
美 [əˈsaɪn]英 [ə'saɪn]
  • v.分配;指定;把…归因于;【法】把(财产、权利等)转让给,让与
  • n.受让人
  • 网络分派

第三人称单数:assigns 现在分词:assigning 过去式:assigned

assign task,assign role,assign right,assign seat



土地词典_翻译家( ... assignor 转让人;出让人 assigns 受让人 Assistant Director of Lands 地政总署助理署长 ...


ftp isu edu tw - 义守大学档案伺服器_馆档网 ... assigned 指定的 assigns 分派 assist 协助 ...

Management assigns you to be the project manager of a project that crosses functional lines and is designed to operate at 6-sigma levels. 管理层任命你为一个跨越职能部门的项目经理,项目将按照六西格玛水平执行。
The client hereby assigns all his claims to the Bank and endorses any of his securities which are not bearer instruments or blank endorsed. 客户在此将所有索偿权指派给本银行并且同意非不记名文书或空白背书的证券。不太确定这一句的理解是否准确?
The software in Scopus errs on the side of caution; it only assigns two papers to the same person if it has a high degree of confidence. Scopus内置的软件就因为谨慎而犯错:它只在高信度的情况下标记两篇文章作者为同一人。
Such a method, which assigns a definite meaning once and for all to a particular symbol, allows a lot of problems to go by unnoticed. 这样一个方法,一劳永逸地指定一个明确的意义给一个特别的符号,产生许多大家没有注意到的问题。
Historically the idea of a social contract had a more limited role than Rawls assigns to it. 在历史上,社会契约的观念所担当的角色比罗尔斯赋予它的要狭窄。
Moreover, the base station selectively assigns to each communication with a mobile station (11) a set of at least two said relays (23). 另外,基站将至少由二个所述中继站(23)构成的组有选择地分配给与一个移动站(11)进行的每个通信。
After the treatment upon its illness or wound not from work, Party B is unable to take on the old job or other positions Party A assigns. 乙方患病或非因工受伤,医疗期满后仍不能从事原工作也不能从事由甲方另行安排的工作的。
When a user requests a service from a server over a network, the server assigns a small piece of computing task to the user's machine. 当用户通过网络从服务器申请某项服务时,服务器会将一小部分计算任务分配给用户机器。
Whenever a request is sent to a Web service, this handler reads the SOAP body and assigns it to the body_of_request static field. 当将请求发送到Web服务时,此处理程序将读取SOAP主体,并将其分配给body_of_request静态字段。
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for Gods sacred feast. 然后,爱用神圣的火烘培你,让你成为上帝圣宴上的圣饼。
Wang Liang: Hi, Mr Tang assigns me to help you understand the thrust of our business, Li Ming. 王亮:嘿李明,唐先生让我帮助你尽快熟悉公司业务。
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for Gods's sacred feast. 然后,爱用神圣的火烘焙你,让你成为上帝盛宴上的圣饼。
The word boundaries refers to the fact that God assigns each of us a field or sphere of service. “界限”这个词的意思是神分配给我们每个人的那个范围,每个人的那个服侍环境。
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast. 尔后,他把你们交与圣火,让你们成为上帝圣宴上的圣饼。
When you create a new table in Datasheet view, Access automatically creates a primary key for you and assigns it the AutoNumber data type. 在数据表视图中创建新表时,Access自动为您创建主键,并且为它指定“自动编号”数据类型。
access (which is quite different from accesskey in previous versions) assigns short names, like "contents" , to various parts of a document. access(和以前版本中的accesskey不同)为文档中的不同部分指定简单的名称,比如“contents”。
Raises the value of a variable or property to the power of an expression and assigns the result back to the variable or property . 进行以变量或属性的值为底、以表达式的值为幂的运算,并将结果赋回给该变量或属性。
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred for God's sacred feast. 爱用神圣的火烘焙你,你才能成为神圣的面饼,跻身于上帝的圣餐之列。
It assigns the value of a primitive-type attribute in the source business object to a primitive-type attribute in a target business object. 它将源业务对象中的某个基元类型属性的值赋予目标业务对象中的某个基元类型属性。
The system automatically assigns you to a table where there is an empty seat. 系统也会自动分配您到有一个空位的桌。
Divides the value of a variable or property by the value of an expression and assigns the floating-point result to the variable or property. 变量或属性的值除以表达式的值,并将浮点型结果赋给该变量或属性。
It assigns ratings to governments or companies, and investors use those ratings to help decide where they want to put their money. 它主要给各国政府或公司评级,投资者利用这些等级信息来帮助决定他们把资金投入到哪儿。
The new dbm_monitor role has no members until a system administrator assigns users to the role. 在系统管理员为dbm_monitor角色分配用户之前,该角色没有任何成员。
Unless a professor specifically assigns a report, your paper is expected to be a reasoned argument. 除非指导教授特别交代你某个主题,否则你的论文应该具有推论的争议性。
The RFIDIC system also assigns its own identifiers to those entities that are referred to as internal IDs. RFIDIC系统也为这些实体分派它自己的标识,这称为内部ID(internalID)。
When one party assigns all or part of his investment to a third party, the other party has preemptive right. 合营一方转让其全部或者部分股权时,合营他方有优先购买权。
EDITBIN assigns new base addresses in a contiguous address space according to the size of each file rounded up to the nearest 64 KB. EDITBIN会根据每个档案大小(会进位至最接近64的倍数个KB),在连续位址空间中指定新的基底位址。
To recap: A log_format directive takes a format you give it and assigns it a nickname you choose. 要总结一下:一个log_format指令采用的格式,你把它和它分配一个昵称您选择。
The system confirms the posting and assigns a purchase order document number. Make a note of this number. 系统确认记帐并分配给一个采购订单凭证号码,记下这个号码。
However, it is possible that society assigns different social values to a QALY, according to who gets it. 然而,它可能是社会赋予不同的社会价值观以QALY,根据谁得到它。