
美 [əˈnaʊns]英 [ə'naʊns]
  • v.宣布;通告;预告;唱名报(客等)
  • 网络宣布的;宣布了;宣告

第三人称单数:announces 现在分词:announcing 过去式:announced

announce plan,announce decision,announce news,announce result,announce bid
officially announce,publicly announce



《Friends》词汇表A ... smelling n. 气味, 臭味, 嗅觉v.嗅, 闻到, 散发 announced vt. 宣布, 通告 creep vi. 爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... smelling n. 气味, 臭味, 嗅觉v.嗅, 闻到, 散发 announced vt. 宣布, 通告 creep vi. 爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 ...


翻译单词_百度知道 ... hug 拥抱;紧抱;抱有,坚持 announced 宣布的 blow 吹;打击;殴打 ...


13.解析:从下文引号中的话可推知,此处老板向大家宣布了announced)他的决定。答案:C14.解析:这一决定出乎所有人 …


根据上文内容不难推测,老人此时应该很激动,故她向店员“宣告announced)”她们要举办一个派对。10. D。


神鬼认... ... Production Notes/Status:( 电影制作状况) Status:Announced( 发表声明) Status Updated:30 June 2008( 公告日期) ...

The winner was announced at the end of the two-day New Science of Happiness and Well-Being Conference, organised by Merry and his wife. 评选结果在由梅里夫妇组织的、为期两天的“快乐与幸福新科学研讨会”结束时揭晓。
In his pre-budget report , he announced the national project of Reading Recovery to help the children struggling most. 在他的预算报告里,宣布了全民恢复阅读习惯的工程,以此来帮助儿童提高阅读能力。
Even as the Rail Ministry announced the policy changes, it was the subject of a rare protest in tightly controlled central Beijing. 尽管铁道部已宣布减速,但在严格管制的中央北京,该计划仍引发了人们些许抗议。
The Great Persian King Darius I announced that the official language of the western half of the Persian Empire was to be Aramaic. 伟大的波斯国王大流士我宣布的官方语言西半部的波斯帝国被阿拉姆语。
In 2004, when William announced he was considering joining the army, he said he would not expect or accept special treatment. 2004年,威廉王子宣布考虑参军时就说过他不期待也不会接受特殊待遇。
My wife and I had gotten in an argument and my 19-year-old daughter announced that she was leaving the house to move in with her boyfriend. 我的妻子和我吵了一架,我19岁的女儿宣布她要离开家和她的男朋友住在一起。
Apple's App Store for the iPhone and iPod touch has set the bar high: The company recently announced it had exceeded a billion downloads. 苹果的应用程序商店已经将门槛提得很高:该公司最近宣布超过十亿的下载量。
A year ago there was much scepticism about whether the huge fiscal boost it announced for its economy was genuine. 一年前,人们还怀疑中国对其经济宣布的巨大财政刺激是否属实。
Every time a new Cloud API is announced, its "RESTfulness" is heralded as if it was a MUST HAVE feature. 每次新的云API都会宣布它的“RESTfulness”特性,好象这是必须具备的特征。
Verna had said the hobos told one another who would feed them. "They never come to my house, " she had announced proudly. 维娜曾说过,谁给流浪汉们东西吃,他们就会互相转告。“他们从不去我家。”她骄傲地说道。
This week a team of physicists and materials scientists announced it had devised a pattern for a potentially perfect invisibility cloak. 本周,一个由物理学家和材料学家组成的小组宣布,该小组已经设计出了原型机,未来可用于制造高性能的隐身衣。
It announced today that it will buy up to 300 billion dollars in long term Treasury securities over the next six months. 今天宣布在六个月内购买最高为三千亿的长期国债。
In 2001 a team of British scientists announced the discovery of a gene, called FOXP2, that seems to be essential for language. 2001年,一组英国科学家宣布他们发现了代号为FOXP2的基因,该基因似乎对语言至关重要。
The acquisition of the 29-year-old Wigginton comes less than a week after Craig Biggio announced he will retire at the end of this season. 购置了29岁的威金顿不到一个星期后,克雷格比焦同时宣布,他将退休,结束本赛季。
The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance, but the name of the speaker is not. 演讲的主题已经提前一个星期宣布了,但主讲人的名字却没有宣布。
That seems to be the thought behind Chrome OS, a minimalist operating system that Google announced it was working on a couple of months ago. 这似乎就是藏在ChromeOS背后的想法,一款极简配置的操作系统,谷歌宣称数月前已致力于其开发。
Meanwhile, the U. S. announced that Libya has "no-fly zone" was extended to Lee near the capital Tripoli, covering the Mediterranean coast. 与此同时,美国宣布已经将利比亚境内“禁飞区”扩大到了利首都的黎波里附近,覆盖了该国地中海沿岸。
Facebook may have had the last laugh when it announced last week that it was opening up its platform architecture. 在上周Facebook宣布将开放其平台架构时,也许正意味着Facebook已经笑到了最后。
In 1977, Honda announced that it had selected a site in the small town of Marysville, Ohio, for a motorcycle assembly plant. 1977年,本田宣布,在俄亥俄州马里斯维尔镇选址建立摩托车组装厂。
The next day, she announced to the others that she had imagined a story. 于是第二天,她对其他人宣布她已经想好了要写什么故事。
The transfer had to be announced at some time, and this, said a senior official, was "one of those issues where the timing is never right" . 这个交易总得挑个日子宣布,而且按某政府高官的话说:“这类事啥时说都得罪人,捡日不如撞日。”
"We do not see any evidence for a fifth planet . . . as announced by Vogt et al. , " Pepe wrote Science in an e-mail from the meeting. “我们看不到任何沃戈特所宣称的第五颗行星的证据”波比在会上以电子邮件方式写信给科学杂志(Science)。
It was one of 50 new planets that astronomers in Chile announced Monday that they have discovered, the Washington Post reports. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,这颗行星是周一天文学家在智利宣布的50颗新发现行星之一。
The National Reform and Development Commission announced it had rejected a request for a price hike from four major cooking oil companies. 国家发改委宣布它已经拒绝四大食油公司的涨价要求。
Karl Rove, who last week announced that he is quitting as George Bush's chief adviser, was all over the political talk shows last weekend. 上周请辞布什总统首席顾问的卡尔•罗夫在周末参加了各大政论节目的讨论。
In the last, he made it clear that he had been informed of my changed way of life, and announced his arrival in the very near future. 在最后一封信里,他让我知道,已经有人把我改变生活的事告诉了他,还通知我他马上就要来巴黎。
Had it announced the restructuring a few months earlier, with the ground properly laid, investors might have taken it in their stride. 如果迪拜早几个月宣告重组,在妥善做好准备,投资商可能能够从容应对。
"Sandy, I've come to the decision that I'm not ready to get married, " he announced, none too gently. “桑迪,我决定了,我还没有对婚姻做好准备,”他宣布,语气一点也不温柔。
The White House also announced an air attack on Manila, in the Philippines, but it could not confirm the report. 白宫还称日本空袭了菲律宾的马尼拉,但这一报道暂时无法证实。
He said the Libyan government has announced ceasefires several times before only to continue attacking civilians. 他说,利比亚政府已经数次宣布停火,但仍然继续对平民发动攻击。