
美 [əˈlɜrt]英 [əˈlɜː(r)t]
  • n.警报;警戒;警戒期间;【军】紧急待命
  • adj.警觉的;机警的
  • v.使警戒
  • 网络提醒;通知;招贤纳士

复数:alerts 现在分词:alerting 过去式:alerted

alert user,agent alert,alert driver,alert police
red alert,high alert,full alert,nationwide alert,alert status



English - Chinese dictionary A |... ... alert person 提醒人 alerted 提醒 alertness 警觉 ...


Webcam Rescue 电脑摄像头大营救_教育_腾讯网 ... in distress 遇险,在困境中 alerted 通知 Quizzes 英语小测验 ...


深圳佳友国际货运代理有限公司 ... 订舱单下载 download 招贤纳士 alerted 联系我们 Contact us ...


... 触发价格 Triggering Price 已提示 Alerted 显示提示的触发时间 Display the time when command is triggered ...

He said Fire District reports did not indicate how emergency personnel were alerted to either of the cases. 他说消防区报告没有指出急救人员面对此类事故,如何变得警觉起来。
The next day an astute doctor alerted health authorities and sent blood and tissue samples to a U. S. Navy medical research unit in Jakarta. 第二天,一名机警的医生通报了卫生当局,并将血液和组织样本送到美国海军雅加达分部的研究单位。
She said it was a Qantas pilot who observed the breach and alerted air traffic controllers. 她说,当时是澳州航空的飞行员发现了这个问题并且向空管人员做了汇报。
Someone alerted the police, but Ayesha's father ordered her to put on high heels to look taller and a veil to hide her face. 当时有人报警了,但是Ayesha的父亲命令她踩在轮子上这样可以看起来高一点,然后又叫她用面纱遮住脸。
I'll talk to you guys later, Shane P. S. One of my Chinese friends has alerted me that there is some controversy about this blog. 回见,肖恩另:我的一个中国朋友告诉我有人质疑这个博客的真实性。
If any UN party responds, the other relevant ones will be alerted and will be able to see what was said. 如果有任何联合国机构作出回复,其他相关机构会接到通知并可以查看该回复的内容。
Healthcare businesses can be alerted to HIPAA compliance errors, detections of illness outbreaks, or to find lost or contaminated blood. 卫生保健企业可以接到有关HIPAA遵从性错误、疫情暴发检测或查找丢失或污染血液的警报。
The guarantee, he says, "seems to have alerted people to something they ought to be worried about but haven't been so far. " 他表示,默克尔的担保“似乎提醒了人们,有一件他们应该担心的事正在发生,但它们还没有这么做。”
Costello said the report alerted him up to the fact that the world is facing a global crisis. 科斯特洛说这个报告让他充分认识到,世界正面临一个全球性的危机。
A friend alerted me to the advert for Castaway, saying I'd be the only person they knew mad enough to give it a go. 朋友提醒我留意这个广告,说我是他们认识的疯得够可以而且愿放手一搏的唯一一人。
The American girl had no idea where in Britain he was but told her mother what had happened who in turn alerted police in Maryland, USA. 那位美国女孩并不知道自杀的英国男孩住在哪儿,但她将这件事情告诉了自己的妈妈,然后这位母亲向美国马里兰警察报了案。
Local observatory alerted residents that there would be a dust storm the next day . 当地气象台通知居民第二天可能会有沙尘暴。
It is now also possible for non-subscribers to ask to be alerted to new research coming up in the next six months. 如今非订户也可以在未来的6个月内得到关于新研究的提醒信息。
About six months ago, the counselors from one clinic, alerted by the neighbors, found Aziza in her home and invited her to the clinic. 大概6个月前,一家诊所的医生被Aziza的邻居叫来,发现Aziza在家吸毒,便把她带到诊所。
Although there was no evidence of the product coming into the EU, member states were alerted. 尽管没有证据表明这些产品进入了欧盟,但欧盟各成员国都收到了警告。
The clerk must have alerted him to their presence, which was why it had taken a bit too long to obtain their identity cards. 那个职员一定事先通知了Lorian,所以才会花费那么长时间办理他们的身份卡。
Jessica Karjala discovered she had POS after being alerted to the fact that a sudden facial sprouting can be a symptom of the disease. 当意识到面部长有毛发可能是多囊卵巢综合征的一个症状后。杰西卡。
More than 10 stallholders called out for the car to stop and alerted the child's mother, a vegetable seller. 10多家摊贩阻拦了这辆车并提醒了小杰的妈妈,一个蔬菜摊贩。
The agency said it had alerted the agriculture ministry about possible ramifications for the seafood industry. 该机构说,已经提醒农业省注意海鲜业可能受到的影响。
Believing his hands and face were smeared with blood, passengers alerted police after getting no response from him. 乘客们把他的手和脸上沾满的东西当成了血迹,并且他没做出反应后报了警。
Police said he ordered the killings and then alerted his own TV crews who would get to the scene first. 警方称他首先教唆杀人然后提醒起电台职员,这样他们可以第一时间赶到犯罪现场。
Others alerted me that they were receiving by mail an indecently doctored photo taken of my daughter during her engagement party. 其他人提醒我说,他们收到一张寄来的无礼变造照片,摄于我女儿的订婚宴上。
That has alerted Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez (pictured) who is now ready to try and nip in and beat his Premiership rivals to the punch. 这惊扰了利物浦的主帅贝尼特兹,他正在准备试着击败他的竞争对手。
State media said the power failure knocked out an electronic safety system that should have alerted the second train to the problem. 官方媒体报道电源故障破坏了那原本应该警惕通知第二辆火车发生的问题电子安全系统。
Mr. Bernanke and his wife filed a police report when the purse was stolen and alerted Wachovia and the credit-card companies. 贝南克和妻子在钱包被偷后向警方呈递了报告,并通知了Wachovia银行和信用卡公司。
Neighbors living nearby alerted police when they heard the front door of the business being forced open in the middle of the night. 住在附近的邻居半夜听到殡仪馆的前门被强行撬开,就通知了警方。
The police throughout the district were alerted as it was known that the prisoner had escaped. 全地区的警察一得知囚犯已逃跑,立刻警戒起来。
The airforce said it had mobilized two airplanes for the search and alerted the Brazilian Navy, which is expected to send ships to the area. 巴西空军表示,已派出了两架飞机进行搜索,并告知了巴西海军。预计巴西海军会派出船只进入该地区。
In the Change Type section, select the type of changes to which you want to be alerted. 在“更改类型”部分中,选择要通知的更改类型。
Her work with voluntary groups alerted her to the struggles of women in rural Kenya, and it quickly became her life's cause. 在与志愿者工作的过程中促使她为肯尼亚农村的女性奋斗,并且这并成为她生活的动力。