
美 [əˈtæk]英 [ə'tæk]
  • v.攻击;袭击;进攻;抨击
  • n.攻击;袭击;打击;侵袭
  • 网络攻击力;发作;启动时间

第三人称单数:attacks 现在分词:attacking 过去式:attacked

sudden attack,fierce attack,direct attack,violent attack,savage attack
make attack,attack enemy,launch attack,attack problem,mount attack


n. v.


1.[c][u]~ (on sb)袭击;攻击an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill sb

战争in war

2.[c][u]~ (on sb/sth)(在战争中使用武器的)进攻,攻击an act of trying to kill or injure the enemy in war, using weapons such as guns and bombs


3.[c][u]~ (on sb/sth)(口头或书面的)抨击,非难strong criticism of sb/sth in speech or in writing

制止action to stop sth

4.[c]~ (on sth)抑制;打击;处理an action that you take to try to stop or change sth that you feel is bad

疾病of illness

5.[c](尤指常发疾病的)发作,侵袭a sudden, short period of illness, usually severe, especially an illness that you have often

情感of emotion

6.[c](情感的)一阵突发a sudden period of feeling an emotion such as fear


7.[u][c](病虫等的)损害,伤害the action of sth such as an insect, or a disease, that causes damage to sth/sb

体育运动in sport

8.[sing]进攻队员the players in a team whose job is to try to score goals or points

9.[c][u](队员等的)进攻the actions that players take to try to score a goal or win the game


暗黑破坏神Ⅲ_百度百科 ... stay there 留在这里 attack 攻击 retreat 撤退 ...


进字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 进港〖 putin〗 进攻attack〗 进贡〖 paytribute〗 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... attach v. 把…固定,重视 attack vt. / n. 攻击,袭击 attain v. (经过努力)获得, 得到 ...


英雄属性详解 - 英雄无敌3 - 英雄世界 ... 士气( Morale) 攻击力Attack) 防御力( Defence) ...


人教版2010高中英语必修一单词表 - 豆丁网 ... vote vt. & vi. 投票;选举 attack vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击 violence n. 暴力;暴行 ...


常用临床医学英文术语 ... remission 缓解 attack 发作 rehabilitation 康复 ...


3.启动时间(Attack)的调整 启动时间的调整主要考虑音乐的特性。如果启动时间速度过快,到一定程度地影响摇头音乐音头的动 …


字典中 袭 字的解释 ... (14) 盖[ cover] (16) 触及;熏染;侵袭[ attack] (2) 同本义[ graveclothes] ...

