
美 [əˈtemptəd]英 [əˈtemptɪd]
  • adj.未遂的
  • v.“attempt”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络试图;企图的;意图的



1.未遂的that sb has tried to do but without success


英语单选题_百度知道 ... attended = 出席 attempted = 试图,尝试 admitted = 容许,接纳 ...


高三英语Ar... ... attempt sth. / to do / doing sth. 企图做某事 attempted adj. 企图的,未遂的 a specific aim 一个特定的目标 ...


高三英语Ar... ... attempt sth. / to do / doing sth. 企图做某事 attempted adj. 企图的,未遂的 a specific aim 一个特定的目标 ...


GRE词汇-表1.真题和PP2类比反义词总词表 ... ... atrophy 萎缩,衰退 attempted 意图的,未遂的 attentive 留心听的,关心的 ...


Sporting events《Reading》学案2... ... Don’t attempt the impossible. 不要试图做不可能的事。 attempted adj. 尝试的,企图的 ...


ftp isu edu tw - 义守大学档案伺服器_馆档网 ... attempt 尝试 attempted 已尝试 attempts 尝试 ...

Barker said he then attempted to rape the girl himself, before she was shot to death by former Pfc. Steven D. Green, Bierce said. 比尔茨说,巴克交代在前一等兵史蒂文D。格林将这名女孩射杀前他试图强奸她。
By all means possible you have been kept ignorant of our presence, and any other civilization that has attempted to communicate with you. 无论如何你们都被刻意的远离我们存在的事实,还有任何其他已经企图接触了你们地球的文明。
The issue has never been tested, as no Scottish court since 1707 has actually attempted to make such a ruling. 这一问题从未接受过检验,自1707年来,苏格兰法院还从未真正地试图作出此种裁定。
The group claims to have provided him with the explosive device he allegedly attempted to detonate as the jet was about to land in Detroit. 该组织宣称为阿卜杜勒—穆塔拉提供了爆炸装置,后者据称在客机即将着陆底特律时企图引爆炸弹。
She said that it was her son's name, and that her boyfriend is in jail for attempted murder. 她说哦那是我儿子的名字,我男朋友杀人未遂蹲监狱去了。
An out-of-process component attempted to pass a reference to a private object as an argument of an event it was raising. 进程外组件试图将对私有对象的引用作为它所引发的事件的参数进行传递。
He said he attempted to contact the control tower and confirm if a fire was present, but was unable due to frequency congestion. 他说他试图与指挥塔台联系并且确认是否一场火灾存在,但是由于频率拥挤不能。
But she took advantage of every opportunity, and continually attempted to portray more complex characters and roles. 但是她努力抓住每一次机会,并且不断尝试和体验更加复杂的人物性格。
After all, he'snot just a social grub but a raving paranoid, endlessly mouthingsomething about attempted homicide by a Hereford. 毕竟,他不仅仅是一个社交讨厌鬼,还是个满口胡话的偏执狂,永远在说着自己曾被一头赫勒福德牛谋杀的事。
Expansion into new industries, like the kind Center Group attempted, is a desperate attempt to move up the value chain. 像信泰集团这样尝试向新行业扩张的做法是一种试图向价值链上游转移的孤注一掷的做法。
Rumors also have circulated that he attempted to run for the president of the United States to better protect Mexican workers. 有传言说,他打算竞选美国总统,保障墨西哥劳工的利益。
Those of you who have attempted to implement managed add-ins for the Windows shell in the past might be a bit uneasy about this concept. 那些过去曾尝试实现用于Windows外壳程序的托管加载项的人可能有点不容易理解此概念。
On her way to be forced to marry a millionaire, desperate Rose attempted to jump into the sea, but she was saved by Jack. 在被迫嫁给一个大富豪的途中,绝望的露丝企图跳海自尽,但被杰克救下。
In Iowa, two men attempted to break into a man's home after mucking up their faces with a black magic marker. 在爱荷华,有两名男子入室抢劫前用变色笔给自己涂了个大黑脸。
Pearl laughed, and attempted to pull away her hand. But the minister held it fast. "A moment longer, my child! " said he. 珠儿笑着,想抽出她的手。但牧师紧紧地握住了。“再稍待一会儿,我的孩子!”他说。
As you know I have very little experience of your industry so I have attempted to find out more on the Internet. 您知道,我对你们从事的产业了解很少。所以我通过上网,想了解更多。
The singer was wearing just a pair of skimpy black briefs and attempted to cover her bottom half with a tiny striped towel. 她在下面穿了一条黑色的紧身内裤并试图用一个彩条毛巾来遮住她的下半身。
He never attempted to rewrite the lost works, including the novel, which was based upon his own experiences in World War I. 他从未尝试重新写作遗失的作品,包括这一部以他在第一次世界大战中的亲身经历为背景的小说。
She's accused of trying to kill another woman in a romantic dispute. She was charged with attempted murder in Florida. 因感情纠葛,她企图谋杀另一女子,在佛罗里达州被提起谋杀未遂的指控。
In the largest study of its kind researchers have found a link between IQ scores and attempted suicide in men. 研究人员在一项调查研究中发现,人类智商高低和自杀倾向之间存在联系。
More preoccupying to the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, are the implications for her attempted rapprochement with India. 谢赫•哈西娜(SheikhHasina)总理更加关注的是这些事件对她试图与印度恢复友好关系所带来的影响。
Ms Banon says the former IMF chief assaulted her in a Paris flat in 2003 as she attempted to conduct an interview with him. 巴侬称,国际货币基金组织前总裁卡恩,于2003年在巴黎一座公寓接受她采访时,意图强奸她。
There was the case of 10-year-old [and a younger child, whose mother attempted to kill them both. ] The mother was found legally insane. 有一个案件的当事人是一个10岁的孩子(另外还有一个更小一点儿的孩子,他们的母亲打算把他们都杀掉)。
Wray dropped to his knee and began shooting the other seven officers, one at a time as they attempted to run away. 另外七个军官见状企图逃走,沃伊中尉屈膝射击,全部放倒。
The innkeeper, hearing his tale and believing what he said, became greatly alarmed and, rising from his seat, attempted to run away. 旅店老板听信了他的鬼话,变得异常紧张,从座位上站起来要逃走。
If the latter experiences a financial loss, however, legal recourse against an agent is often attempted. 但是如果后者承受了经济损失的话,通常可对代理依法追索。
The idea of committing suicide always comes up in mind and many might have already attempted one. 脑海中总是浮现自杀的念头,很多人可能已经试图自杀过了。
I had been a big admirer of his since he stood up on a tank to oppose an attempted coup ten months earlier. 十个月前,他站在一辆坦克上面阻止一起未遂政变,从那时起我就非常敬慕他。
but Mrs Linton, suspecting something, followed; and when I attempted to call them, she pulled me back, slammed the door to, and locked it. 但是林惇夫人疑心有什么事,就跟过来,当我打算叫他们时,她把我拖回来,把门一关,上了锁。
An overall assessment of the degree to which the 1983 health reform was able to meet its goals was attempted recently . 一个总体评估的程度而1983年的医疗改革也能够满足它的目标是最近企图。