
美 [ɔlˈðoʊ]英 [ɔːlˈðəʊ]
  • conj.虽然;尽管;不过;即使



1.虽然;尽管;即使used for introducing a statement that makes the main statement in a sentence seem surprising

2.不过;然而used to mean ‘but’ or ‘however’ when you are commenting on a statement

Although I know it's not possible, I can only do all that I let her happy and healthy growth, so don't listen to our words. 虽然我知道这不可能实现,我只能尽我一切让她快乐健康的成长,不用太听我们的话。
Although some of the original backers of the bill may have had good intentions, most legislators saw it as an opportunity for corruption. 虽然一些最初支持该法案的人可能抱有良好的动机,但大多数立法者认为它会滋生腐败。
Yet although Tata may have paid over the odds, it got a big confidence boost out of it, as did India as a whole. 虽然出价较高,但塔塔因此收获了巨大的信心,印度整个国家也是如此。
she showed signs of drowning, although she didn't seem to have water in her lungs. 看上去有溺水的症状,虽然她看上去肺里没有水。
However, Wells Fargo is still setting aside large amounts of funds to cover future losses from loans, although less than a year ago. 然而,富国银行仍然留出大量的资金去弥补未来的贷款损失,尽管数额少于去年。
The children are quite healthy although they all have slight colds at the moment. 孩子们的此时虽然都有轻微的感冒,可是仍相当健康。
"English can only be learned gradually" was not to be heard although it was the voice form renowned professors in China. 国内知名教授们“英语要慢慢”学的声音淹没在大众的激情中。
Although some people attack him malignantly, the advantages of him are far outweighed the disadvantages in fact. 虽然一些人对他进行恶毒的攻击,但实际上他的优点还是远大于缺点。
Although the King was an absolute monarch, he did not want to behead his unfaithful wife without absolute evidence of her infidelity. 尽管国王是一个绝对的君主,但他不想在没有她不贞行为的绝对证据下将他不忠的妻子斩首。
Although there was no official announcement, many believe this was at the behest of the security forces. 尽管没有官方声明,但许多人认为这是应安全部队的要求这么做的。
Although Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, he did create an electric lighting system which led to its widespread use. 虽然爱迪生实际上并没有发明灯泡,但他的确发明了电灯照明系统,这导致了灯泡的广泛使用。
Hussain said the response had been "great" although a fully-fledged media campaign had yet to start. 胡赛因称尽管全面的媒体大战还将到来,得到如此回音也是“很棒的”。
The Senecas took the British side during the American Revolution, although Red Jacket later supported the U. S. in the War of 1812. 塞内卡人在美国革命时站在英国那一边,而后来在1812年战争时则支持美国。
Although not an easy read, this book is a mine of valuable information for those wishing to go more deeply into a study of the pulse. 虽然不是一项容易的阅读,这本书是为希望进入一个更深入地研究脉冲这些有价值的信息地雷。
Although it shares something of Ireland's banking woes and of Greece's wretched competitiveness, it is in less trouble than either. 虽然爱尔兰的银行业困境和希腊的疲软竞争力对其造成影响,但西班牙的状况依旧好于两国。
There was no immediate word on the death toll although preliminary reports said at least 10 policemen had died. 目前还没有关于死亡人数的消息,不过有初步报道说,至少10名警察死亡。
Although many sites are anonymous, the mobsters seem to be getting better at tracking down contributors, even outside Mexico. 尽管许多网站都在匿名运作,但犯罪集团追查撰稿人的本事似乎也愈发高超——哪怕在墨西哥境外。
Hamas did not allow Fatah delegates from Gaza to attend the congress, although they were able to vote by telephone. 哈马斯不许加沙法塔赫代表参加会议,尽管他们能通过电话投票。
Although Cyndi might be best known for her wild costumes and video antics of the 80s, she has shown that she wasn't just a fad of the 80s. 尽管辛蒂的闻名是她的狂野造型和80年代音乐录影中的古怪动作,但她所表现出的自我根本不是80年代的时尚。
Although South Africa is far behind the rest of the world, offering EFT as your only form of payment is no longer enough. 虽然南非是远远落后其他国家由于你只提供直观的形式支付不再足够。
Although we are just to travel up to watch, but even if only a form, this form of my own is also rejected. 虽然说起来我们只是去旅游、观赏,然而就算只是一种形式,这种形式我个人也是拒绝的。
Although she was a poet, she spent much of her time advocating for better health care and housing for the newcomers. 她虽然是一位诗人,却把大量时间用于为这些新来者争取更好的医疗服务和住房。
It's a fast and slick app, although the icon is so hideous you'll probably want to keep it out of your main dock. 这个应用程序快速而灵活,但它的图标却可怕得叫人不想把它放在主页面上。大抵是用了便宜的承包商吧。
As a metropolis, Beijing provides all kinds of recreational activities, although it is up to you to decide what you enjoy most. 作为首都(大都市),北京给人们提供了各种各样的娱乐活动,当然,还是要你来看(决定)自己最喜欢玩什么了。
Although the merchants and the nobles at court did not care about this discovery, the fishermen of Europe became very interested. 虽然商人和宫廷贵族们对这一发现并不在意,欧洲的渔夫们却很感兴趣。
Although there might not be much at first appearance to captivate, there was, at least, nothing to disgust her relations. 初来乍到虽然看不出有多少媚人之处,但至少没有任何地方叫亲戚们看了讨厌。
Although she did not look back, I do not know why, she always felt that the door of Room 402 opened, this feeling is so real and strong. 虽然她没有回头看,不知为什么,她总觉得402室的门开了,这种感觉是那样的真实而又强烈。
As the classic trilogy progressed, the TIEs regained a bit of their blue hue, although use of that color was fairly muted. 随着经典三部曲的发展,TIE恢复了一点蓝色调,但这种颜色几乎察觉不到。
Although it's a scary thing to hold a tiny vulnerable baby, he said, the new findings show it does help. 他说,尽管抱着这样一个脆弱的小孩是一件提心吊胆的事情,但是新的发现表明这么做确实很有用。
Although hold out difficult, but seem to be close friends than officeholder a bit, give oneself the chance more. 虽然挺难的,但是好像比公务员要好一点,多给自己一次机会嘛。