的合计。
As the Olympics approach, that adds another source of uncertainty for global markets. As if they did not have enough to worry about. 随着奥运会的临近,这给全球市场增添了又一个不确定性的来源,仿佛他们担忧的事还不够多。
When markets are wrenching up and down, he adds, 'It takes a very secure person to say, 'I don't have to trade. '' 他还说,如果市场上下波动,要很有把握的人才敢说,我用不着交易。
'There's no greater crime' for a businesswoman , Ms. Graham adds, with just a smidgen of hyperbole, 'than to show cleavage. 对于职场女性而言,“没有什么比显露乳沟更十恶不赦了,”格雷厄姆带着一丝夸张口吻说。
Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds up to a healthier heart. 无论这些是您特意制定的一项运动计划,或者只是您日常生活的一部分,它们都能为您造就一个更健康的心脏。
Tilford adds that there is a limit to how much any country can cut spending. 经济学家蒂尔福特说,每个国家削减开支的做法是有限度的。
None of it right now adds up to a pretty picture for the euro, which is already down more than 6% this year against the dollar. 这一切无疑都会令欧元前景变得更加黯淡;今年迄今为止欧元兑美元的跌幅已经超过了6%。
The company's cash burn is a matter of grave concern, and the lack of any late-stage or approved product adds to the company's woes. 公司的资金消耗是一个严肃的值得关注的问题,而且缺乏任何后期研究和核准的产品给公司的带来了更加严重的伤痛。
It adds an extra dimension to your sense of aesthetics, removing the guesswork that you necessarily engage in during the design phase. 这有助于为你的美学感觉增加额外的“现实”尺度,消除掉在你专注投入于设计过程中制造的一些假想。
But the steady accumulation of these jobs adds up to an economy that, for the working class, has become more amenable to women than to men. 但是这些稳定的工作累积出一个经济效应,对工人阶级来说,男人应该变得更服从于女人。