
美 [əˈsemb(ə)l]英 [ə'semb(ə)l]
  • v.装配;组装;集合;聚集

第三人称单数:assembles 现在分词:assembling 过去式:assembled

assemble list,assemble model



1.[i][t]聚集;集合;收集to come together as a group; to bring people or things together as a group

2.[t]~ sth装配;组装to fit together all the separate parts of sth, for example a piece of furniture

People who regard themselves as risk-averse will assemble portfolios of highly similar stocks that all seem to be 'safe. ' 认为自己属于避险型投资者的人,会把看上去全都保险、同时高度相似的股票放在一个组合里。
We have a mise en place here and I am trying to assemble some notes which may effectively develop some fragments and a symphony. 我们在这儿有一个约定,我正在试图聚集一些要点,可以有效地把一些碎片合成一首交响曲。
Slowly he began to test-assemble the reactor, troubleshooting pesky vacuum leaks, electrical problems and an intermittent plasma field. 解决了极为棘手的真空泄露、电气故障和间歇性等离子场等诸多难题之后,泰勒慢慢开始着手试验性组装反应堆了。
But the fact that you have atoms and that they assemble in such a willing manner is only part of what got you here. 不过,有了原子,它们心甘情愿地聚集在一起,这只是你来到这个世界的部分条件。
Method configurations make it easy to assemble processes from logical building blocks, which may consist of both content and processes. 方法配置使得从逻辑构建块中集合过程变得容易,而逻辑构建块可能既包括内容也包括过程。
That is to say, let the material atoms self-assemble and form a complex structure, just like the kind of self-assembly that life shows. 也就是说,让“原料”原子自己“装配”成复杂的结构,就像生命所表现出来的那种自我装配的特性。
MARK POST: "We have committed ourselves to make a couple of thousand of these small tissues and then assemble them into a hamburger. " 我们致力于制造出几千个这种小型肌肉组织,然后将它们汇组装成一个汉堡包。
The astronauts would be wearing bulky space suits, so they needed a flagpole that was easy to assemble and to plant in the ground. 宇航员的太空服笨重,所以旗杆需要易于组装,也便于插在地上。
Able to produce and assemble these parts into machinery and equipment industry, known as the machine manufacturing industry. 能够生产这些零件并将其装配成机械装备的工业,称之为机械制造业。
It has no less than seven modes of operation, which include assemble, build, create, monitor, grow, manage, and misc. 它不超过7种工作模式,包括装配、建立、创建、监视、成长、管理和混杂。
Assemble Drill To break through the first layer of crust, the crew deploys a steel pipe with an 11-inch-wide drill bit at the bottom. 为了突破第一层地壳,船员们使用底部装有11英寸宽的钻头的钢管。
They dispatched orders to stop the sack of the city, which had already commenced, and to assemble their scattered troops. 两位君王一进城便下令停止已蔓延开来的抢劫,并把分散的队伍聚集拢来。
The only thing left to do is to see if there is a framework out there which can help us to assemble something like this in the elegant way. 唯一留下来要做的事情就是看看有没有一个框架,可以帮助我们以优雅的方式装配类似这样的东西。
It took him a while to assemble and install everything on his own, but it was all worth it. 虽然他花了好一些时间自己组装和安装,却很值得。
We spent all day trying to assemble. 我们用了一整天来安装新书架。
If the failure of components is no longer used and has stopped selling, it is usually to use the new computer to re-assemble components. 如果出现故障的部件已经不再使用,并已停销,则计算机通常要用新部件来重新进行组装。
The building blocks of DNA can be made to assemble themselves, piece by piece, into a structure designed by the researcher. DNA这一构建单元可以实现自组装,可以一个单元一个单元地构建成由研究员设计的结构。
The easy to use product, allows users to quickly assemble business applications and reduce the overall costs of user interface design. 该产品的易用性使得用户能够快速组合业务应用程序,减少用户界面设计的总体成本。
First, clean the joint carefully. Then loosely assemble the joint by putting in the bottom two or three bolts. 首先细心地清洗连接处,然后,在底座部疏松地装上两个或三个螺栓。
When the Xvnc session is running on your computer, the kitchen is set up, and you're ready to assemble the ingredients. 计算机上运行着Xvnc会话时,厨房就设置好了,然后就可以开始准备配料了。
UCM projects allow you to assemble the components that are necessary to a work effort, and also to control access to those components. UCM项目允许您装配那些必要的组件,同时还可以控制那些组件的使用权。
The next step is to create a product configuration file to help assemble the rich-client application we previously created. 下一步是创建一个产品配置文件来帮助组装先前创建的富客户机应用程序。
Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm. 你举目向四方观看;众人都聚集来到你这里。你的众子从远方而来;你的众女也被怀抱而来。
During the viral assembly, sometimes two or three nucleocapsids use one membrane to assemble. This causes two results. 在病毒装配过程中,存在一些特殊的形态,即为两个或三个核衣壳用一个囊膜来装配。
The whole equipment has a close agile construction and easy to dismantle, assemble, move and adjust. This pap. . . 设计的整体装置要求结构紧凑、轻巧,便于拆装、移动与调整,着重介绍了其中减少漏气量方面的气密性方案设计。
With a few mouse clicks you assemble all necessary elements and save them under a project name of your choice. 与几下鼠标点击您组装所有必要的元素,并将它们保存下的一个项目,您选择的名称。
So assemble a library of fonts, brushes, textures, and stock photos, and the next time you're stuck, just take a look through all of them. 因此,组建一个字体、笔刷、纹理、照片的资料库,下一次你卡住时看看它们。
And so I had to assemble an incredible team around me to help me with this task. 所以我必须组建一个强大的团队来帮助我完成这次挑战。
I asked my husband to assemble some furniture from Ikea but as usual he made a complete pig's ear of it. 我让我丈夫组装一些从宜家买回来的家具,可他和往常一样又把一切都搞得一团糟。
With thick clients, the devices would have to be able to parse and assemble Web service messages. 有了胖客户端,设备就能分解和组装Web服务消息了。