as soon as

  • na.一…就;见 soon 条
  • 网络一……就;一怎么样就怎么样;一经

as soon asas soon as

as soon as


初中英语短语大全 ... 31. have/get a pain in… 某处疼痛 33. as soon as一……就…… 35. stop…from doing sth. 阻止……干 …


初中英语语法名词全解_百度知道 ... 7 along with 同……一道,伴随…… 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你 …


能否帮我翻译一下,几乎都是词组来着。_百度知道 ... air condition 空气质量 as soon as 一经,立即 can't help doing 情不自禁 ...


求解一道英语详解_百度知道 ... even though 即使……也…… as soon as 一旦……就 as long as 只要…… ...


英语音标知识(3) ... ought to 应该;必须 as soon as 立即; 一... 就 ... be used to 习惯于 ...

Pleaserest assured that we shall revert to the matter with you as soon as the supplyposition improves. 请放心,一旦新货源到来,我们立刻再重提此事。
She laid into HIM with her usual invective as soon as he opened the door. 他一开门,她就像往常一样把他痛骂一顿。
They went for a sail around the island as soon as they got to the coastal city. 他们一到那座海滨城市就乘船去环岛游览。
As soon as one section has left forward, see that there is light of a place in the distant place very bright, It seems to be a park. 又向前走了一段,看到远处有一个地方的灯光很亮,好像是一座公园。
The instruction failed to say where the office must move but said that it had to be as soon as possible. 该指令没有说联络办事处必须迁往何处,但要求尽快离开。
Every time I got to the dentist I get a sinking feeling as soon as I enter the waiting room. 每次我去看牙医时,一走进候诊室我就有一种恐惧感。
He said that he would let me know as soon as he got the information. 他说他一得到消息就立即让我知道。
As soon as you can resume oral intake, urinate, and care for your basic needs, you will typically be able to go home. 当你可以恢复进食、小便自理并照顾好自己的的基本需要时,你就能够回家了。
As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. 当他进入车内,我用法语向他道早安他也用同样的语言答复我。
As soon as nobody was looking, Tom went up the dark passage, opened the door and walked in. 在别人一没注意的时候,汤姆就走进了黑黑的通道,打开门并走了进去。
Microsoft further extended this idea by putting programs into a sort of menu mode as soon as you click once on any menu. 微软进一步扩展了这种理念,你在任何菜单上单击,程序就转换为一种菜单模式。
As soon as he had left the bank , Darnay opened the letter. It was from Monsieur Gabelle , who had been arrested and taken to Paris . 一离开银行,代尔那就打开了信。信是加贝尔先生写来的,他已经被抓了起来而且被送到了巴黎。
The new manager embanked the company governance as soon as he took the position. 新经理一上任便着手抓公司治理。
However, many students criticized him as soon as he made the comment, and said Wang was ignorant to the hardships student's faced. 然而此言一出,也遭到许多学生的批评,认为他太不知民间疾苦了。
All that I would ask is that if it is going to happen, then it happens as soon as possible to help the club itself. 我要知道的就是,如果这一切都发生了,那最好尽快搞定,这也是在帮助俱乐部。
'Never, never! I made up my mind as soon as I saw - what I ought to have seen sooner; and I won't come. ' 决不,决不!我一明白过来我就下定了决心——我应该早点儿明白过来的;我不会再回到你身边的。
You'll work much more efficiently if you process emails in batches, rather than trying to deal with them as soon as they come in. 如果你不是只要已收到了就去处理,而是批量处理这些邮件的话工作会更有效率。
Your aunt and I are very proud of you and look forward to seeing you as soon as she feels the baby can travel safely. 你姑姑和我很为你们骄傲,并期待尽快与您的孩子,她觉得能安全旅行。
As soon as he saw Miss T'ang he could tell she was very aloof and without a trace of her usual smile. In her hand was a large paper bundle. 一见唐小姐,便知道她今天非常矜持,毫无平时的笑容,出来时手里拿个大纸包。
A BP PLC spokesman said Monday the company was committed to returning to Libya 'as soon as conditions allow, ' though it had no time frame. 英国石油公司(BPPLC)发言人周一说,公司决定“一旦条件允许”就会回到利比亚,但没有时间表。
Multiple security threats in India's neighbourhood must be on the front burner of any new administration as soon as it is formed. 新政府一旦成立,必须把印度周边的多重安全威胁视为当务之急。
I come up here as soon as it was dark to tell you. . . you must n't even think of any such thing. 天一黑我就到这里来了,我想告诉你…你没必要想那么多的。
I told him I understood, and as soon as it was dark, he could be on his way. 我告诉它我能理解,只要天黑了,它就可以继续上路。
The IAEA confirmed that it had been told by Iran about a new plant and it had requested access to it as soon as possible. IAEA证实,伊朗已向其承认存在新的核工厂。IAEA已要求尽快检查该工厂。
As soon as she heard it was a shoulder problem she got the diagram and was told what questions to ask and was putting in those answers. 一旦她听到它是她所有的一个肩问题图表而且被告诉什麽询问问并且正在那些答案中放。
On the scan his Achilles is completely clear but as soon as he stays out for a while it tightens up and he has pain. 在扫描上,他的脚后跟完全没问题,但只要他出去站一会儿,他的脚后跟就发紧,他感受到疼痛。
He also began to carry it out as soon as he took charge of FengXi warlord. 在掌控奉系军阀统治权后,他也开始践行这一思想。
When you were saying that you hoped to share the rest of your life with me , I was wishing for that life to start as soon as possible. 当你说你希望和我共度下半生时,我希望我的下半生早点开始。
As soon as the traveller had gone on his way, he made a watch of exactly the same type. 旅行者一走,他就做了一块一模一样的表。
As soon as Liu Xiang showed up in my world, i found his sunshine smile was more precious for me. 当刘翔出现在我的世界里,我才明白原来阳光般的笑容对我来说更珍贵。