
美 [eɪm]英 [eɪm]
  • n.目标;目的;瞄准;宗旨
  • v.旨在;瞄准;把…指向;把…掷向
  • abbr.(=American Indian Movement)美国印第安人运动
  • 网络澳大利亚海洋科学研究所(Australian Institute of Marine Science);欧特克地图绘制平台(Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server);教学目的

第三人称单数:aims 现在分词:aiming 过去式:aimed

main aim,ultimate aim,basic aim,primary aim,clear aim
achieve aim,reach aim,accomplish aim,aim blow,serve aim



二、课程目标(Aims) 课程目标(Aims) 课程结束后, 要求学生在毕业之前争取通过国家统一考试, 获得国际货运代理从业人员 …


看datasheet常用词汇_百度文库 ... adjacent, 邻近的 aims目的 algorithm, 运算法则 ...


宗旨(Aims) 1任务(Missions) 1目标(Goal) 1策略方针(Strategies) 1贰,病人的权利与责任(Your Rights and Responsibilities) 2参,交...

澳大利亚海洋科学研究所(Australian Institute of Marine Science)

澳大利亚海洋科学研究所AIMS)Glenn De’ath和同事对69个不同珊瑚礁中的大块状的Porites珊瑚的328个群体进行了调查。 …

欧特克地图绘制平台(Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server)

...desk发布了面向基础设施的WebGIS平台产品—Autodesk Infrastructure Map ServerAIMS) 2012,时空特警也许你习惯于 …


B9 M6_苹果树_新浪博客 ... Feedback 教学反馈 Aims 教学目的 Focus 教学重难点 ...

By cross-connecting all that content with your social graph, Delver aims to deliver search results that are truly relevant to you. Delver用你的社交网络把所有的相关内容交错连接在一起,皆在为你呈现与你真正相关的搜索结果。
To control space was one of four aims of a national space policy started by former president Bill Clinton in 1996. 如何控制太空是前总统克林顿在1996年所订定的国家太空政策的四大目标之一。
One of the main aims of this book is to bring the reader up-to-date with current practices. 这本书的主要目标之一是带来用当今的惯例流行的读者。
Therefore, if Taiwan aims to become a state of human rights, it cannot avoid discussing such a serious issue. 基于以上的认识,我国要成为人权国家,绝对不可再逃避死刑废止此一严肃课题。
She said the new resolution aims to give the United Nations and its members new tools to prevent violence and punish those responsible. 她说这项新的决议目的是给联合国和他的成员国新的工具以来防止暴力和惩罚施暴者。
An environmental lawyer who has clashed with the Mercatus Center called it "a means of laundering economic aims. " 一位曾与莫卡特斯中心交锋过的环保律师称之为“谋求经济目的的一种手段”。
The conference finally gave the green light to a new climate fund that aims to channel up to $100bn a year to poor countries. 德班会谈最终批准了一只新的气候基金,目标是每年向贫穷国家输送1000亿美元。
One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demolition of all means of communications by bombing. 这次空袭的一个主要目的,就是通过轰炸彻底摧毁敌人的通讯设施。
But she said: "Many important things have not changed - the aims and values that inspired the United Nations charter endure. " 同时,女王认为:“许多重要的方面却没有改变—启发了联合国宪章的那些宏伟目标和价值观还一直保留着”
One of the aims of the new guidelines is to allow the market forces of demand and supply, not the central government, to set grain prices. 该方针的其中一个目的就是让粮食价格由市场的供需规律来决定,而不是由中央政府来决定。
The move aims at ensuring millionaires pay a minimum rate of tax that at least matches that of middle-class families. 这项行动的目的在于确保百万富翁所缴的最低税率不低于中产阶级家庭。
DoubleTwist aims to be the iTunes of the Android platform, but it was way too buggy for me to seriously use. DoubleTwist的目标成为Android平台的iTunes,但是对我来说要认真使用的路途太遥远了。
It is not Muliniao avoids desirably , or aims at Lecce, he is only wants to let Barresi replace him to speak. 并不是穆里尼奥刻意回避,或者说针对莱切,他只是想让巴雷西代替他发言。
Maybe I should not have to obsessive as you feel like, bewildered and Aims of the move is not his own. 也许莪不该把迷恋沵的感觉当成喜欢、茫目的追求不属于自己的感动。
The next few sections discuss what Process Server solutions might look like when trying to achieve the aims of each of the maturity levels. 接下来的几节将讨论在试图实现各成熟度等级的目标时,ProcessServer解决方案是何样子。
The meeting aims to influence the crucial United Nations climate change talks scheduled to take place in Copenhagen in December. 此次大会旨在关键的联合国(UN)气候变化谈判施加影响。
This aims to barcode 80% of the world's mosquitoes within the next two years, to help control mosquito-borne diseases. 旨在未来两年内为全世界80%的蚊虫编条码,从而控制蚊虫类疾病。
Now AppsFire aims to make that easy to do - and that's just the beginning of the company's vision. AppsFire现在的目标就是让这一个过程更加简单——而这只是公司长远打算的一个开端。
Mr. Chan said the company aims to expand service in cities where it already operates, before moving deeper into China's smaller cities. 曾启山说,麦当劳希望在已开设门店的城市中扩大其服务范围,然后再进一步深入中国中小型城市。
The main aims of this thesis are as follows: First, explore the issues with which the emerging Malaysian English writers try to deal. 主要目的是:一、探究马来西亚新兴英语作家尝试处理的课题;
The project aims to put the "wild man" of Shennongjia on screen for the world to see. 这个电影项目的最终目标,是通过这部电影将“神农架”和“野人”推向世界。
No, this point only aims to attach the importance to pronunciation. It's not always like that. 这个观点,是为了强调发音的重要性。
One of Voldemort's aims seems to be to preserve wizard kind, a goal that is not in itself necessarily unethical or irrational. 伏地魔的目的之一似乎是要维持巫师种族,这种目标本身并没有不合伦理与常理。
Weiner says that he aims to redress errors in her column and ensure that Savant's daunting IQ does not mean that she goes unquestioned. 维纳说,他的目的是纠正她专栏中的错误,并担保莎凡特可怕的智商并不意味着她不能遭人置疑。
So developing its own intellectual property in GM was Syngenta's other requirement if it was to meet its aims. 因此,若要实现目标,开发自己的转基因产品知识产权是对先正达的另一个要求。
"With Me" With a pinhole lens hidden in the backpack, the author aims to capture frames of his daily life in images. 作品藉由随身的针孔摄影机(隐藏在背包中)去纪录创作者的生活片段,创造出如同日记般的影像。
Your aims are to play for your country and you want to be involved in the big tournaments. If I can be, then brilliant. 你的目标是为国效力,你想加入这次伟大的旅程。如果我能,那一定会一鸣惊人。
The company aims to become one of the world's top five handset brands in the next three to five years, Mr. Xu said. 徐昕泉说,该公司的目标是在未来三到五年成为全球排名前五位的手机品牌。
Such concerns seem to negate China's claim to promoting a "harmonious world" as it presses on with its strategic aims. 由于中国力推其战略目的,各国似乎都开端否认中国推进“调和世界”的宣言。
This article finally aims at the question of Henan industrial structure, put forward some corresponding policy proposal. 本文最后针对河南产业结构存在的问题,提出了相应的政策建议。