
美 [ɔːlˈredi]英 [ɔːlˈredi]
  • adv.已经;到现在还;这么早就;用于描述一个已经存在的糟糕情况时
  • 网络早已;业已;都



1.已经;早已before now or before a particular time in the past

2.(表示惊奇)已经,都used to express surprise that sth has happened so soon or so early

3.(强调情况或问题存在)已经used to emphasize that a situation or problem exists


已字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 已后〖 after;later〗 已经already〗 已来〖 since〗 ...


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... alphabet n. 字母表 already adv. 已经,早已 altar n. 圣坛 ...


什么是“业”?_百度知道 ... 业务[ professional work;business] 业已[ already] 业余教育[ sparetime education] ...

Sing Longing for/渴望,Mao A Min/毛阿敏 ... 欢 happy;joyous;pleased all,both;already;entirely 这样 like this;such;this ...


dream_nimin131_wordpress_blog ... 业界标准 业界标准/ industry standard/ 业经 业经/ already/ 液晶 液晶/ liquid crystal/ ...

请教几个简单的英语问题_百度知道 ... 既然 now that already Since you ask,I will tell you. 你既然问,我就告诉你。 ...


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... aloud 大声地,出声地 40. already 已经,早已 2 41. also 同样,也 42. ...

Official data already shows that the country's educated jobless, referred to as the "ant tribe, " appear to be decreasing. 官方数据已经显示,被称为“蚁族”的中国高学历失业者的数量正在不断减少。
A dubious offer, no doubt, for a country that has already lost three years to political turmoil and military misrule. 鉴于泰国已经三年深处政治混乱军队暴政不能自拔,这样的宣言委实无法相信。
Symbolic link '%s' is part of a loop in the directory hierarchy; we have already visited the directory to which it points. 符号连接“%s”在一个循环的目录结构中,我们刚才已经在其他目录中遇到过了。
But her quarry, who had paused and looked back at the flash of light, was already scrambling up the bank the fox had just fallen down. 可是,被她追赶的那个人刚才只是停下来看了看那道闪光,这时正往狐狸刚才摔下来的河岸上爬去。
But he said: "If somebody already has cardiovascular disease then it might just tip them over the edge and trigger a heart attack. " 但他说:“如果有的人本来就有心血管疾病,那这就可能把他们逼到临界点,导致心脏病发作。”
My husband, however, doesn't care how much I spend and our marriage never became a business because it already was one. 但是,我的丈夫并不在意我花多少钱。我们的婚姻从未变成交易,因为它本来就是交易。
The Shanghai Composite Index was almost unchanged Friday and traders said the policy shift was already priced into stocks. 上证综指上周五收盘几未变动,交易员说,政策变动已被股市所消化。
Already he had begun to forget them, and Shepperton soon became an extraordinary aviary, filled with birds of every species. 他已经把那些邻居们给忘记了,谢伯顿不久就变成了一个特别的鸟类饲养场,拥有各类品种的鸟。
That's not a complaint: I've already been able to see a lot of this vast, fascinating country in my few months here. 这不是要抱怨:在过去几个月里我有机会见识到这个广阔而迷人的国家。
I'm already convinced of that. Well, I'd like to see our manufacturing operation now, if I could. 我已经很信服了。嗯,如果可以的话,我想看看我们的制造车间。
I will announce to you already that, as surprising as it may seem, that will lead me to talk to you today about Christianity. 我已经跟你们宣布过了,虽然听起来有一点奇怪,它引导我今天要谈论的问题是关于基督教。
However carefully you analyzed the situation when you made the plan, if it's more than a few days old, things will already be different. 但是仔细地分析了形势,当您作出的计划,如果它比一旧几天,事情就已经有所不同。
She had already been asleep for some time, dreaming as always, of Phoebus, when it seemed to her that she heard a noise near her. 当她听到近旁有些声响时,她已经睡着了好一会了,并且象往常一样梦着弗比斯。
I'd like you to meet someone who already knows you, cares for you, and genuinely wants the very best for you. 我希望你认识一位已经知道你是谁,而且关心你和真心希望把最好的东西赐给你的人。
We have already seen something of his history. 关于他的历史,我们从前已经见了一些。
Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf. 这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。
Message Queuing returns this error if an application is trying to open an already opened queue that has exclusive read rights. 如果应用程序试图打开已打开的具有独占读取权限的队列,则消息队列返回此错误。
Back then, he said, 'the crisis in Greece would have already bankrupted Brazil. ' 他说,巴西要是还像当年那样,就已经被希腊目前的危机搞破产了。
You may have noticed now much of what I've told you already is hearsay - someone saw something and told me and I told you. 你或许已经注意到,我告诉你的许多事情都是道听途说——某人看到某件事以后告诉我,而我再告诉你。
He blew it all the way home, but before he got to his house, already bored with his whistle, he stopped blowing it. 回家路上,他一直吹著哨子,但进家门前他不再吹了,他已厌倦了吹哨子。
The sun fell mountain and the wife of Sung people had already had done meal and sit to wait him back by the side of the table. 太阳落山了,宋国人的妻子早已做好了饭菜,坐在桌边等他回来。
It was one of the last afternoons I had her around because her place in school had already been reserved. 那是她和我在一起的最后几个下午之一,因为她在学校里报了名。
Duff was expected to be sidelined up a month after undergoing surgery on a cartilage problem but he's already back in full training. 尽管达夫已经恢复全部训练,但由于软骨手术,他还是被认为应该休息一个月左右。
Let's call it a day. I'm very tired and I think we have covered the main points of the meeting already. 我们今天就到此为止。我很累,而且我认为,我们已经处理了这次会议的主要问题。
It suggested a consumption too great of a vitality which, to judge from her figure and stature, was already too little. 这说明体力消耗得过多了,从她的体形和身材来看,她的精力本来就是极有限的。
Given many sort of one of these fair coolingts; I still have not already convinced. 只管即便有这么多事实,我还是没有被说服。
The Delegation had already had the opportunity to say that this would be a pragmatic solution, one that should be looked at more closely. 代表团已经说过,这是一个很切合实际的解决办法,应该认真研究。
By the final whistle he was off the mark and by the end of his league debut Wright was already netting at an average of two goals per game. 从他的首场比赛终场哨声吹响开始,到他的联赛处子秀结束,赖特已经在平均每场比赛有两球进帐。
Carrie was dwelling in the atmosphere which this man created for her. Already she was enlivened and suffused with a glow. 嘉莉沉浸在这男人所创造的气氛中,变得活泼愉快,神采飞扬。
Barely more than a year has passed since the start of his campaign, and already Alexander has accomplished all that he set out to do. 亚历山大的征战开始不到一年,他就达成了当初所有的目标。