as one

  • 网络朝韩梦之队;一体;意犹未尽

as oneas one

as one


河智苑 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 《第七矿区》 Sector 7 《朝韩梦之队As One 《朝鲜美女三剑客》 The Huntresses ...


...易见”的信念就将离去,你们将以新的眼睛看,以新的耳朵听,以新的感官去感受。你们将认识到你们是一体(as One),而你 …


中国歌手... ... 悲伤的记忆林佑威 / 借口 G.O.D / 李彩桦&苏永康 / 意犹未尽 As One / Day By Day 李彩桦 / 正在想念谁 As One / ...


...别靠近我 占有 伤之恋(小峰峰) 附送折磨 分手As One) 贝多芬的忧伤(萧风) 红装(徐良) 你不会(SHE) 消失 别想 …


彩虹20周年精选2000-2010价格_品牌_图片... ... 09 Jojoshi 叙情诗 10 As one 成为一体 12 My heart draws a dream 我心绘梦 ...


彩虹的新专辑awake都有哪些曲子?_百度知道 ... 5. Killing Me( 伤害我) 6. AS ONE唯一) 7. My Dear( 我的亲爱) ...


...吴世俊-傻瓜 张力尹&细亚俊秀-timeless 一个二人女子组合(as one)基本都唱抒...

To go on a journey is often worrisome , but so long as one lives he proceeds on his life's journey. 人在旅途,难免有不安与困惑伴你同行,但不管怎样,你都要继续自已的人生之旅。
It's hard to write this to my own children. I could let this die with the rest of me, I suppose. But as one gets older one's fears subside. 写这样的信给儿女并不容易,我原本打算让这件事情随我长眠地下。但是人的年纪越大,心中觉得怕的东西越来越少。
Given that the American consumer is still seen as one of the pillars of the luxury sales forecasts, this is no small doomsday prediction. 鉴于美国消费者仍被视为奢侈品预测销量的支柱之一,因此这是一个不小的灾难性预测。
As one of my teachers used to say, "Kids pick up the adults' attitudes through the soles of their feet. " 就像我的一位老师曾说过的:“孩子们从大人的脚印上,就能知道他们的态度。”
As long as we unite as one, united and face up to the disaster, will certainly be able to win a complete victory in earthquake relief. 只要我们万众一心、众志成城,勇敢地面对灾难,一定能夺取抗震救灾的全面胜利。
By today's standards, a cull of Australians or Americans would be at least 60 times as productive as one of Bangladeshis. 按照今天的标准,一个澳大利亚人或美国人的碳排放至少是一个孟加拉人的60倍。
Chinese regulation of its private sector is often referred to as "one eye open, one eye shut" . 中国对私营企业的管理通常是“正一睁眼闭一只眼”。
He also considers it a monument to himself that will mark him in history as one of his country's great benefactors. 他也将把它看作是他自己的纪念碑,标明他是他国家的历史上的大救星之一。
Link is often referred to as one of the most iconic video gaming characters of all time. 林克也成为了有史以来最具标志性的电视游戏人物。
Andersen was born into a poor family, but ended up as one of the greatest writers of his time. 安行徒生出身贫寒,但最终却成为他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。
But I couldn't get out of the requirement, and so I found myself in my last semester before graduation with Speech as one of my classes. 但我无法摆脱课程的要求,所以在毕业前的最后一学期,我发现我成为班里的演讲者之一。
Training received by a public servant and his academic record shall serve as one of the bases for his assessment, appointment and promotion. 公务员培训情况、学习成绩作为公务员考核的内容和任职、晋升的依据之一。
The important matter regarding money, no matter how much one has, is to be as big as one's money. 关于金钱很重要的一点是,不管你有多少,你自己本身要同你的钱一样有价值。
It is often known as one of the most beautiful cities in China. It has been ranked as one of the ten most scenic cities in China. 她被称为中国最美丽的城市之一,且是中国十大风景名胜地之一。
In a very simple FMEA of a system design, you might have a computer monitor that has a capacitor as one of its components. 在非常简单的FMEA系统设计中,可以用电脑萤幕的电容器当作零件之一。
As one person complained, "They left me cooling my heels while I did not know where to turn next. " 有个人这样抱怨道:“他们让我在那儿晾脚后跟,弄得我真不知道该怎么办才好。”
In her speech, He said team leaders had summed up their Athens performance as "one old, one young and one breakthrough. " 在何的讲话中,他说代表团的领队已经将他们的雅典比赛总结为“一老,一新,一个突破。”
The result is, as one Western diplomat puts it, "a government in full conciliation mode" , firmly on the back foot. 结果,就像一位西方外交家说的那样,“一个完全处采取怀柔政策的政府”,坚定地处于防守状态。
Deng Chengxiu, though a scholar out of the circle, also ranked as one of these scholars in his own way. 作为这一圈子之外的邓承修,以另一种建言方式,同样跻身到“清流”的行列。
One idea or proposal is often depicted as one of the only options or paths. 一个想法或者提议经常被描绘为唯一的选择或者途径。
As one of the key necessities of human existence and development, housing has the dual nature of commodities and Social security. 住房是人类生存和发展的基本要素之一,具有商品和社会保障双重属性。
They gazed into the dark barricade as one would gaze into a lion's den. 他们象窥探一个狮子洞似的望着那黑暗的街垒。
As one billionaire told me recently, 'the best part about being rich is all the free stuff you can demand. ' 正如一个亿万富翁近日对我所说的,成为富人后最棒的一点,就是可以得到你所要求的一切免费产品。
For the rest of us, the fiasco was as entertaining as one of Warner Brothers' better films. 对于我们其他人而言,这一惨败就像华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)一部较好看的电影那样有趣。
As one example, Google now allows you to specify what kind of interests are associated with you, and thus what ads you're presented with. 比如,Google现在允许你具体选择自己感兴趣的领域(link),并据此向你提供相关内容广告。
As one of the developed country, the United States is always assisting the UN to implement its development-aid programs. 作为发达国家之一,美国一直在努力协助联合国完成其制定的发展援助计划。
India wants to be counted as one of the emerging players in Asia. Space is of course an important part of power projection. 印度要成为亚洲崛起力量的一员,太空自然是实力投射的重要组成。
As one character explains, the monsters seem to have been drawn there by instinct: the mall was clearly an important place in their lives. 一个特写说明,这些僵尸似乎出于本能被吸引到这里:很明显,购物商城在他们的生活中意义非凡。
Bromo is a grey stack but less menacing than I had expected and going up the powdery lava runs ranks as one of the best rides of my life. 婆罗摩火山是一座灰色的山,但是没有我想象的那么咄咄逼人。在火山灰上向上骑的这一段路是我一生中骑得最好的了。
In the depth of the crisis, as trade for a while seized up, the region, as one of the most trade-dependent in the world, saw growth plummet. 世界深陷金融危机时,随着贸易的短暂中止,这个世界上最依赖于贸易的地区之一的经济增长便出现了大幅下降。