
美 [ɑˈli]英 [ɑ:ˈli:]
  • n.【姓氏】阿里;【女名】女子名;【男名】男子名
  • 网络急性肺损伤(acute lung injury);扬智科技;年摄入量限值(annual limit intake)



急性肺损伤(acute lung injury)

急性肺损伤(ALI)和急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的基本治疗原则。除哪项外都是C.抗凝治疗急性肺损伤(ALI)和急性呼吸窘迫综 …


四岁的阿里(Ali)在玩弄他的鞋带;五岁的德雯(Devin)在放了个屁后不好意思地傻笑;雅各布(Jacob)则是遵守不了教室内“不要触 …


扬智科技ALI)科技与开博尔科技研发部门会晤—共赢未来开博尔节后开始正常上班 开博尔K530i高清播放机 开博尔H1283双 …

年摄入量限值(annual limit intake)

  J5.21 年摄入量限值ALI)annual limit on intake(ALI)   参与人在一年时间内经吸入、食入或通过皮肤所摄入的某种给定放射性 …


《艳舞巨星》讲述了克里斯蒂娜扮演的一个雄心勃勃、嗓音出众的爱荷华小镇女孩艾丽Ali),独自来到洛杉矶寻梦。在日落 …

美国语言学院(American Language Institute)

1 NYU的语言课由American Language InstituteALI)办,如果要先上语言课,需要该机构先出i20;2 语言课结束后,i20和F1 …

The company's customers around the Pearl River Delta region, Ali, now through the network, opening up the China market! 本公司的客户以遍布珠三角地区,现在通过阿里的网络,开拓中国市场!
Using a special sensor inside ALI called Hyperion, scientists have been able to see wavelengths of light that are invisible to our eyes. 通过ALI中一个叫做Hyperion的特殊传感器,科学家们能看到肉眼所看不到的光波长。
Muhammad Ali just because it would be great to have a chat with him. It would be an interesting insight into his way of thinking. 穆丅罕穆德·阿里,因为如果能够和他交谈会很棒。这会是一种理解他的思维的有趣方式。
Ali Zafar, 15, held four tickets. "I'm here to try my luck and it's up to my luck what I win, " he said. 15岁的阿里·扎法拿着四张彩票说:“我来这试试运气,能拿什么奖就看我的运气了。”
Yesterday, Ahmadinejad said the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was like a father to him. 昨天,阿玛蒂内贾德说伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉·卡梅尼对他来说像个父亲。
I had been told, but would not credit it, that the Grecian slave I have seen with you here in this very box was the daughter of Ali Pasha. 我听人说过,但我不相信,我不相信在这个包厢里见到过的和你在一起的那个希腊奴隶说是阿里总督的女儿。
Four of us ride in his jeep, one in the front seat and three in the back. Ali is clear that "only a man may ride in the front seat" . 我们四人乘坐他的吉普车,一人坐在前面三人坐在后面,但阿里明白“只有男人可以坐在前排”。
He drew a star on Ali Baba's door. But the next day, the thieves found a star on every door. The thieves were very angry. 他在阿里巴巴的门上画一颗星。第二天,盗贼们发现每一个门上都有一颗星。盗贼们很生气。
Ben Ali ruled by fear, and when he thus implied that his government would respond to the Tunisian street, he was no longer Ben Ali. 本.阿里依靠恐吓治理国家,而且当他暗示他的政府会对突尼斯的街头抗议有所反应时,他已不再是本.阿里。
Ali Baba went boldly into the cave, and collected as much of the gold coin, which was in bags, as he thought his three asses could carry. 阿里巴巴大胆的走进这个洞,捡了很多金币装在袋子里,他认为他的三头驴子能够背得动的。
Riyadh's Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi made it clear when he left the meeting that the kingdom would meet requirements regardless. 该国石油部长欧那密在离开会议时表示,无论如何沙特都将满足需求。
But looking elsewhere I see that this Chaudhary Rahmat Ali was more than a Cambridge student. 不过,我在别的地方发现,这个乔杜里·拉赫马特·阿里可不只是一个剑桥的大学生那么简单。
Ali said the friendly cooperation between the two countries has effectively contributed to Mozambique's economic and social development. 阿里表示,莫中两国友好合作有力促进了莫经济社会发展。
