
美 [əˈraɪv]
  • v.到达;发生;到…;达到(结果)
  • 网络抵达;满脸粉刺的年青人;抵港

过去式:arrived 现在分词:arriving 第三人称单数:arrives

safely arrive,finally arrive,duly arrive
arrive hour,arrive destination,arrive camp,arrive station,waiting arrive



欢迎来到奥黑尔国际机场 ... 出发 Departs 抵达 Arrives 登机门 Dept. Gate ...


用下列动词的适当形式填空并讲解_百度知道 ... 1 flies 坐飞机去纽约 2 arrives 到达 3 left 离开 ...



正点旅游 - 奥克兰到港游轮 - 2011年... ... Warf 码头 Arrives 抵港 Departs 离港 ...


...tance)、飞离时间 (departs) 和到达时间 (arrives)。

WILL Barack Obama, who arrives in India for his first official tour of the country in the next few days, be forced to utter the K-word? 巴拉克·奥巴马即将于未来几天抵达印度,对印度进行首次正式访问,奥巴马会被迫就克什米尔问题作出讲话吗?
The models will be dispatched by registered letter or in a parcel as soon as the money arrives at the bank account. 当汇款一到指定银行帐户时,模型就将会被以挂号信或包裹的形式邮寄给你。
A self-described agent of chaos, the Joker arrives in Gotham abruptly, as if he'd been hiding up someone's sleeve. 自我标榜为混乱的代理人,小丑突然来到哥顿市,仿佛他过去一直藏在某个人的衣袖之中。
It seems that she's on the search for it in her own way, and I find when you stop looking, it just arrives. 那就像是她在寻找她的自我一样,而且我觉得当你停止张望时,妳就找到了。
If he arrives at the city, its people will need more than just air cover to save them in what could be a bloody and long-drawn-out battle. 如果他抵达该市,当地人民将需要比空中掩护更多的保护,才能将其从一场可能变为血腥、历时耗长的战争中拯救出来。
We shall be glad to let you know by telephone as soon as it arrives. 货一到我们就会电话通知您。
If you are a VWP traveler who arrives in the United States without a machine-readable passport or a visa, do not expect to be granted entry. 免签国家的旅行者如果在抵达美国时没有可机读护照,也没有签证,则不会被批准入境。
"It's far easier, more cost-effective, to prevent an invasive species from getting in than dealing with it after it arrives, " she said. “阻止入侵物种进入比进入后处理更容易、更划算。”她说。
But it's funny. The moment my dad arrives home, it would dash to the door barking. It seems to tell everyone dad is back. 不过它还挺逗。爸爸的车一到家门它就飞快地跑去,蹲在门口不停地叫,好像在告诉我们爸爸回来了。
Players seem to pass the ball in rhythm that gets faster and faster until the chance to score finally arrives. 球员们的传球像不断加快的节奏一样,知道能得分的机会终于来到了的时候。
By the time the big day arrives everybody is in a state of towering anxiety. 等到那个重要的日子真的来临之时,所有的人都已处于一种极度焦虑的状态。
Now he must decide. Is she right? She could be, you know. When the couple arrives at this point, it's time for him to listen. 这个时候他就必须做出选择和决定。她说得有道理吗?也许吧,你知道。当两个人的关系到了这样一触即发的时刻,也正是需要他耐下心来仔细倾听的时候。
L33-10 As if this were not enough to reduce you to tears, your husband arrives. 如果这还不足以让你掉眼泪,你老公又回来了。
As if this were not enough to reduce you to tears, your husband arrives, unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner. 似乎这一切还不足以使你气恼得流泪,你丈夫回来了,出乎意料地带着三个客人来吃饭。
He repeats that motto to himself when he arrives home after a long day at the office or after one of his frequent business trips. 在结束一天的辛勤工作,或出差后回到家中时,他都会默念这句话。
If four tailors are enough to make all the clothes for a town and a fifth arrives, he may find some work at the expense of the other four. 如果一个村子里四个裁缝就足够的话,第五个来了,他的工作是以前四个人的为代价。
If part of the prototype was a problem for one user, you can scratch it out or replace it before the next user arrives. 如果原型的某个部分对某个用户存在问题,你可以在下一个用户到来之前划掉或者更换它。
This time, the driver anxiously has not been leaving, but accompanies side the child, arrives until the guardian. 此时,司机并没有急着离开,而是陪在孩子身边,直到家长到来。
And the Pep Guardiola arrives to a very different football, in which the midfield is often ignored. The ball was always high up in the air. 瓜迪奥拉需要面对另类的足球风格,在那里中场球员常常被忽视。球总是在天空中飞(而非地面传球)
It arrives at mid month, moving each of you to a higher vibration and state of awareness. 它在月中时抵达,让每个人移动到更高的振动与觉知状态。
There's also the motorcycle rider, decapitated in an accident, who arrives on a gurney with his head riding shotgun. 还有一些摩托车骑手因为在事故中断了头,所以只能身首分离的到来。
My boyfriend always arrives late. Last night I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine by keeping him waiting for half an hour. 我的男朋友总是迟到。昨晚,我决定以牙还牙治他一下,让他也等半个小时。
The report arrives just as a Chinese court has breathed new life into a potentially precedent-setting AIDS discrimination lawsuit. 这份报告出炉之际恰逢一家中国法院受理一桩有可能成为判例的艾滋病歧视案件。
Marty rides to the saloon and convinces Doc to leave with him, when Buford arrives and demands the duel to take place immediately. 马蒂骑马赶到酒馆,劝说博士和他一起离开。就在这时,布福德忽然现身,要求立刻与马蒂决斗。
I understand that you are very busy, but when he arrives England, I really appreciate if you could have a conversation with him. 我知道您非常繁忙,但他到英国时,您如能与他一谈,我将十分感激。
When Chris finally arrives at the Antarctic facility and he manages to rescue Claire, but is separated from her once again by Alexia. 克里斯终于赶到了南极的基地并设法将克莱尔营救了出来,却因阿列克西娅而再一次被迫和她分了开来。
A wounded soldier is on his way out of the chaos of battle, and headed for home. The pain arrives as good news. 伤兵因外出参战,非常想家,而受伤的疼痛意味着好消息(可以回家)。
Best supporting actor nominee Michael Clarke Duncan has no time to talk as he arrives for the ceremony. 奥斯卡最佳男配角提名人麦克·克拉克·邓肯在到达典礼现场没有时间接受采访。
Bruce Lyon, a physical trainer, is in great physical shape. However, all his strength and energy seems to melt away when spring arrives. 布鲁斯里昂,一个体能教练,是伟大的体型。然而,他所有的力量和能量似乎融化了当春天到来。英语堂欢迎大家到来
The small boat arrives on dry land safely and the old man leaves. Because Love is so happy, she forgets to ask for his name. 小船安全地到达了陆地,老人独自走了。爱因为太高兴了,竟然忘了问老人的名字。