
美 [ˈænɪm(ə)l]英 ['ænɪm(ə)l]
  • n.兽;牲畜;动物(不包括鸟、鱼、爬行动物、昆虫和人)
  • adj.肉体的;肉欲的;情欲的
  • 网络派对动物;动物界;动物的


animal model,domestic animal,wild animal,animal welfare,rare animal
breed animal,hunt animal,animal skin


1.兽;牲畜;动物(不包括鸟、鱼、爬行动物、昆虫和人)a creature that is not a bird, a fish, a reptile , an insect or a human

2.动物(不包括植物和人的生物)any living thing that is not a plant or a human

3.动物(包括人)any living creature, including humans

4.衣冠禽兽;残暴的人;卑鄙下流的人a person who behaves in a cruel or unpleasant way, or who is very dirty

5.某类型的人(或事物、机构等)a particular type of person, thing, organization, etc.


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... smart 聪明的 animal 动物 box 盒子 ...




  龟属于:动物界(Animal)——脊索动物门(Chordata)——脊椎动物亚门(Vertebrata)——爬行纲(Reptilia)——龟鳖目(Testudinata) …


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,兽 a.动物的 ankle n. 踝,踝节部 ...

托福听力分类词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 蔽身之处 shelter beast;animal 猛兽 beast of prey ...


学士学位英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,野兽,牲畜 ankle n. 踝,脚脖子 * ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,兽 a.动物的 ankle n. 踝,踝节部 ...


学士学位英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,野兽,牲畜 ankle n. 踝,脚脖子 * ...

