
美 [əˈdɑpt]英 [əˈdɒpt]
  • v.采用;收养;正式通过;选定(道路,职业等)
  • 网络采取

第三人称单数:adopts 现在分词:adopting 过去式:adopted

adopt approach,adopt attitude,adopt policy,adopt strategy,adopt system



专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语... ... 选用卧位 adopt the lying posture 采取 adopting 继承性免疫 adoptivc immunit…

Also, commercial banks must submit their formal applications for adopting the Accord to CBRC at least half a year in advance. 商业银行至少提前半年向银监会提出实施新资本协议的正式申请。
One surprising result of the crisis has been a softening of opposition to the idea of adopting Europe's single currency, the euro. 经济危机带来了一个相当令人吃惊的结果,它软化了对采用欧洲单一货币——欧元的反对意见。
He said there was a long tradition of Chinese writers adopting other names as their professional identity. 他说中国的作家取新的名字来表明自己的职业身份已经有很长的历史了。
Adopting well-proven and familiar techniques, combined with efforts to improve protection against pollution, is often a sound solution. 采用结合改进污染预防措施成果的、验证好和熟悉的技术是正确的解决方案。
In this article, I'll look at some of the impediments to adopting agile operations and some ways you might be able to work the system. 本文中,我会和你一起讨论采用敏捷运维的障碍,以及你可以使其发挥作用的一些方式。
It would be useful to have such a term, and maybe that's reason enough for simply adopting the word samvega into our language. 有这样一个词很实用,也许足以把它直接吸收过来,纳入我们的语汇中。
A dark thin curving roof cantilevers over the main body of the building, adopting the appearance of the wing of a military aircraft. 一个黑色的薄薄的弯曲的屋顶从建筑向外伸展,就像战斗机的翅膀一样。
Even then, it was readily apparent that JSF made adopting Ajax more difficult than it had to be. 即使如此,这一点仍然很明显:JSF使得Ajax比过去更难于采用。
One of the immediate impacts of these discoveries was the conceptual difficulty inherent in adopting a dual model. 这一发现的直接影响之一是由二元模型固有的概念性困难所造成的。
But by adopting the strategy he did, Liu was able to expand to an extent that even he had not thought likely. 而由于采取了上述策略,刘伯承的力量才能扩充到如此巨大的规模,这恐怕连他自己也料想不到吧。
The principle and method of transforming an ordinary lathe into a numerical control miller by adopting the SKY NC system was introduced. 介绍了一种利用SKY数控系统将普通车床改造成数控铣床的原理和办法。
By adopting a parallel computing scheme, the training process can be significantly speed up in distributed or multiprocessor systems. 提出了训练过程的并行结构设计方案,使得在分布式和多处理器环境下训练速度得以提高。
When adopting SOA, it is imperative to adhere to open standards instead of trying to bypass them or create homegrown solutions. 采用SOA时,务必遵循开放标准,而不要尝试忽略这些标准或自己创建替代解决方案。
Adopting new technologies is "difficult, " and FDA "is not always willing, or able, to undertake the work. " 采用新技术十分“困难”,而食品药监局“并不总是乐于或者有能力承担这项工作。”
Adopting electronic documents is often required by legal mandates. 采用电子文档通常需要合法的命令。
Adopting the euro should open Poland up to more of that sort of trade and the stable, long-term capital investment that goes with it. 接收欧元,这种贸易的机会就会增长,而长期稳定资本投资也会随着增长。
This sort of metabolic decline can be reversed by adopting a pattern of eating five small meals a day instead of three larger ones. 这种新陈代谢下降的情况可以通过采取一种每天吃5顿小餐而不是3顿大餐的模式来被扭转。
Adopting modular design, collocate indicator lights on the panel and module for various working status, easy to make hitch- diagnosing . 采用模块化设计,面板及各模块上均有各种工作状态指示灯,故障现象一目瞭然。
His remedy is to protect the company's freewheeling culture, while adopting a rigorous policy of owning up to mistakes and correcting them. 施密特给出的药方是:保护公司无拘无束的文化、同时执行严格的承认错误并改正的政策。
Adopting a set of policies that would turn China into a net importer would benefit both its own people and the rest of the world. 奉行一套把中国转变为净进口国的政策,既有利于中国人民,也有利于全球其余地区。
So Chinalco would appear to be adopting the strategy of the big listed mining companies in one respect at least. 因此至少在一个方面,中国铝业像是在采用大的矿业上市公司的策略。
The resource code is designed by adopting the structural and block-built techniques, and easy to read. 该源代码是采用结构化模块化技术设计的,易于阅读。
We wrote letters to the adoption agency he was trying to get approved with and kept him from adopting more kids to screw up. 我们写信给领养机构把他打算再领养一个孩子的计划搞砸了。
What I've seen over the last few years is girls adopting a more compartmentalized view, and feeling good and empowered by it. 过去几年中我所见到的是女孩子在适应一种更区域化的观念,她们感觉良好且行使这种权利。
An organization adopting SOA approaches needs to have a realistic expectation on how much investment is needed and the expected ROI. 一个企业要施行SOA方法,就应该对需要进行多少投资以及投资回报有理性的预期。
By adopting FCM clustering algorithm, demonstrate that this approach has its advantage of high verification rate in palm print. 经过模糊C均值聚类方法验证,结果表明,该方法对于掌纹具有很强的识别能力。
Companies have been adopting Web services technologies for several years, but Web services are primarily used for information retrieval. 尽管许多公司已采用Web服务技术多年,但是它们主要将Web服务用于信息检索。
Paris has so far resisted adopting the Gold Standard, but has financial reasons to be receptive to U. S. suggestions that it reconsider. 迄今为止,巴黎(Paris)拒绝采用“黄金标准”,但介于经济上的原因,它能够接纳美国的建议,并重新考虑。
Our evaluation: The parallel Web is a technique already in use, and adopting it does not threaten the meaning of any current Web sites. 我们的评估:并行Web是一项已经在使用的技术,采用这种技术并不会威胁当前Web站点的意义。
Choose a cause as a family: adopting an orphan through Save the Children; befriending the lonely neighbor. 找一个理由通过救助儿童会收养一个孤儿;帮助孤独的邻居。