al qaeda

  • 网络基地组织;盖达组织;盖达恐怖组织

al qaedaal qaeda

al qaeda


基地组织AL Qaeda)在很大程度上是靠培养和利用一种进攻性的伊斯兰身份来反对西方民众的。对穆斯林的单一身份界定、 …


盖达组织Al Qaeda)洞穴中发现了大量的蓖麻毒素。 • 蓖麻毒素中毒不会传染,不会透过偶然接触在人与人之间传播。


盖达恐怖组织al Qaeda)有所牵连的好战份子,最近数月在巴斯坦各地展开一连串炸弹及自杀攻击。(译者:中央社张晓 …


...法的世界。从国际恐怖组织盖达al Qaeda)到沃尔玛百货(Wal*Mart),站上世界舞台的新面孔,是焦躁不安但掌控权力 …


但是他们最后就是像凯达组织 (Al Qaeda),像今天巴里岛炸弹客 (Bali bomber) 那些人,他们都以后被追赶就在旷野、在山岭、 …


基地恐怖组织Al Qaeda)甚至对美国发起了网络圣战(jihad)。种种事件表明,一个国家若想要通过网络攻击另一个国家是 …

The original justification for the war was that the Afghan Taliban provided a shelter for al-Qaeda and its leader. 当初发动阿富汗战争的理由是,阿富汗的塔利班为“基地”组织及其领导人提供了庇护所。
The statement cannot be independently verified, but claims to be written by the general leadership of al-Qaeda. 这份声明无法被独立证实,不过据称是由基地组织的领导层执笔完成的。
It is unclear how much will change there after the beheading of al-Qaeda. 随着基地组织首脑被击毙,这种情况将会有多大程度的改变尚不得而知。
Mr. Hayden said the war against Al Qaeda was far from over, the hunt for its leader Osama bin Laden remained the top priority of the CIA. 海顿先生称美国与基地组织所进行的斗争还将持续相当长的一段时间,逮捕本拉登始终是CIA的首要任务。
An al-Qaeda leader in Yemen wanted in connection with the 2000 bombing of the American warship USS Cole has been killed in an air raid. 也门一名基地组织通缉犯在一场空袭中被杀,他涉嫌参与2000年美国科尔号战舰爆炸案。
Another issue is just how much is known about the links between radicalized British Muslims and al-Qaeda operatives abroad. 第二个问题是对激进的英国穆斯林份子和国外基地组织联系的了解程度。
He said Al-Qaeda is still active in the northern city of Mosul and warned that there would be tough fighting in the days and months ahead. 布什总统还表示基地组织还在摩苏尔北部城市活动,他警告说,同基地组织的战争将会一直持续下去。
He said he believed his western allies backed his plans for reconciliation with those Taliban who were not allied with al-Qaeda. 他表示,他相信西方盟国会支持他向不与基地分子联盟的塔利班和解的计划。
It said the killing was retaliation for the deaths of six al Qaeda members in a French-backed military operation against the group. 它称这是为了对一次法国支持的针对该组织的行动进行报复,那次行动中有6名基地组织成员丧生。
Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Spain's interior minister, confirmed that this equipment might be falling into Al Qaeda's hands. 西班牙内政部长阿尔弗雷多·卢巴卡巴(AlfredoPerezRubalcaba)证实,有些武器可能正在流向基地组织。
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the head of NATO, warns that if the West abandons Afghanistan, "al-Qaeda would be back in a flash" . 北约秘书长安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森警告,如果西方国家让阿富汗自生自灭,那么“基地组织会以迅雷之势卷土重来”。
A statement given to the New York Times newspaper said the family wanted to know why the al-Qaeda leader had not been captured alive. 给《纽约时报》的一份声明说,他的家人们想知道为什么基地组织的领导没有被生擒。
That group eventually provided the nucleus of al-Qaeda, which bin Laden founded in 1988 as the war against the Soviets began to wind down. 本•拉登于1988年在反对苏联的战争开始平息之时建立了基地组织,而那一群人最终成为其核心成员。