There followed a gurgling sound as his lungs collapsed and, for about a minute, an animal-like noise issued from the back of his throat. 跟着就是因为肺部萎缩导致的咯咯声。一分钟后,他喉咙深处发出野兽般的声音。
The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animal. 人们彼此烦扰的能力看起来远胜于其他任何一种动物。
Trying to discern an animal's thought processes on the basis of its behaviour is notoriously tricky and subjective at the best of times. 试图根据动物的行为洞悉它们的心理过程在情况最好的时候也是十分棘手且主观的。
Eye: En eye is one of the two organs on the face of a person, animal, or bird that are used for seeing. 眼睛是人,兽或鸟用来看东西的两个器官。
The animal is only the catalyst. That's the beginning of many other things that follow. 动物只是起着一个催化媒介的作用,它是很多后续发展的出发点。
Dr. Brambilla's team was able to stop dyskinesia in animal models by turning down the activity of two key parts of this overactive pathway. 在动物模型上,Brambilla博士的团队能够通过阻断过激通路上两个关键部位的活性来停止运动障碍。
When she went diving in a cage next to sharks, she said, she was more struck by the animal's movements than the danger. 她说,她站在潜水用铁笼里,下潜到鲨鱼群边上时,她被这群动物的动作姿态深深打动了,而并不觉得危险。
Forward, comrades! Forward in the name of the Rebellion. Long live Animal Farm! Long live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right. 前进,同志们!以造反的名义,前进。动物农场万岁!拿破仑同志万岁!拿破仑永远正确!
"That was the voice of an animal" , said the chief clerk, with a calmness that was in contrast with his mother's screams. 秘书主任说,跟母亲的尖叫声一比他的嗓音显得格外低沉。
Instead, the animal almost brushed him as it dashed past, his face set and hard, his eyes staring. 'Get out of this, you fool, get out! ' 可是,兔子从他身边冲过,几乎擦到了他身上,他脸色阴沉,瞪着眼睛、“滚开,你这个笨蛋,滚!”
The arty animal picks up the brush in his mouth before creating a rough draft and then tidies up the painting, leaving onlookers stunned. 这只满身艺术气质的山羊口衔画笔,先打底稿,再加以修饰完善,整个过程让人惊叹。
Poverty in the world compromises man more than anything else and will no doubt bring about the downfall of such a megalomaniac animal. 这世上的贫困比其他任何东西更危害人类,很有可能引发人类这种妄自尊大的动物的垮台。
When animal campaigners eventually traced her, she was hardly able to stand, terrified of humans and had not had a proper meal for days. 当动物权利人士找到它时,它几乎无法站立,害怕人类,且数日吃不好饭。
So far, animal tests indicate that such a vaccine could prevent severe disease, although you might get a mild case. 到现在为止,动物测试显示这样一种疫苗能抵抗预防这些病毒。尽管你会感染一些轻微的流感。
It would be a better idea to call an expert, like an animal doctor, to come and treat its wounds. 比较好的做法是找专家,像动物医生,前来治疗牠的伤处。
She knew the animal's size from the path it had left through the glossy undergrowth of mayapples, and that was enough to speed up her heart. 不过光滑的盾叶鬼臼灌木丛小径还是留下了那只野兽的足迹,她由此得以判断出它的体型,而这就足以让她心跳加速了。
Many plant and animal species, which can only survive in constant habitats, have found a home here. 许多只能在恒定寄居地存活的动植物种都在此地安下了家。
You found a planet rich in vegetation, with green forests, endless oceans and a burgeoning animal kingdom. 你发现了一个星球,拥有着丰富的植被,绿色的森林,无尽的海洋以及生机勃勃的动物王国。
The ship that rescued his owners wouldn't take the animal, but cruise ship workers and others banded together to rescue him in style. 而这次巡航舰船员们和动物保护者们联合起来,完成了这个“拯救大兵瑞恩”般的行动。
As more Europeans followed, they brought a plethora of insects and animal-borne diseases that had not previously existed outside Europe. 随着更多欧洲人到来,他们带来了大量欧洲以外未曾存在过的昆虫和动物传染病。
He broke the bones and ate like an animal. Would he, too, be only bones tomorrow? And why not? This was life, he thought. 他折断鹿的骨头,像动物一样地啃起鹿骨来。明天,他会不会也成为一堆白骨呢?为什么不可能呢?这就是生命吧,他想。
They appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the forms that they had which could not be linked to any other known animal form. 他们的出现表面看来不属于与他们的其他所被知道的动物的形式有联系。
"I said to the animal trainer, 'I'm fine, ' and he said, 'Look at your arm, it's not fine' and all this blood is coming down, " said Chan. 成龙说,“我告诉动物训练师,‘我没事’,他说,‘看看你的胳膊,这个不叫没事’,血都流下来了。”
Xiaowu is an undergraduate, also be network game " demon animal world " player, play this game already a year superabundant . 小吴是大学生,也是网络游戏“魔兽世界”的玩家,玩这个游戏已一年有余。
This cage is too small for a monkey , but you might be able to use it to capture another animal . 这个篮子太小以至装不下一只猴子,但你可以用它来捕获其他动物。
Synopsis: A magical series in which a baby travels with one of his mobile animal toys on an exciting adventure. 这是一个婴儿和他的移动动物玩具在令人兴奋的冒险旅途中,经历不可思议遭遇的系列节目。
"This strain has never been found in any animal, so it is possible that it could have come from straight from the environment into humans" . 这次疫情的致病菌从未在任何动物体内检出,所以很可能它是从环境中直接进入人体。
You won't find anything in the structure of the human animal on which to base the concept of Evil, nor, moreover, that of the Good. 你无法再人类动物的结构中找到任何东西去建立罪恶的概念,而且对善也是如此。
Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. 现代的人造染料价格昂贵,而从植物和动物身上提炼出的自然染料从古时候起就开始使用了。
It was hard to say whether it was animal or human. It growled like a wild animal, but it wore clothes, and had long, thick, dark hair. 格丽丝·普尔正在炉子上烧汤,身后一个东西伏在地上,很难看出那究竟是人还是动物,像野生动物一样咆哮着,但穿着衣服,黑发又多又长。