
美 [eɪm]英 [eɪm]
  • v.针对;旨在;把…指向;把…掷向
  • n.目标;瞄准;目的;宗旨
  • abbr.(=American Indian Movement)美国印第安人运动
  • 网络以…为目标;瞄准的

第三人称单数:aims 现在分词:aiming 过去式:aimed

main aim,ultimate aim,basic aim,primary aim,clear aim
achieve aim,reach aim,accomplish aim,aim blow,serve aim



March 7, 2013 - CNN Student News with... ... 高级 Advanced aimed 旨在 airline 航线;航空公司 ...


谁有陕西省2012年专升本英语词汇?_百度知道 ... guided 指导; aimed 以…为目标; directed 给某人带路,知道; ...


English - Chinese dictionary A |... ... aim at 瞄准 aimed 目的 aimless 漫无目的 ...


托业英语培... ... adj. aimed 选定目标,瞄准 develop a product line aimed at young adults 开发以年轻人为对象的新 产品系列 ★ ...


... (针对) aimed7.I am only too glad to accept your kind________ (超出) beyond9.Our foreign trade has been________ ...


aimed是什么意思... ... aimed fishing : 瞄准捕捞 1. Aimed: 瞄准射击 | 瞄准的 2. aimed launcher: 定向发射装置 ...

He promised to donate some of the company's profits from the boiler suits to a charity aimed at helping people who had lost out due to the . 他承诺将把公司制作工作服的部分收益捐献给一家慈善团体,该团体旨在帮助漏油事故的受害者。
The measures aimed to deny the regime funds to carry out "destabilizing, illicit, and provocative policies, " she said. 她认为该措施旨在断绝对朝鲜资金援助,阻止其“破坏稳定,非法和挑衅性的政策”。
She aimed her lens at him; he screwed up his face and began to imitate the sound of her camera. 她把镜头对准儿子,布莱斯则挤眉动眼的模仿相机的声音。
President Bush is on his way home after a five-day European tour aimed at mending trans-Atlantic ties, frayed by the war in Iraq. 布什总统在对欧洲结束了以修补因伊拉克战争而陷入紧张的美欧关系为目的的五天访问,正在返回美国的途中。
Beyond, we aimed to see on which of these measures their interaction had specific independent effects. 除此之外,我们还希望观察哪些指标及其相互作用具有特异的独立效应。
However, he said he aimed to increase total transaction value to Rmb200bn in 2012, double that expected this year. 但他表示,他的目标是将2012年的交易额提高至2000亿元人民币,比今年预期将达到的交易额高出一倍。
The Beijing visit comes near the end of a tour aimed at rallying support from emerging markets for her candidacy. 北京之行接近拉加德此次出访的尾声,此行的宗旨是争取新兴市场国家支持她的候选人地位。
The draft had aimed at the adoption by consensus of a text which, however, had not been examined owing to a stalemate. 该草案旨在以协商一致的方式通过一项案文,但由于讨论出现僵持局面而未能予以审议。
A man armed with machine guns fired into the crowd at the mall, then shot himself with a pistol aimed at his head. 一名男子手持机枪在购物中心向人群扫射,随后用手枪对准头部开枪自尽。
What she did not know was that Lilli was based on a prostitute in "a German adult cartoon aimed at men. " 她所不知道的是Lilli的原形是一个德国针对男人的成年卡通片里的妓女。
In terms of how much of the code to test, on previous projects we hadn. t aimed for 100% code coverage in our software. 在代码测试的次数方面,在之前的项目中我们没有打算在我们的软件中进行100%代码覆盖率的测试。
As he crossed the room to the instrument, he knew that the gun was still aimed at him. 当他从房间走过去拿小提琴时,他知道那只枪仍然指着他。
The new study aimed to see if addition of the drug cetuximab, also known as Erbitux, would help patients even more. 最新的研究看出如果加用西妥昔单抗(又名爱比妥)可以明显增加这种手术切除的优势。
Avoid contact with eyes and mouse. Not aimed to be eaten in the state, Do not drink. 避免接触眼睛和嘴,不能饮用。
The new campaign is aimed at overturning this guilt, at getting everyone to realize that Windows Vista is nothing to be ashamed of. 新的宣传旨在扭转这种负疚,让所有人都知道使用WindowsVista并不是一件羞于启齿的事。
Analyst said the move was aimed at making the company more attractive to international investors. 分析人士说,这个举动是为了让公司对国外投资者更具有吸引力。
The firm came out on top of a Greenpeace survey aimed at finding the most environmentally friendly manufacturers. 该公司在绿色和平一项寻找对环境最友善的制造商的调查中获胜。
The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle. 大师傅用长柄勺子对准奥立弗的脑袋猛击一下,抓住他的胳膊,尖声高呼,把干事叫来。
This has been a by-product of its interventions in the currency market aimed at keeping the renminbi down against the US dollar. 这是中国干预外汇市场、将人民币兑美元汇率保持在低水平的副产品。
Rolls-Royce said the Drophead was aimed at leading the brand "in a more informal direction" and "attracting new buyers to the marque" . 劳斯莱斯表示,幻影软顶敞篷轿跑车旨在将该品牌引向“一个更为休闲的方向”,并“吸引新买家购买这种车型”。
A year later came the Enhanced Energy Security Act, which aimed to wean the U. S. off of its addiction to foreign oil. 次年,美国又颁布了《加强能源安全法案》(EnhancedEnergySecurityAct),旨在降低对进口石油的依赖。
The system worked only if the telescope was aimed close to a bright star or planet, limiting astronomers to just 1 percent of the sky. 只有当望远镜对于恒星或行星瞄得足够精准,而天文学家们被限制在了天空中百分之一的范围内的时候,这个系统才能工作。
Discard any question of whether the service charge is aimed at the staff or at the restaurant managers. It makes no difference. 别再考虑小费是给普通员工还是餐馆经理的问题了,这没任何差别。
Analysts say the sanctions aimed at clamping down on luxury goods will crimp Mr Kim's ability to pamper those who keep him in power. 分析人士表示,上述对奢侈品的制裁措施,将使金正日笼络手下拥戴者的能力大打折扣。
Many of my happiness-project activities are aimed at my resolution to Be a treasure house of happy memories. 我的许多快乐项目活动目标的决心就是成为快乐记忆的宝库。
Mr Yoon's comments seem to be aimed at affecting market sentiment and real action will be taken after he sees the outcome of the summit. 尹增铉的讲话似乎旨在影响市场情绪,他会在看到峰会结果后才真正采取行动。
It was the first visit to such a place by a leader and was clearly aimed at showing sympathy with the marginalized. 这还是头一回有领导来拜访这种地方,当然目的也很明显就是要向社会的弱势群体表现出党的关怀。
The company said the film was aimed at men, to help them with their Christmas shopping. 公司称,这段创意广告针对的是男士,帮助他们准确挑选圣诞礼品。
Talks aimed at getting all African countries to sign up to ambitious regional trade deals failed to break the deadlock. 此次峰会期间进行了一系列谈判,旨在说服所有非洲国家签订雄心勃勃的地区性贸易协定,但这些谈判未能打破僵局。
In particular animal cells have been used quite extensively in experiments aimed at the construction of cardiovascular implants. 特别是动物细胞已被非常广泛的用于实验,旨在建设心血管重植体。