After being detained, Masri confessed to being the al Qaeda in Iraq leader, he said, adding that his identity still had to be confirmed. 马斯里在被捕后供认是在伊拉克境内基地组织的领导者,不过该官员补充说,他的身份还有待确认。
As Self launches into his speech about Al Qaeda operatives, Oren asks him to turn his head while he opens a safe. 就在他胡诌关于他的基地阴谋时,欧伦要求他转头过去,他正要打开保险箱。
An al-Qaeda or Baathist group was suspected of trying to destabilize Iraq in the run-up to a general election expected in early March. 该事件疑为是基地组织或是叙利亚社会党试图在明年3月的大选举行之前破坏伊拉克的稳定局势。
Some say that al-Qaeda will struggle without bin Laden, even though they agree that he was more of a symbolic than a strategic leader. 一些人说,基地组织势力没有本拉登仍可能继续挣扎,尽管他们同意这一点——本拉登不仅仅是个战略领导者,更是个象征。
But Pakistani officials say they have stepped up actions against extremists but do not know where the al-Qaeda leaders are. 但巴方官员表示,他们已加紧了打击极端分子的行动,但的确不清楚基地组织领导人藏身何处。
"It seems to be an attempt to mirror Al Qaeda, exactly in reverse, " Mr. Hegghammer said. 和伽马说,“这仿佛是故意效仿基地组织,不过是站在反穆斯林的方向。”
The White House is still weighing whether to release a photo of the slain al-Qaeda leader as proof of his death. 白宫仍在权衡是否公布这个被击毙的基地组织领导人的照片以证明其死亡。
The idea that Mr Obama is applying proper standards of justice to terrorists is as abhorrent to al-Qaeda as it seems to be to Mr Cheney. 奥巴马将恰当的司法准则应用在恐怖分子身上,不但切尼看不顺眼,在基地组织看来也甚为可恶。
But as a practical matter, his death says more about how much the al Qaeda problem has morphed into an even bigger Pakistan problem. 但从实际角度来讲,他的死更多地揭示了基地组织问题已经在多大程度上演变成了一个更大的巴基斯坦问题。
And in his overview of the Iraq war, he shows how Al Qaeda and its allies were able to take advantage of modern communications. 而且在伊拉克战争的回顾中,他展示了基地组织和同盟国是如何利用现代通讯工具。
In the last several months, there have been a number of voices, both official and unofficial, eulogizing al Qaeda. 在过去的几个月里,出现了不少来自官方和非官方的鼓吹基地组织的声音。
Goodness. I recommended that he be released because we had assessed him to be a critical senior member of Al Qaeda when he wasn't. 天哪,我要求释放他的原因是我们对他的评估证明他并不是基地组织的关键分子。
Nor would it employ interrogation tactics like water-boarding, which he said had only played into the hands of terror groups like al-Qaeda. 也不再采取审讯手段进行审讯,如水刑,布伦南声称此种手段过去仅对恐怖组织分子,如基地组织实行过。
While 'a chapter has ended' for al Qaeda with Mr. bin Laden's death, he said, the story is far from over. 他说,尽管随着本•拉登被击毙,基地组织的这一章划上了句号,但故事还远远没有结束。
How much of a directing role al-Qaeda plays is uncertain. 基地组织在多大程度上担任指导角色并不清楚。
However, a US intelligence official on Saturday said he was not popular among some al-Qaeda circles and was seen as an uncharismatic leader. 不过,一名美国情报官员上周六表示,扎瓦希里在基地组织的某些圈子里人气不高,他被视为一名缺乏魅力的领导者。
He argues that al-Qaeda members do not qualify as lawful enemy combatants and are therefore not entitled to any rights or protections. 他辩称基地组织成员不属于合法的敌方战斗人员,因此无权享受任何相应的权利或保护。