appeals to

  • 网络申诉对象;诉诸於;籍助於

appeals toappeals to

appeals to


UA 20/08-伊拉克/黎巴嫩... ... APPEALS TO: 申诉对象 ...


English to traditional Chinese glossary... ... appealing to 诉诸於,籍助於 appeals to 诉诸於,籍助於 applied for 申请 ...


English to traditional Chinese glossary... ... appealing to 诉诸於,籍助於 appeals to 诉诸於,籍助於 applied for 申请 ...

Even if you've got an idea that really appeals to you, it might be too big or too small for a semester or a year. 即使你得到了一个真正是自己挖出的问题,但让它在一个工作周期或一年的时间内完成可能时间太长或太短。
I hope by now we are beginning to understand why the devil is so intent on using physical appeals to draw us into sin. 我盼望现在我们开始明白魔鬼为什么如此抱定决心要用身体的吸引来把我们拉进罪里了。
The robots in this section do not depend upon the others, so you can find one that appeals to you and jump right into building it. 每个小节中的机器人不依赖于其他的项目,因此您可以找一个吸引您的,一头扎进去开始构建。
It must be something that appeals to you and encourages you to curl up in it time after time. 它必须是能吸引你,而且能促使你一次次蜷缩到那里。
With a look that appeals to both the eye and the touch, a textured throw can change both the feel of a room and your mood. 外观赏心悦目、手感极为柔软舒服,我们带织纹的羊毛小毯不仅能改变房间的色彩格调而且还能改变您的心情。
Where's the appeals to me is a pair of tiger, especially the only male tiger. 哪里最吸引我的是一对老虎,特别是那只雄老虎。
The English part of the job which links you to the other areas of the club, like the Youth Academy and the work of the Board, appeals to me. 足球在英国的特色吸引着我,它引导我参与到球队的其他内容中去,例如青训,以及一些董事会的事情。
it was after a long series of appeals to pedestrians , in which he had been refused and refused - every one hastening from contact. 这是在他无数次地向行人求乞,一再遭到拒绝之后-人人都匆匆避开他。
No doubt beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eyes. A nice, pretty girl is regarded as beautiful. 毫无疑问,美丽是指那些吸引人们目光的东西。
The lavish presentation appeals to me, and I've got to convince the others. 奢华的风格很吸引我,但是我需要努力说服其他人。
Those with more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types. 品味较昂贵的人选择豪华的渡假地点和饭店;绝佳的户外露营则吸引冒险型的人。
So it appeals to me that how exactly a man defines a woman's role in his life? 于是我产生了这样的疑问:男人到底是怎样定义一个女人在他生活中的角色的?
You also need to tell a compelling story of how this position fits with your career plans, and why the organization appeals to you. 求职者还需要说明应聘的职位与自己的职业规划的契合程度,以及喜欢这家公司的原因。
He would speak calmly and softly, and convince the girls of the wisdom of his approach with appeals to reason and common sense. 他用平静而温和的音调和结合了常识和推理的语言说服女孩们照他的观点打球。
So, practice 100-Thing minimalism if it appeals to you and you're in a situation where you can do so. 所以,如果你喜欢也方便的话,去做做这简约主义的100件事吧。
Perry has a strong record of job creation in Texas and appeals to economic and social conservatives, key voting blocs within the party. 佩里担任德州州长期间在创造就业上有着良好的记录,对经济和社会保守人士有吸引力。这些人是共和党内的关键投票群体。
But I wish some of the jawboning and appeals to the lowest common denominator could be eliminated. 但我希望,关于大多数人所能接受的最低标准的游说和呼吁能够停止。
Needless to say, this appeals to many teenagers, but it is a totally disastrous attitude both spiritually and in terms of maturity. 不用说,这对很多青少年都充满吸引力,但是这在灵性上和性格的成熟上都是绝对毁灭性的。
Nothing could more clearly illustrate the primitive nature of Border Region economy than these appeals to the farmer. 对农民的这种号召,最清楚不过地说明了解放区经济的落后状况。
He made dramatic appeals to Washington to give him "bombs for peace" . The pleas succeeded. 他强烈地请求华盛顿同意他“用炸弹换和平”的方案,他做到了。
Both are definitely viable options. Each has shown to be a successful method, but each also appeals to a different audience. 这两种都是可行的方法,而且都是非常有效的方法,对不同的受众群也有着不同的吸引力。
If your business appeals to people who might be searching on the go, local SEO should be a high priority for you in 2009. 如果你的业务吸引事务繁忙的搜索人群,本地SEO将是你2009年的首选。
This multi platform support appeals to IT managers who don't want to be locked into a single brand. 这种多平台支持对不想禁锢在单一品牌的IT经理们来说,很有吸引力。
Try calling a charitable organization that appeals to you and asking for an interview. 打电话给一个让你感兴趣的慈善组织,并要求获得一次面试。
"It's a race that appeals to more affluent car enthusiasts, and Texas has a ton of affluent car enthusiasts, " he said. “这是一个吸引更富有的汽车爱好者的比赛,而德克萨斯州有众多富有的汽车爱好者”他说。
Surgeons say this appeals to men who don't like the idea of taking lots of time off for an elective procedure. 整形医生表示,这一点对于不愿意花大量时间接受一个可做可不做的手术的男士来说很有吸引力。
To collect the exhibits, government ministers used TV appeals to ask for public donations. 为了收集这些展品,政府各部门的部长利用电视呼吁公众捐赠。
He'd need to borrow the money, but he'd make a pretty good living, and the freedom of driving and being his own boss appeals to him. 如果这样,他肯定需要借钱,但这活能使他过上好日子,同时开车的自由感以及当自己老板的感觉让他心动不已。
"There's something eerie about this one that appeals to me, both in story and image, " Pyle says. “这张图片本身以及图片背后的故事都深深吸引了我,有一种怪诞的感觉让我非常着迷,”派尔说。
Take a seat, Mr. Brown. Could you tell me which position you think most appeals to you? 请坐,布朗先生,请您告诉我哪个职位最吸引您?