
美 [ˈeriə]英 [ˈeəriə]
  • n.地区;〈比喻〉区域;面积;范围


large area,central area,whole area,northern area,total area
cover area,increase area,develop area,reduce area,extend area


I do not divide my life into equal areas and I am not trying to do it all at the same time. 我不把生活分成相等的块,我压根不打算这么做。
Remember that those who are going to be in and around the city areas in 2012 are those that are going to be hit first and die first. 请记住,那些谁是将要在2012年和周围地区的城市是那些将要达到第一,先死。
The other source of competition isthe thousands of fast-food outlets dotted across the areas it is trying to enter. 另一类竞争来源是星罗密布般地分布在乐购目标区域内的上千家快餐店。
In rural areas in the town of Piedecuesta houses, the police said he had glass window broken by the explosive wave reports. 在城镇住房的彼德库埃斯塔农村地区,警方说,他的玻璃窗口中的爆炸波报道打破。
In some areas a contraceptive called porcine zona pellucida, often delivered by means of darts, has been used to control the population. 在某些地方,有一种专用于野马的避孕药叫做猪卵鞘,是用飞镖进行投掷的,用来控制野马的数量。
Low-pressure areas are free to chase one another eastward around the bottom of the planet like a howling dog in pursuit of its tail. 低压气团环绕这个星球的底部径自一路向东,它们互相追赶,狂躁如狗类在追击自己尾巴。
Residential stored on the surface understanding of the culture is bound to promote the residential areas and will continue to develop. 对地表所存民居的了解,必将使民居的文化弘扬并发展下去。
However, it just isn't realistic to be able to hide geographic areas the size of Diagon Alley in London. 但是把像对角巷那么大的一个地方藏在伦敦是不现实的。
This was one of London's weakest areas, according to inspectors from the International Olympic Committee. 据国际奥林匹克委员会的检查员称,交通是伦敦最薄弱的一个领域。
Since the Eleventh century, there has been a sizable Druze presence, concentrated in rural, mountainous areas east and south of Beirut. 从11世纪开始,就已经有大量的德鲁士出现,主要集中在乡村地区,东部山区和贝鲁特南部。
The linear, or grid, layout, with square or rectangular areas separated by parallel streets, is often used. 一般常规的设计是采用线状或者网格状的布局,利用平行街道划分出一块块正方形或者长方形的区域。
But she said that in other areas, the impact of women had been disappointing. 然而她表示,在其他领域,女性的影响力仍然微乎其微。
Such comparisons can be tricky, as the areas are not always similar in terms of size and cost of living. 由于各区域在规模和生活成本上并不总是很相似,这样的比较可能会很复杂。
Much time would be required if I were to go through all the proposals. I shall therefore focus on the three major areas mentioned earlier. 要讲解计划内的所有措施要用上不少的时间,所以我会就我刚才提及过的三方面为大家作一些介绍。
The Erhu in my hand is one of my favioute. It's very meaningful to me. Today, I put it out donated to people in the disaster areas. 我手上的这把二胡是一把有故事有灵性的琴,我今天把它拿出来捐赠给灾区群众。
CCTV is often used for surveillance in areas which need security, such as banks, casinos, and airports or military installations. 闭路电视监控系统常常被用于有安防需求的特定场所,比如银行、娱乐场所、机场或者军事设施。
AT&T no doubt works like a charm in other areas, but as I'd been warned, it wasn't so hot on holding calls where I live. AT&T无疑在其他地区十分奏效,但就如同我被谨告过的一样,我这边住的地方接电话的信号并不好。
There was no such drop in two neighboring areas, and researchers believe it's a clear sign the ban was responsible. 发病率在居民区却没有很明显降低,研究者相信这是奏效的,很负责。
Ties Boerma is head of the WHO's Department of Health Statistics and Informatics. He says most child deaths happen in just a few areas. TiesBoerma是世界卫生组织卫生统计和信息部主任,他说大部分儿童死亡发生在少数地区。
The trend and character of the surface water bodies changed in different way, though surface water areas have been increased generally. 尽管市区各类地表水体面积总体上呈增加趋势,但所表现的趋势特征并不一致。
Some plutonium-powered thermogenerators have also been used to run equipment like lighthouses and radio beacons in isolated areas. 一种钵能量热能发电机同样在偏远地区为灯塔和电台灯塔制造能量,用以设备的运作。
Their upwelling currents bring deep, cold water to the surface and create some of the richest biological areas of the sea. 上升的洋流将深处的冷水带到了海洋表面,创造出一片片生机勃勃的海域。
Your stomach, ankles, knees, eyes, and skin seem to be among your areas of interest. 你的胃,脚踝,膝盖,眼睛和皮肤都是你在你的关注范围之内。
For his part, Gates said he planned to remain deeply involved in a few areas indefinitely. 他说,盖茨表示,他计划继续深入参与几个领域无限。
Seismic data is usually used for researching caprock displacement pressure in the areas where have few drilling wells. 在钻井较少的地区,可以利用地震资料研究盖层的排替压力。
the ratings settings to reflect what you think is appropriate content in each of four areas: language, nudity, sex, and violence. 查看和调整分级设置以反映在以下任何类别中您认为合适的内容:语言、裸体、性和暴力。
So the key question is how much effect the credit crisis will have on growth globally and in each of the individual economic areas. 因此,关键问题在于,信贷危机将对全球增长和各个经济区域造成多大程度的影响。
He said since the two countries signed a treaty on friendly cooperation in 1994, bilateral cooperation in all areas has made rapid progress. 他说,1994年两国签署友好合作关系条约以来,两国各领域合作取得长足发展。
Do say: "In your opinion, am I on the right path to move up in this company? If you were me, what areas would you be focusing on? " 要说:在您看来:在这个公司里,我是在正确的发展道路上吗?如果您是我,您将朝那个方向努力。
Meanwhile, urban areas of the US with low ratios of men to women, had a correspondingly high level of short-term relationships and divorce. 再拿美国大城市来说吧,男少女多的人口比例就有相应高发的离婚和多发的不靠谱的男女关系。