Once upon a time, there was a black cat called Ali. He hung himself on the clothesline and wanted to make his ears longer. 从前,有一只黑色的小猫叫阿狸,他把自己夹在晾衣绳上,想把耳朵拉长。
Real and nominal stochastic convergence : are the new EU members ready to join the Euro zone ? ; Ali M. Kutan and Taner M. 真正与名义上的随机集中:欧盟新成员准备加入欧元区吗?。
(New York Daily News) Adorable "Slumdog Millionaire" star Rubina Ali is back in the news - but not for her acting skills. 《纽约日报》报道,电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》中的女童星鲁比娜-阿里再次成为新闻的焦点,不过不是因为她的演技。
When he arrived at the scene, he says, the door of professor Ali-Mohammadi's house was torn off and there was a fire. 他说,当他赶到现场时,穆哈马迪教授房子的门被炸掉了,房子还着了火。
Eleven days after Mr Ben Ali's fall, the children of the region's most populous nation brought revolution to the heart of the Arab world. 本•阿里下台后11天,在埃及这个中东地区人口最多的国家,年轻人们就把革命带到了阿拉伯世界的中心。
Reporters traveling with Mr. Ali said the Mount Merapi volcano eruption did not affect the previous here, "it seems this is very serious. " 与记者同行的阿里先生说,默拉皮火山前几次喷发没有影响到这里,“看来这次相当严重。”
In his suicide video Ali says that warnings from the al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden to the west to leave Muslims alone had been ignored. 阿里在他的自杀录像中说,来自基地组织头目奥萨玛·本拉登对西方的警告使他们唯独忽视了穆斯林。
Although he was defeated in the boxing match, all the fans knew that Ali had played to the best of his ability. 虽然在这场拳击赛中阿里被打败了,但是,所有的拳迷都知道他已经尽了最大的努力。
He was more or less penniless except for the handsome salary he drew as private pilot to His Highness Prince Ali Yusuf. 他除了担任阿里·优素福亲王殿下的私人飞机驾驶员所得的丰厚薪水,他几乎是不值一文。
The robber tied his handkerchief over his eyes, and walked by him till he stopped directly at Cassim's house, where Ali Baba then lived. 强盗把自己的手绢绑在他的眼睛上,跟着他走直到他刚好停在凯新的房子钱,阿里巴巴此时住在里面。
When Ali Baba's wife brought it back, she found a piece of gold sticking to the bottom. 当阿里巴巴的太太把秤斗拿回来还时,凯辛的太太发现一小块金子粘在秤斗的底部。
And that's when soldiers turned to the men from Sabha and said they should run, or they might be killed, Ali says. 也就是这个时候,士兵们告诉从塞卜哈来的这批人赶紧逃跑,否则会被杀掉。
When he reached the top the boy, named Ali, appeared to be unable to climb off, leaving him dangling about 6m above the ground. 当到达电梯顶端的时候,这名叫做阿里的男孩儿好像无法爬下来了,在离地6米的高处来回摇晃。
Ali agreed, hoping that he would once nally receive ALI lost patience and went to ask for it. 阿里同意,希望他能再次得到应受阿里失去了耐心,去问问吧。
AFTER two months convalescing in Saudi Arabia, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's president, has announced that he is ready to go home. 在沙特阿拉伯经过两个月的康复后,也门总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh)宣布他准备回国。
Ali Israr, one of the developers of the system, tells New Scientist that this will open up a new untapped realm for digital entertainment. 系统开发者之一AliIsrar告诉新科学家杂志,这项工程将会为电子娱乐业开启一个新的未被开发的领域。
Calling Ali "a fierce fighter and a man of peace, " Bush said, Ali's fighting style would be studied for years but defy imitation. 布什在颁奖时称赞阿里是“一位坚强的战士和爱好和平的人”。布什还说,阿里的拳击风格会被别人研究很多年,但它是不可复制的。