
美 [əˈweɪt]英 [ə'weɪt]
  • v.等待;期待
  • 网络万众期待

第三人称单数:awaits 现在分词:awaiting 过去式:awaited

await reply,await arrival,await answer,await opportunity,await word



如,long-awaited,[偏正]表被动,被长久(long)等待awaited)的。  ⑹“副词+过去分词”。


英语语言... ... n. 预期, 预料 expected;awaited;prepared for 预期;期待;预备 in expectation of; in view of 期望; 预期; …


Grasshopper (Cao Meng) Songs | Music - Page2 ... 65.Bon voyage 一路顺风 66.Awaited 万众期待 Baby I'm sorry( 宝贝对不起…

After the performances, a garden party featuring delicious vegetarian food, which had been long awaited by many, finally began. 表演结束后,众人期待已久的园游会终于正式开锣,美味可口的素食佳肴让大家一饱口福。
The youngest boy went to the ditch, where the frog awaited him in a carriage fashioned out of a fig leaf and drawn by four snails. 小王子来到水沟边,青蛙正在一架四只蜗牛拉着的车子上等着他,车子是用无花果的树叶做成的。
The long - awaited time for me to debut my greatness and deposit what I have been assigned to do by my master has come. 我所期待已久的实现我的主人委派于我的崇高和托付的时刻已经到来。
Who to ask to pick up A-Mei, Mei's heart child drunk, pick up the long-awaited love brother, the triumphant return of the distance. 要问阿妹去接谁,阿妹心儿醉,去接久别的情哥哥,远方凯旋归。
The only resource left me was to run to a lattice and warn his intended victim of the fate which awaited him. 我唯一的方法就是跑到窗前,警告那个他所策划的牺牲者,当心等待着他的命运。
The Syrian regime did not react on Thursday, but anti-regime protesters welcomed the long-awaited move. 叙利亚政府周四没有做出回应,但反政府示威者对上述期盼已久的行动表示欢迎。
The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) finally has a date set for the long-awaited arrival of a pair of giant pandas. 苏格兰皇家动物保护协会最终为这一对久违的大熊猫的到来设定了最终日期。
The release of a long-awaited U. S. government plan to rid bank balance sheets of money-losing "toxic" assets has also been a big spur. 令人翘首企盼的美国政府清理银行“有毒”资产的计划,也是一个重要提振因素。
He said he awaited a response from the Iranian government with optimism. 索拉纳说,他乐观地等待著伊朗政府的回应。
"I never thought about Chernobyl until I got this news, " he said in a Kiev hospital as he awaited surgery. 「在得知消息前,我从来没想过车诺比。」在基辅一间医院等待手术的纳伯克说。
When Mr Weber toured Stonehenge, a prehistoric site in England, just a few bedraggled and chilly druids awaited him. 韦伯到英国史前巨石柱(Stonehenge)观光时,只有几个衣着邋遢、态度冷淡的祭师在那儿接待他。
Your job is what I am the cause of the long-awaited, I look forward to working with you and share weal and woe, create brilliant! 贵公司的这份工作正是我期待已久的事业,我渴望能与贵公司休戚与共,共创辉煌!
His eyes were closed, as if the king of this domain were taking a nap, stretched in the sun to soak up the long-awaited warmth of spring. 它闭着眼睛,神态安详,这片领地的“国王”仿佛只是睡着了一样,躺在阳光里享受着这漫长的等待之后温暖的春天。
When she learned that we come from Beijing, China, the eye was full of joy, it seems to see the long-awaited family. 当她得知我们来自中国北京时,目光里满是欣喜,就好像是看见了久别的亲人。
Investors awaited a key U. S. jobs report and the outcome of a policy meeting by the Bank of Japan, both due out on Friday. 投资人在等待周五将公布的美国重要就业报告以及日本央行政策会议的结果。
The long-awaited next version of the Java EE 5 is knocking at the door (see Resources for links to the specification and preview release). 期待已久的下一版本JavaEE5即将发布(参见参考资料获得规范和预览版的链接)。
"There is nothing to be sorry about. This a long awaited freedom" , he said. 普京说:“这没有什么可遗憾的,我终于自由了。”
All of the time our allies have been setting the scene for the awaited announcement, and it appears to be almost ready to go ahead. 每时每刻,我们的盟友一直在为期待的宣告做准备,它显得几乎准备好进行下去。
Irish victims accused the pope of evading the question of Vatican responsibility in the long-awaited, eight-page letter. 爱尔兰的受害者指控教皇在众人期待已久、长达8页的信中避免了梵蒂冈的责任问题。
As a dozen bankers awaited an important meeting with him, he retired to his bedroom, lay in bed, and shot himself in the heart. 在十几个银行家等待与他见面的当口,他回到卧室,上了床,对着自己的脑袋开了枪。
The long-awaited 2003 edition of his collected poems runs to almost 1, 000 pages. Bishop's collected poems is one-quarter of that length. 他那本期待已久的2003年修订版个人诗歌集的几乎高达1000页。
The bank, the third-largest listed lender on the mainland stockmarket, said it hoped to complete the long-awaited stock offering this month. 这家中国大陆股市的第三大上市银行表示,希望于本月完成这次期待已久的股票增发。
The long-awaited codes, expected to come into force in January, clarify a subject that has dominated South African business for a decade. 该法案被期待已久,有望在一月生效,它澄清了占据南非经济主导地位数十年的问题。
The long-awaited self titled debut, combines Joe's diverse influences into a soulful expression of sound. 期待已久的自我题为亮相,乔相结合的多种影响到深情表达的声音。
More than six years after the invasion of Iraq, a long-awaited inquiry into Britain's role in the war has opened in London. 入侵伊拉克六年多以来,关于英国在战争中的作用的期待已久的调查听证在伦敦开始。
I'm still trying to arrange my time and find some to work on the long-awaited new version. 我仍旧在安排我的时间,找些空来开发期待已久的新版本。
Finished all cargo work. Agent embarked with all ship's certificates. Port clearance has been issued for her. Awaited pilot to proceed. 货物工作已经全部告完毕,代理取回船舶证书、港方已经发放出港许可证,等待引航员上船。
Read and save the tears of the heart it always falls on the long-awaited silent night! 积攒着念和泪的心哭不出的总是落在这黑夜无语的千呼万唤!
The eagerly awaited follow up to the point and click adventure game from 2003. A dog has been kidnapped and you must help to save him. 人们热切期待的后续行动,从2003点和点击冒险游戏。狗有被绑架,你必须帮助挽救他。
He also took significant steps toward the introduction of the long-awaited international board at the Shanghai stock exchange. 他还在推出各方期待已久的上海证交所国际板方面,迈出了一些重大步子。