
美 [əˈwɔrd]英 [əˈwɔː(r)d]
  • n.奖;奖金;奖品;奖学金
  • v.授予;给予奖励;判给
  • 网络奖项;获奖;奖赏

第三人称单数:awards 现在分词:awarding 过去式:awarded

receive award,win award,give award,present award
prestigious award,annual award


n. v.

1.[c]奖;奖品;奖金;奖状a prize such as money, etc. for sth that sb has done

2.[c](收入的)增加额an increase in the amount of money sb earns

3.[c][u](赔偿)裁定额;(赔偿)裁决the amount of money that a court decides should be given to sb who has won a case; the decision to give this money

4.[u](毕业证书等的)授予the official decision to give sth (such as a diploma ) to sb


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... actress n 女演员 award n 奖;奖品 △ Julia 朱莉娅(女子名) △ ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Avoidance 避免 Award 授予 Award Fee 奖金 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避 award n. 奖品,奖励 aware a. 知道,意识到,发 觉 ...


Tumblr_互动百科 ... 4 发展概况 Overview of 5 奖项 Award 6 中国大陆封锁 Blocked in mainland China ...


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At a press conference, Obama said he was humbled by the decision of the committee to award him the prize. 在新闻发布会上,奥巴马称他对于获颁这一奖项无比荣幸。
If there was an award for anti-achievements in town planning, Moscow officials would be in the front line. 如果存在城市规划反成就奖的话,那么莫斯科市官方必然处于领先集团。
Justin Bieber, who took home the award for best male video, was all over his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, at the awards. 贾斯汀·比伯在典礼上凌驾于女朋友赛琳娜·戈麦斯之上,赢得了最佳男歌手录像奖。。
That's just one of the reasons the Nobel Committee's decision to award this year's Peace Prize to Barack Obama is such a stunning surprise. 这只是诺贝尔委员会将今年的和平奖授予奥巴马为何如此例外的一个原因。
Cosco Pacific failed to persuade the Greek government to award it a build-operate-transfer contract under a bilateral arrangement. 中远太平洋未能说服希腊政府在中希双边协定下签署一份建造-运营-移交协议(BOT)。
By evening's end, it would have been easy to assume Tung was himself a recipient of a Wilson center award. 到晚宴结束,很容易以为董建华也是威尔逊中心奖项的获奖者。
A bit of tension was added to the atmosphere when a person accepting an award for the Korean movie "Enlightenment Film" stepped on stage. 只不过韩片「启蒙电影」代领人,上台领奖时,讲了这句话,让现场气氛顿时凝结。
As you know, this song is the winner of Oscar's Best Music Award and the theme song of "The Lion King" . 正如大家所知,这首歌是奥斯卡最佳音乐奖得主,“狮子王”的主题曲。
Julia Roberts clasped the Oscar Award in her hands, as if fearing it would be snatched away. 茱莉亚·罗伯茨把奥斯卡奖杯紧紧握在手里,好像担心有人会抢走它似的。
Many in the crowd will be hoping to hear their names called for a Tony Award, the top honor for Broadway Theater productions. 在人群中的许多人将希望听到托尼奖,百老汇的戏剧作品的最高荣誉叫他们的名字。
Maddie accepted an award for her heroism, but she's happier just getting back to her sports teams and her youth group. 玛迪因为她的英勇行为而获奖,但更让她欣慰的是她又回到了运动队和少年训练班。
Anyways , to the point. . . To say that Kobe does not deserve the MVP award is just misinformed, biased, and plain wrong. 不管怎样,往点子上说吧…说科比不配得MVP是错误的,有偏见的,绝对的不正确。
This would also be an award for Capello's football, the triumph of that more complete football, which has also been unfairly criticised. 这也会是对卡佩罗式足球的奖励,是更完整的足球的胜利,而这也被不公平地批评过。
One time I helped him do a drawing. The next day he told me that drawing won an award. 有一次我帮他画画,第二天儿子告诉我画画得奖了,唉!
My beloved teacher Uncle Liu was a recipient of an award and I sang one of his favourites in honor of him. 我敬爱的刘老师获得了“殿堂音乐贡献大奖”,我上台演唱了他最喜欢的歌之一。
He said he accepted the award with "deep gratitude and great humility. " 他表示他对得这一奖项“深怀感激并深表谦恭”。
The 18-year-old came out on top of the coaches' vote for the award after playing a key role in helping United reach the FA Youth Cup final. 这位18岁的球员在教练组投票中力拔头筹,在球队征战青年足总杯决赛中也发挥了重要作用。
No money will be given till You build the final product. I need to see a demo of your work, before I award it to you. 没有钱,直到你将得到建立最终产品。我需要看您的工作演示,在我奖励你。
It was easy to see why his hair and makeup people have both been recipients of the Irving Thalberg humanitarian award. 我觉得他的发型师和化妆师真应该双双拿下欧文·索尔伯格人道主义奖。
Kang In, Ki Bum and Han Geng did not show up in all the award ceremonies. 强仁,起反,韩庚在年末颁奖礼上并没有出现。
Even before the National Book Award, The Daily Racing Form called it a "gem of a racing novel. " 早在获得国家图书奖之前,这本小说就已经获得《赛马新闻日报》的青睐。该报称赞该书是“赛马类小说的精华之作”。
Whoever it was who thought of combining a JCB with a stonkingly huge wooden toy deserves some sort of an award. 无论谁,如果有想法将挖掘机理念融入大型木质玩具的制作上的话,都应受到一定的奖赏。
Every office made a commitment in Shanghai to deliver at least one piece of metal in an international award show. 在今年上海的全球年会上,我们亚太区每间办公室都做出了承诺,保证在某个国际创意大赛上斩获至少一项殊荣。
Of her Women of the Year award, she said: "It's such a privilege. I feel a little overwhelmed. " 她在发表获奖感言时说:“这真是巨大的荣耀,我感到有些受宠若惊。”
On that soldier's obsequies the general award his wife a medal and a American flag. 在那位士兵的葬礼上,将军授予士兵的妻子一枚勋章和一面美国国旗。
The organization has been trying to get me to attend for a few years, and wanted to give me an award but I didn't have time to attend. 本来机构有好几年邀请我出席,希望颁奖给我,可惜我没有时间出席,反正我想要领奖什麽时候也可以领吧。
Another warning voice was that of Gillian Tett, the FT's award-winning capital markets editor. 另一个警告声音来自英国《金融时报》获奖资本市场编辑吉莲-邰蒂(GillianTett)。
Rule 1: If any monkeys enough to bananas, then re-award it a banana, and let it have enough to eat, but to other monkeys, 80% of appetite. 规则1:如果有哪只猴子够到了香蕉,那就再奖励它一个香蕉,并让它吃饱饭,而给其他猴子80%的饭量。
Or an Honorary Award may take the form of a Life Membership, a scroll, a medal or any other design chosen by the Board of Governors . 荣誉奖还可以以终身会员,登记入册,奖牌或学院主管会选定的其他设计等形式颁发。
Natalie Portman took the best-actress award for her performance as a perfectionist ballerina in Darren Aronofsky's 'Black Swan. ' 娜塔利·波特曼凭借她在达伦•阿罗诺夫斯基导演的《黑天鹅》中作为一个完美主义芭蕾舞演员的表演获得最佳女主角奖。