
美 [er]英 [eə(r)]
  • n.公开;空气;天空;风度
  • v.晾;烘干;烤干;风干
  • 网络播出;直播;第一种是主动发布

复数:airs 现在分词:airing 过去式:aired

cool air,moist air,superior air,military air,melancholy air
pump air,assume air,air opinion,adopt air,convey air



drove telephon aired 的意思_百度知道 ... telephone 电话 aired 播出,宣扬 drove 开车,驾驶 ...


The London model 伦敦模式 - 欧洲 Europe... ... 3. bar 除了 1. aired —— 直播 2. trigger—— 激发 ...



However, motion picture actors were still shut out of residuals and did not receive any compensation when their studio films aired on TV. 但是电影演员仍然没有剩余工资,并且当制片厂在电视上播放电影时,也得不到任何补偿。
"I'm no going to try to be fashionable and change principles to do so, " Bush said in a TV interview namely was aired above Sunday period. 布什总统在上周日晚播放的一个电视采访中说:“我受不受欢迎无所谓,我不会为了‘受欢迎’而改变原则。”
But that sense should not serve as a disguise for allowing extremists of any stripe to define what views can or cannot be aired. 但是,责任感不应当作为任何类型的极端份子规定什么观点能或者不能被公开的借口。
Some of the body's leading lights have aired the idea of a power-sharing agreement, as in Kenya and Zimbabwe after disputed elections. 该机构的一些领导人已经提出了权力共享的动议,就像在肯尼亚和津巴布韦在具有争议性选举后做的那样。
in such aired political climates , scientists around the globe are racing to see which techniques will produce treatments soonest. 在多种政治气候下,全球各地的科学家们都在争先看谁能最快生产出治疗的技术。
She brushed the drops away with the back of her hand; and in a cheerful tone, went on to assure Mary the bed was well aired. 她用手背抹去了泪水,带着愉快的口吻告诉玛丽说,床上的被褥恰好晒过。
Some say that if it had aired, the election may have turned out differently. 有人说如果它被播出,选举可能会产生另外一个结果。
Opposition web sites and television channels have repeatedly aired the video, which shows blood gushing from her body as she dies. 反对派网站和电视台不间断地滚动播放着这段视频,视频中死者的血液大股大股地从伤口涌出。
At present none of the ideas being aired to deal with Japan's problems is anything like bold or concrete enough to sound convincing. 目前,任何关于处理日本问题想法缺乏勇气和具体措施,听起来都难以令人信服。
What they aired was a feeling of betrayal by the backroom deal of which they had not been informed. 他们这是在公开表示,感觉这桩在暗地里达成、自己毫不知情的交易,是一种背叛。
But when it was all said and done, and it had aired, I felt good about it. 但是当我说到做到,并且真的令它成真的时候,我觉得很好。
The network has aired eight so far and will air three more in fourth quarter before bringing the series back in all first-run in January. 迄今为止,网络已发表八并且在在一月首先跑在所有中往回带来系列之前在第四四分之一更加将发表三。
The final episode aired before the writers' strike was the eleventh for the season, so episode 12 remains a mystery at this point. 罢工事件前上映的最后一集为第十一集,这样,第十二集此时依然是个谜团。
The latest flare-up, which surfaced in May when the whistle-blowers aired their claims on an Arizona television program, is nothing new. 最新耀斑,其中5月份浮出水面时,举报人在亚利桑那州的电视节目播出他们的要求,并不是什么新鲜事。
This is one of several anecdotes in Mr Paulson's eagerly awaited account of capitalism's near-meltdown that have already been aired. 鲍尔森先生有些关于资本主义几近崩溃的报道受到民众的热切期待。以上便是已曝光的故事中的一则轶闻。
Six days later, state broadcaster China Central Television aired an unusual pair of interviews with Li and his father. 六天以后,中国中央电视台播放了一组不寻常的对李启明和其父亲的采访。
That speculation was not aired out on television immediately, but it did erupt on Twitter and other social networking Web sites. 该猜测并没有立即在电视上播出,却突然出现在twitter和其他社交网站上。
That, at least, is an opinion prominently aired in the National, an English-language newspaper in Abu Dhabi. 这一观点至少已经在阿布扎比的英语报纸——《国民报》上昭示天下。
An official at Oriental TV said the government often issues orders about which programmes should and should not be aired. 上海东方台的一位官员称,政府经常下发可播发或不可播发节目的指令。
In Munich he aired another telling theory, heard about the Kremlin recently: Russia did not lose the cold war but voluntarily ended it. 在慕尼黑他又宣扬了另一番生动的高论(最近在克宫内不绝于耳):俄罗斯并没有输掉冷战,其不过是自愿终止罢了。
In thoughtful comments, some of you aired the 'little pitchers have big ears' view, that parents should avoid fighting in front of the kids. 在评论中,一些读者宣扬“人小耳朵灵”的观点,认为做父母的应该避免在孩子面前吵架。
Most of the ads featuring Mr. Yao that are to be aired during the Olympics have already been filmed, marketers say. 营销人士介绍说,准备在奥运期间播放、有姚明出镜的广告现在多数已拍摄完毕。
Parents are at work and children at school, so the test card, that feature of a bygone age, is the only thing aired. 父母们在上班,孩子们在上学,所以,唯一播送的是过去年代的特征——测试图象。
The images of a handcuffed and unshaven Dominique are constantly being aired on all the news channels of the world. 不断出现在世界各地新闻频道上的多米尼克双手带拷、胡子拉碴。
On Monday, after the latest CCTV report was aired at least twice, Baidu's Nasdaq-listed shares fell nearly 4% in New York trading. 周一,中央电视台的最新报道播出至少两遍后,百度在纽约纳斯达克上市的股票价格跌了近4%。
I must have the bed and bedclothes aired and put to sundry, for nothing would make me sleep in such a pickle. 一定要把我的床铺和被褥透透风,在太阳底下晒晒,我实在无法在这种乱七八糟的情况下睡觉。
When television shows for children first aired, young viewers had only a few programs from which to choose. 你会因为这些影集而专注的看着电视吗?当电视上开始播放儿童节目时,当时只有少数几种节目可以选择。
Public Affairs Television Unit was established, producing public affairs programmes to be aired on licensed commercial TV stations. 成立公共事务电视部,制作公共事务节目,供持牌的商营电视台播映。
In 1997 a year after "Deadly Game" was aired Mark Owens wrote to the Zambian attorney general to clear his name. 1997年,也就是《致命游戏》播出一年之后,马克•欧文斯写信给赞比亚司法部长为自己洗脱罪名。
Yang said in a June 2007 interview that aired on state broadcaster China Central Television that she was 14 in Sydney. 杨云曾在中国官方中央电视台(CCTV)2007年6月份的连线采访中透露她当时只有14岁。