The attack on this defendant, by the district attorney, seemed too unfair and uncalled-for, that was all. 区检察官对这位被告的攻击似乎太不公正,太无道理,我的话完了。
He says they found there was no significant change in the number of heart attack hospitalizations in these areas. 他说,他们发现这些地区因心脏病入院的患者数量无明显改变。
President Obama said he was disturbed by the attack on the British embassy. The U. N Security Council also condemned the incident. 奥巴马总统说他被对英国大使馆的袭击给震惊了。联合国安理会也谴责了这次事件。
Mr Li said he did not know who the hackers were or what they hoped to gain from the attack. 李小加表示,他不知道黑客是谁,也不知道他们想从攻击行动中得到什么。
At least 18 people are now known to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a United Nations building in the Nigerian capital Abuja. 尼日利亚首都阿布贾一栋联合国建筑遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少18人死亡。
In South America we have the concept of the 'pause' in football, the moment of reflection which foreshadows an attack. 南美足球有‘暂停’的概念,即预示着一次进攻的思考瞬间。
Initial reports said the cause was a heart attack, but now the network says it's not sure. 最初的报道说这是由心脏病突发造成的,但是现在网络上说这不是真的。
This double attack from two friends laid me low for a bit, but I now have the ideal weapon with which to fight back. 这两位朋友的双重打击真让我有点低落,但我现在找到了完美的反击武器。
He said the ISI also supported an attack on the American Embassy in Kabul two days later. 他说,三军情报局还支持了随后两天美国驻喀布尔大使馆遭遇的袭击。
Mike said he was a " slow-type players, " If you really have the right people will take the initiative to attack. 贺军翔表示,自己是个“慢热型选手”,如果真的有合适的人,会去主动进攻。
Seeking revenge, the man's brother returned to the zoo to attack the animal with a hand grenade, blinding him and knocking out his teeth. 为了报复,这个人的兄弟返回动物园,向这头狮子投掷手雷,弄瞎了Marjan,毁了它的牙齿。
On the surface, the announcement of a Google operating system seems to many like a shot at rival Microsoft, an attack at MS's core business. 从表面上看,谷歌公司发布新的操作系统,矛头直指其竞争对手微软公司,且正中其要害。
A game like this usually ends up in an arms race of insane skill checks, save DCs, Armor Class, and attack rolls. 一个游戏经常就这样结束在技能核对、难度等级、装甲级别和攻击计算里面。
He never had a heart attack, but that surgery was similarly prompted by complaints about chest pain and shortness of breath. 他没有心脏病发作过,但是这个手术也同样被提示关于胸痛和气短的疾病。
A few days later coughing precipitated a second attack of uncontrollable jerking of the left arm, but consciousness was maintained. 几天后,咳嗽再次引起了不自主的左臂抽搐,但未失去知觉。
He said he was lightly wounded in the attack on his compound, adding that seven people had been killed. 他说,他在总统府遇袭时受轻伤,另外有七人遇难。
The United States and Japan have been working since then to strengthen Japan's defense mechanisms in case of an attack by North Korea. 美国和日本从那时以来一直努力加强日本防务机制,以便对付北韩可能发动的袭击。
He died of a heart attack at the age of 45, leaving his final novel, The Last Tycoon (about life in Hollywood), only half done. 他在45岁的时候因为心脏病发而去世,留下他最后一本小说“最后的大亨”(TheLastTycoon),这是一本有关好莱坞生活的小说,不过只写了一半。
Since you have recovered from the heart attack, why don't you get up and have a walk around the garden in the hospital in such a mild day? 既然你已从心脏病中康复过来了,这么暖和的天,为什么不下床到医院的花园中散散步呢?
At least eight soldiers are dead after what authorities in Thailand say was an attack by Islamic militants in the country's south. 泰国当局说,穆斯林激进分子在泰国南部发动的袭击造成至少8名士兵死亡。
Vicars in London have been trained in tae kwon do, a Korean form of karate, after a survey showing that they were at high risk of attack. 在一个调查表示伦敦的牧师处于高危人群之后,他们就开始训练跆拳道了。
But he said: "If somebody already has cardiovascular disease then it might just tip them over the edge and trigger a heart attack. " 但他说:“如果有的人本来就有心血管疾病,那这就可能把他们逼到临界点,导致心脏病发作。”
The Jiangxi bomber, Mr. Qian, made reference to an attack he said recently took place in Wuhan. 钱明奇提到过一次袭击,据他说发生在武汉,时间就在最近。
A western security analyst, who cannot be named, said there had been a grenade attack on an army installation. 一不能透露姓名的西方安全分析人士表示,部队设施遭到了一场手雷攻击。
Also, this sort of attack can be performed with only a partial knowledge of the packet content. 另外,只要知道一部分信息包内容,就可以执行这类攻击。
Gloz had been up to inspect the disposition for the attack and was on his way to an observation post . 戈尔兹到山上视察了进攻部署,到一个观察哨去了。
Now, if fighting off the attack is possible, then a different set of staged defenses ensues. 现在,如果击退进攻是可能的,那么就会采取另一组防御动作。
But all the stress and anger got to me, and I had a heart attack and died there on the balcony. 而我呢,这时也因为太过愤怒,心脏病发,也死在了阳台上。
This zombie will dig under your plants and attack from the back. Use magnet-shrooms or split-peas to take care of him. 这只僵尸会从直接穿到植物的背后攻击它们,用磁力菇或者双向射手来干掉它们!
The PCAPA was formed within days of that landmine attack, ostensibly to protest against the police's heavy-handed response to it. PCAPA在那次地雷袭击发生后的几天内迅速成立,表面上是为了抗议警方对这次事件所采取的高压措施。