
美 [əˈraɪz]英 [ə'raɪz]
  • v.出现;发生;产生;起身
  • 网络起来;起床;上升

过去式:arose 过去分词:arisen 第三人称单数:arises 现在分词:arising

naturally arise



1.[i]发生;产生;出现to happen; to start to exist

2.[i]~ (out of/from sth)(由…)引起;(因…)产生to happen as a result of a particular situation

3.[i]出现;产生;发展to begin to exist or develop

4.[i]起床;起立;起身to get out of bed; to stand up

5.[i]~ (against sb/sth)群起反对;奋起斗争to come together to protest about sth or to fight for sth


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... argue vi. 辩论,争论 arise vi. 起来,升起,出现 arithmetic n. 算术 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... argument n. 争论,论据 arise vi. 出现,发生 arm n. 手臂,武器 v.武装起来 ...


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... argue vi. 辩论,争论 arise vi. 起来,升起,出现 arithmetic n. 算术 ...


字典中 作 字的解释 ... (4) 起来;开始工作[ rise; do; make] (6) 产生,兴起[ arise] (8) 做;创制;制作;从事某种活动[ do; make] ...


2013考研英语核心词汇_百度文库 ... apt (习性)易于......的,有......倾向的 arise 起立,起身 arouse 使......奋发 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... treaty n. 条约,协定 391. arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身 392. arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒 393. ...


新东方四级单词表 - 豆丁网 ... argument 争论(吵) 辩论 arise 出现 由……引起 起床 arithmetic 算术 四则运算 ...


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... abide 忍受,容忍;停留 arise 出现;上升;起立 arose 出现;引发 ...

Misconceptions can arise about how much memory a process, or portal, uses during runtime. 对于一个进程或portal在运行时使用多少内存,存在着一些误解。
For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon the mount Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto the LORD our God. 日子必到,以法莲山上守望的人必呼叫说,起来吧。我们可以上锡安,到耶和华我们的神那里去。
Rather than trying to predict an unknowable future, build an organisation capable of seizing unexpected opportunities as they arise. 不要试图预测不可知的未来,建立一套能在意料外的机遇出现时抓住机遇的机制。
I cannot say that I knew them all, but I can tell you that i would have been available to talk to any one of them should the occasion arise. 我不能说我认识她们每一个人,但是我可以告诉你,如果她们有需要的时候,我随时都可以给她们提供帮助。
Parallel important is especially easy to arise on goods with copyrights due to the characteristic of copyright. 在版权领域,由于权利取得和产品成本特性,尤其容易发生平行进口。
The vast sea of humanity, I wonder if I hit worthy of the name can arise when, I believe that may come without Stepping bond! 茫茫人海,不知我命中的真命天子何时才能出现,我想信可遇而不可求的缘份!
It may be observed that this bifurcation phenomenon is somewhat abstract, since it will only arise if KJ is perfectly aligned with the load. 可以发现,分支现象有点抽象,因为它只能发生在KJ与荷载成一条直线的情况下。
But if you stand there watching him for a while, a feeling of awe will arise from the bottom of your heart. 可当你站在那儿观看一会儿,一股敬畏之情就会油然而生。
But major issues arise, such as the fact that Darwin did not know about self-organisation. 不过,还是出现大争论,像达尔文所不知道的自我组织这样的事实。
and of men to guard this Heaven_favored land against the mischiefs which without His guidance might arise from an unwise public policy. 守卫着这天主恩惠的土地而不受由错误公共政策引起的危害。
Thus saith Jehovah: Arise ye, go up to Kedar, and destroy the children of the east. 耶和华如此说:迦勒底人哪,起来上基达去,毁灭东方人。
That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born, That they may arise and declare them to their children. 使将要生的后代子孙可以晓得;他们也要起来告诉他们的子孙。
If he invests his savings, the matter is less obvious, and different cases arise. 如果把储蓄拿去投资,事情就不那么显而易见了,会出现一些不同的情况。
Of course, there is also one which arise from the angle bisectors, but I cannot recall off hand if it has a special name. 当然,还有源自角平分线的三角形,但我现在我无法马上想起它的特殊名称。
Mystical experiences -- moments that inspire a sense of mystery and wonderment -- arise within the limbic system, he said. 神秘经验时刻激励着神秘和神奇的感觉-边缘系统内出现,他说。
Architecture: To help solve multifaceted problems that arise while implementing the initial concept of a design to its actualization. 建筑方面:帮助解决出现的多层面问题,同时根据一件设计的实际执行状况来落实最初概念。
Saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel. For they are dead that sought the life of the child. 说:「起来,带着孩子和他的母亲,往以色列地去,因为那些谋杀孩子性命的人死了。」
Should significant problems arise, I shall be glad to involve the FIA Senate, but I hope this will not be necessary. 如果有重大的问题发生,我会很乐意联合FIA委员会,但是我希望这样的事不会发生。
Each distro has its own online community, which is often the best place to get free yet comprehensive help when issues arise. 每个发行版本都有它自己的在线社区,通常这是最好的能获取免费且综合的帮助地方。
now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 现在你要起来,和众百姓过这约旦河,往我所要赐给以色列人的地去。
And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. 就拉着孩子的手,对他说,大利大古米。翻出来,就是说,闺女,我吩咐你起来。
I have done no wrong, yet they are ready to attack me. Arise to help me; look on my plight! 我虽然无过,他们预备整齐,跑来攻击我。求你兴起鉴察帮助我。
New possibilities that arise for you now are the beginning of a completely new epoch which will bring great advances. You gain recognition. 目前对你来说出现的新机会将是给你带来重大飞跃的崭新纪元的开端。你倍受赏识。
And I think I ought to warn you not to be melodramatic, especially when conflicts with your fellow human beings arise. 我想应该警告你我并没有夸张,这是真的,尤其在你与生活周遭的人产生矛盾的时候。
People who accept that their life will not always be simple or calm are better able to handle problems when they arise. 认识到生活总不是简单和平静的人,能更好的处理遇到的问题。
Easy-to-use on-machine troubleshooting and diagnostics allow plant operators to quickly overcome conditions that may arise. 易于使用机故障排除和诊断允许设备操作人员能迅速解决可能出现的情况。
TCC can arise anywhere in the urothelium, but is most common in bladder. TCC is often multifocal and has a tendency to recur. 泌尿道癌可发生于泌尿上皮覆盖的部位,最常见于膀胱,呈多灶性并常有复发的倾向。
So often the sustained self-command and absolute composure of the stranger destroyed the idea which began to arise in her imagination. 而这位陌生人的矜持和极端镇静的态度却一次又一次地粉碎了她的想象。
it will always arise no matter how much you try to take control or organize the things in your life. 它也常常在你绞尽脑汁控制局面或是作出安排时出现。
If so, then the naked singularity might be an artifact of the approximations used in the calculations and would not truly arise in nature. 裸奇点会不会是因为我们在计算时采用了一些近似方法,才产生出来的,而并非真正存在大自然中?