
美 [əˈlæs]英 [ə'læs]
  • int.(表示悲伤或遗憾)哎呀
  • 网络唉;呜呼;乌呼



1.(表示悲伤或遗憾)哎呀,唉used to show you are sad or sorry

The Lord of the Rings_在线英语听力室 ... ) dominate 支配,统治 ) alas ) marking 记号 ...


英语感叹句的用法_百度知道 ... What the heck/dickens! (你讲的)什么玩意啊! Alas哎呀! Oh! 啊!哦!哎哟! ...


汉字於的意思.含义.解释.读音.在线新华字典查询 ... 〖alas呜呼 於菟 ...


乌字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 乌黑〖 raven;jet-black;pitch-black〗 乌呼alas〗 乌江〖 WujiangRiver〗 ...

拉丁美洲社会学会(Association of Latin American Sociology)

...nization (OLAE) 拉丁美洲社会学会 Association of Latin American Sociology (ALAS) 拉丁美洲协调特别委员会 Special Commi…


呜的意思,呜怎么读_在线字典 ... 呜呼〖 alas;alack〗 呜呼哀哉alas〗 呜呜声〖 purr〗 ...


石油英语词汇(A3) - 商务英语词汇 ... alarm threshold 报警门限 alas 热融喀斯特洼地 albanite 地沥青;暗白榴岩 ...


牛仔裤的夏天 台词 and 笔记... ... How is my sweetie doing? 我的小宝贝最近好吗? Alas 天啊 ...

Alas! I know not, ' said the little Mermaid: 'the Sea-folk have no souls. ' And she sank down into the deep, looking wistfully at him. “哎呀,我也不知道。”小美人鱼说,“人鱼们没有灵魂。”说着,她沉入水底,用惆怅的眼神望着他。
Since the spring, alas, with shevchenko did not like the dilemma, and Lin, our deficiencies in deep sorrow is tired sigh and stillness. 呜呼,春秋以来,用舍进退未有如蠡之全者,而不足于此,吾以是累叹而深悲焉。
Over the course of a year, about 10 percent of an adult's fat cells die. Alas, the body promptly replaces them. 在一年中,约有10%的成人的脂肪细胞死亡了。唉,可是身体立刻产生了新的脂肪细胞来取代它们。
Yet, alas, the Fed seems to have decided to fall asleep and the administration has lost the initiative. 然而,美联储似乎决定埋头大睡,而政府已经丧失了主动权。
She was, alas, the helpless victim of my outbursts of temper and of affection, so that she became much the worse for wear. 后来,我给她取名为南茜。唉,这个无助的娃娃偶,是我脾气或情绪爆发时的受害者;所以,磨损得很糟。
Matched against this belief are more cynical and protectionist forces that have, alas, had a strong hand in shaping the new law. 与这种信念相对的反对势力和保护主义势力联合,对这部新法的塑造影响甚大。
Forget I asked her to resign, she said, had just graduated out, work hard to find, alas. 我叫她辞职算了,她说刚毕业出来,工作不好找,唉…
Like the best of her generation (alas, few and untypical) she grew up fearless, thriving on freedom and fresh air. 正如最优秀的一代(哎,很少并且不典型)她无畏的成长起来,伴着自由和新鲜空气而茁壮。
The blue of the sky longs for the earth's green, the wind between them sighs, "Alas. " 苍穹的蔚蓝渴盼大地的碧绿,微风在天地间哀叹:“唉!”
Alas, the town had lost its animation completely in such a day, and turned into a place without any loveliness. 唉,城市在这样的日子里完全丧失了生气,变得没有一点可爱之处了。
Alas, constant updates via instant message proved to be a bit too much for my tastes, and I disabled the feature. 哎,通过即时通信的不断更新太不合我的口味了,于是我禁用了这个特性。
Alas, it was not to be, for the mighty king was killed and the ring sank to the bottom of a river. 唉,可惜一切都成了空想,那位伟大的国王被敌人杀掉,而小戒指也调入深深的河水之中。
She heard the neighbor, an old granny, standing beside her bed sighing: "Alas, poor little girl, how come to be scalded like this? " 她听到邻床的老太太站在床边叹息,摇头说,“唉,可怜的孩子,怎么烫成这样?”
And he took up his parable, and said, Alas, who shall live when God doeth this! 他又提起他的诗歌说,哀哉,神行这事,谁能得活!
But, alas, by the time George has thought all this, the ants are already dead and mopped up on a wet cloth and rinsed down the sink. 可惜,一切都来不及了,当乔治想完这些,那些蚂蚁也已经被自己喷的杀虫剂杀死了。乔治用一块抹布将蚂蚁抹到水池里,放水冲了下去。
Alas, as is often the case with design strategies, the answer is not black or white, and most schemas use both. 唉,就像设计策略的常见情况一样,答案不是这么黑白分明的,大多数模式同时使用两者。
Lost a girlfriend a few days ago, alas true regrettablly, did not marry fortunately. 前几天丢了个女朋友,唉真可惜,幸好没结婚。
Your patience while, don't force me to answer, I - I now how much we depend on you, alas, how should do? 你忍耐一会儿,别逼着我回答,我——我现在多么依赖你,唉,该怎么办呢?
Alas, I cannot stay in the house, and home has become no home to me, for the eternal Stranger calls, he is going along the road. 唉,我不能留在这屋子里了,家对我已不再是家了,因为永恒的异乡人在对我呼唤,他正沿着道路走来。
It ached her to know that she was not one of them -- that, alas, she had dreamed a dream and it had not come true. 让她感到痛心的是,她现在知道自己不是她们中的一员--天哪,她做了一个梦却未成真。
Alas, the thought is too common: "I cannot be obedient, it is quite impossible. " Yes, impossible to you, but not to God. 然而,我们却常常听到这样的论调:「我没有办法顺服,这是完全不可能的事。」
Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it. 那日为大,无日可比。这是雅各遭难的时候,但他必被救出来。
Alas, none of the men around him seems capable of holding the fragile patchwork of tribes together, so he may well be persuaded to stay on. 哎,他周围的人似乎没有能力把四分五裂的部落联合在一起,他也许会被劝说继续留任。
But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed. 有一人砍树的时候,斧头掉在水里,他就呼叫说:「哀哉!我主啊,这斧子是借的。」
I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. Alas! no jail was ever more secure. 我不敢肯定他们是不是把门锁上了;等到我敢走动的时候,我站起身来走过去看看。天啊!没有一所监狱更加牢固。
Alas, as the snitch is his wife, you can't do this. Any attempt to discuss it with her will make it worse. 哎,因为告密者是他的妻子,所以你不能这样做。如果你试图跟她谈论这件事,只会使事情变得更加糟糕。
We always say " be up his hat as a confidante" , and this anger, how much is it really for confidante, alas, what men owe how many women. 我们总是说“怒发冲冠为红颜”,而这一怒中,到底有多少真的是为了红颜呢,唉,到底男人欠女人多少呢。
His lacklustre record as vice-president and before that as governor of Bayelsa state suggests, alas, that this would be his instinct. 副总统时期的他政绩平淡无奇,甚至追溯到作为巴耶尔萨州州长期间也是如此,这些经历证明,乔纳森也许是天性使然。
I again today and his increasingly over not go on, he also carrying a woman and I then phoned Alas! 我今天又和他越来越过不下去了,他还背着我和那女子打电话,天啊!
Alas, on a few occasions they would miss their intended targets and take the lives of people we were trying to protect. 当然令人遗憾的是,有时它们也会偏离指定目标,夺去那些我们正在设法保护的人们的生命。