
美 [əˈsoʊʃiət]英 [əˈsəʊsiət]
  • v.交往;联想;联系;(尤指)混在一起
  • n.伙伴;同事;合伙人;准学士(获得两年制高校学位)
  • adj.非正式的;准的;副的;联合的
  • 网络关联;使联合;结合

第三人称单数:associates 现在分词:associating 过去式:associated

associate editor,associate member,associate user
associate director


1.[t]~ sb/sth (with sb/sth)联想;联系to make a connection between people or things in your mind

2.[i]~ with sb交往;(尤指)混在一起to spend time with sb, especially a person or people that sb else does not approve of

3.[t]~ yourself with sth表明支持;表示同意to show that you support or agree with sth


UG_百度文库 ... Assignment 分派 Associate 关联 Associated 相关联的 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... sociology n 社会学 associate v 联合;联想 association n 社团;联合 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... assistant n. 助手,助理;助教 associate vi. 交往 n.伙伴,同事 association n. 协会,团体;联合 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(一)|联想记忆法背单词 ... assist v. 辅助 associate v. 联合;n.伙伴 association n. 协会;关联 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... mostly ad. 主要地; 大部分 associate n. 合作人, 同事 assemble vt. 集合 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... assistant n. 助手,助理 associate v. 联想,联系 association n. 协会,社团, 联系 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... assistant n. 助手,助教 associate v. 使联合,使发生联系 association n. 协会,联想 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... assist 帮助 associate 联合,结合 assimilate 吸收;同化 ...

Controlled the air conditioning button which on the stage arranged in turn to let me associate the candied fruit. 中控台上依次排列的空调按钮让我联想起了糖葫芦。
The best way to start this would be to think of a gesture or word that you want to associate with the action of lying down. 最好的方式开始这将是一个手势或文字认为你希望与行动的关联躺下。
The day is often associated with the colors orange and black, and is strongly associate with symbols such as the jack-o'-lantern. 一天,常与颜色的橙色和黑色的,并表示强烈的联想与符号如火焰般双眼的空心。
It seems to me that the reason why westerners associate vegetarianism with Japan or China is Buddhism. 为西方人之所以把素食主义和日本或中国联想在一起,我认为是因为佛教的缘故。
Do not associate with bad people. They may spoil you as a rotting apple spoils the apples next to it in the barrel. 不要和坏人交往,他们可能象烂苹果破坏一个桶中它旁边的渐渐腐烂的苹果一样损坏你。
Is applied to a type or to a property to associate the type or the property with a UI type editor. 为了将类型或属性与UI类型编辑器关联,将给类型或属性应用。
Dr Livingston believes that this tendency to associate aggression with leadership ' is an explanation on why we get corruption. 利文斯顿博士相信,这种把进取心和领导能力结合起来的趋势将会是贪污腐败问题的一种解释。
Read the story of Beethoven, let I associate it-a Helen Keller also has a strong perseverance. 读了贝多芬的故事,让我联想到了海伦凯勒——一个同样有着坚强毅力的人。
Good morning. The United States Senate is now considering my nomination of Judge Sam Alito to be an associate justice on the Supreme Court. 美国参议院正在考虑我对山姆~奥利特的最高法院大法官的提名。
It makes the embedded data associate with the embedded position, so the watermark is not easy to be attacked. 这种随机序列方法,使嵌入到作品中的水印信息与嵌入位置相关联,不易被人为攻击。
Psychological research seems to confirm that people associate particular facial expressions with the same emotions across cultures. 心理研究似乎可以确认,人们把特殊脸部表情和跨文化的同样感情联系起来。
It's very kind of you to say so. My associate and I will be interested in visiting your factory. 谢谢您的盛情,我的同事和我很想参观你们的工厂。
But it is not easy to complete all the required courses and get enough credits to earn an associate or bachelor's degree. 但为了获得准学士学位或学士学位就得完成所有的必修课程,挣到足够的学分,那却是很难的。
Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers. 对于含有两个或更多个逻辑级别的行标头和列标头的数据表,应该使用标记来关联数据单元格和标头单元格。
Try to associate your brand with positive imagery that can better remind your customers of who you are and what you are trying to achieve. 努力使你的品牌和积极的意象相关联,这些积极的意象能很好地提醒你的顾客你是谁以及你正努力做什么。
At a night at the opera, her friend, Tannon Praji, sympathetic to her plight, introduced her to an associate of his, Ottegru Grey. 她的朋友坦农·普拉吉同情她的遭遇。有一天晚上在剧院里,坦农把他的一位助手奥特格鲁·格雷介绍给了奥娜拉。
"She met girls that were more like her, that she could associate with, and it just really brought her out, " her mother, Laura says. “她遇到了同她有相同境遇的女孩子们,并与之交往,这让她真正走出了自我。”她的母亲劳拉说。
It is the responsibility of every associate to report defects in the hotel, including shortages of equipment and supplies. 任何同事如看到设施的用品损毁或不足,都有责任向上级报告。
The name of the performance counter category, or performance object, with which to associate this PerformanceCounterCategory instance. 性能计数器类别的名称或性能对象,此PerformanceCounterCategory实例将与之关联。
You see, as long as you associate pain with eating healthy foods, you will never be able to do it for the long-term. 你看,只要你想到健康食品时很痛苦,你就肯定不能长期坚持,也许你可以用的意志力坚持一段时间,但是最终强大的痛苦会战胜快乐。
it was quite ingenious , but not the sort of thing you usually associate with fighting a war . 李子干是一种独创的秘密武器,不是你所见的常规战争武器。
Blake McCrossin, a public-relations associate in New York, says he thought shopping would be the last thing he would do on his iPad. 现年30岁的纽约公关客户主任布雷克-麦克科罗森(BlakeMcCrossin)称,他原本以为自己在iPad上最不愿意干的一件事就是购物。
The company actively supports the community and encourages associate volunteerism through a variety of organizations. 公司积极支持社会活动,鼓励员工通过各种组织参加志愿工作。
You associate each part of what you have to remember with a landmark in a route you know well, like your commute to work. 把你熟记的路线都联系起来,你比如乘车上班。
Under the influence of democratic theory, we have come to associate justice with equality, while for Plato it has no such implication. 我们受了民主理论的影响,已经习惯于把正义和平等结合在一片了;然而在柏拉图却并没有这种涵义。
And when an associate found all of his deal toys broken, everyone assumed it was just a "barbaric" copy center worker. 有位交易员发现他所有的交易玩具都损坏后,每个人都认为这是“野蛮的”复印中心的工作人员干的。
" This judge went on to say that, if confirmed, Judge Alito " will serve as a marvelous and distinguished associate justice. 这位法官接着说,如果提名获得批准,奥利特法官“将恪尽职守地成为一名非凡而卓越的大法官。”
This Courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor. 这首宫廷诗取材于骑士精神和典雅爱恋,你可能会想到这与身穿闪光的盔甲的骑士有关。
Is there any child you think might be a good friend for him that he currently doesn't associate with? 是否有您认为他值得结交的朋友?
'It seems like a simple thing, ' Mr. Golvin said. 'It's that kind of elegance I associate with him. ' “这一点看似简单,”戈尔文说,“但这就是我认为埃维设计的典雅之处。”