at one

  • na.在一点钟;一致
  • 网络一起了;一致地;回归本心

at oneat one

at one


one after another ... all in one 合在一起 at one 一致 one-onea. 一对一的; 一一对应的 ...


... atone 是讲到原本两下不能相容的, 现在能在一起了(at one), 此英文字造得很妙, 讲出希伯来文与希腊文之意, 然中文则需『赎 …


one英语 是什么意思啊 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... one another 彼此,互相 at one 一致地 one by one 一个接一个 ...


生命的气息-心灵养身馆... ... 01. NATURE SPACE / 自然空间 02. AT ONE / 回归本心 03. PEACEFUL REFLECTIONS / 平和回 …


... for the road 最后一杯,〈口〉临走前的最后一杯酒(以示送行) one 与…意见一致 one time 曾经,一度, 从前 ...


该词(atone)是从英文的“归一”(at one)衍变而来的,其词源的意思就是关系的和谐。与某人“归一”的意思就是与某人建立和 …

But, look across the Pacific at one of our biggest trading partners, and you can see, the rebalancing is causing quite a bit of pain. 可是,看看太平洋的那边我们的最大的贸易伙伴之一,就像你看到的那样,再次平衡带来了不小的伤痛。
gives out a sound that is pure and yet is capable of tugging at one's heart strings, also this sound in the box is even like a mystery. 八音盒发出的声音单纯却能拨动人的心弦﹐而装这个声音的盒子更像是一个谜。
At one o'clock - 8 p. m. British Double Summer Time - he was sitting in a chair while sketches were being made of him by an architect. 1点时(英国双夏令时8点)--他坐在椅子上,一位画家在为他作画。
But please remember that sometimes it's just a little much for me to process, all those presents and all that joy at one time. 但是请记住,一次那么多的礼物那么多的快乐,有时候,这有那么一点点超出我承受的能力。
At one side there was a carriage gate of the ordinary dimensions, and which had evidently not been cut more than fifty years previously. 旁边有一道大车门,大小和普通的大车门一样,从外形看,那道门的年龄大致不出五十年。
The poor captain raised his eyes, and at one look the rum went out of him. 可怜的船长抬起了他的眼睛,一瞥之间,他的酒意全醒了。
But not this time, at least not at one central point, the main point of this book. Here is one of several statements he makes. 但是,这一次,却一反常态。最少,在本书的核心观点上,是一反常态的。下面一段话,是他的一个说法。
The heart being able to only use a moment to be thankful to now treats at one's side appearing everyone. 对于现在只能用一刻感恩的心对待身边出现的每个人。
So it is such a pleasure to be with you at one of the most exciting gatherings of entrepreneurs anywhere in the world today. 因此,我十分高兴今天与你们共同出席这次会议,这是全世界最令人振奋的创业者会议之一。
At one time it was doubtful whether the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. 曾经有一段时间,公司能否从困境中恢复元气令人生疑,不过政府的贷款似乎起了作用。
A trip to Budapest would not be complete without taking a soak at one of the many fancy bathhouses, pools, or spas around the city. 到布达佩斯,没泡过城里别致的澡堂、池子或温泉浴场,这趟旅行就不算完美。
' said Alice indignantly, and she sat down in a large arm-chair at one end of the table. 爱丽丝说着就在桌子一端的大扶手椅上坐下了。
A solvent was used as gold extractant and a sort of compound back extract reducer was used for reduction at one step in normal temperature. 用某溶剂作为金萃取剂,用某复合反萃还原剂在常温条件下进行一步还原;
how much do you think the membership fee at one month is acceptable in online shopping sites? 你认为网上购物网站一个月徵收几多会员费才算合理?。
We looked at one another and smiled as the music flowed because we were all thinking the same thing: 'This is as good as I thought it was. 乐声流淌,我们相互注目,会心微笑,因为每个人心中的想法都是一致的:“跟我预想的一样好。”
We all went back upstairs to hang out on our balcony, and at one point I looked down to see what was happening at the party. 我们都回到了楼上,在阳台上闲聊。某突然,我低头想看派对怎么样了。
At one point during her detention, Lee called and left a voicemail message saying how much she loved her daughter. 在李丽娜被关押期间,她曾打过电话,也留下过一则语音邮件,表达了她对女儿深深的爱。
It was more than I had had in my hands at one time for several years. I felt elated, as though perhaps a new life was opening before me. 我已有好几年没有一次拿到过这么多钱了,我兴高采烈,也许一种新生活就要在我面前展开了。
At one time, your body is a party under the barren loess, wantonly trample down the moment in the sun, the long darkness covered everything. 曾经,你的身下是一方贫瘠的黄土,任人踩踏,在太阳下山的那一刻,漫漫的黑暗遮盖了一切。
Machinist is required to be able to perform routine duties and responsibilities at one of the skill levels at a high degree of accuracy. 作为一名机加工技师需要能够完成日常工作,并负责一种高技术高精度的机床的操作。
My favorite street is called Park Avenue, and I often went there to enjoy drinks at one of the wine bars or dine al fresco with friends. 我最喜欢的街道叫做公园大道,我经常去那里的红酒酒吧喝一杯或与朋友们在户外用餐。
We must see the matter at once, at one glance, and not by a process of reasoning, at least to a certain degree. 人们必须在第一时间、第一眼就看出问题的所在,而不能通过论断来了解它们——至少在某种程度上是这样。
This rumored breakup comes just a week after Bieber made a surprise appearance at one of Gomez's concerts. 这一谣言的出现离贾斯丁在戈麦斯演唱会上惊喜现身仅一周之隔。
He's out. Some farmer dumped him at one of my precincts last night. What's that got to do with me? 他逃出来了,被农民送到警察局,后来警察通知我这关我何事?。
One of the greatest mistakes people make in setting goals is trying to work on too many things at one time. 人们在设定目标的时候,犯的最大的一个错误就是企图在同一时间内做过多的事情。
This beam was to be shot at one of the republic ships and drag it into a Hammerhead-class capital ship, destroying both. 这种光束被射向一艘共和国战舰,并拖拽它撞上了一艘锤头级主力舰,两艘飞船都被摧毁。
A man went into a restaurant andsat down at one of the table. A waiter went up to him and gave him the menu. 一个男人走进了一家饭馆,坐在了其中一个桌子前,服务员走上前给他看菜单。
At one point, it looked as if Mr Rajoelina, who has been in politics for barely a year, might have overplayed his hand. 某个角度看,拉乔利纳这么做有点过分,因为他涉足政治还不到一年。
The Hairdresser: Li Jiayong is making twice as much as an entrepreneur as he was as a vice president at one of Shanghai's biggest chains. 理发师:现在,李家勇(音译)比过去他当上海最大连锁店之一的副总赚的翻一番。
As he got there, he took his stand at one end of the bridge and waited. 他到了那儿以后,便站在桥的一头等着。