
美 [əˈhwaɪl]英 [ə'waɪl]
  • adv.片刻;一会儿
  • 网络暂时;片刻一会儿




英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... awheel 骑脚踏车的 awhile 片刻 awhirl 旋转的 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... musical adj. 音乐的, 悦耳的音乐喜剧 awhile adv. 片刻, 一会儿 stepfather n. 继父 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第四册) - 豆丁网 ... astonishment n. 惊奇, 惊讶 awhile ad. 一会儿, 片刻, 暂时 bait n. 诱饵, 诱惑物 ...


Daily... ... The burden of office weighed heavy. 总统的担子是很重的。 awhile: 片刻一会儿 fruitful: 多产的富有成效的 ...

Avoid some situations where you normally drink and smoke, at least for awhile, to make it a bit easier on yourself. 避免去一些你通常会喝酒吸烟的场合,至少是少去一会儿,这样也可以使你更轻松地改掉这些不良习惯。
After this great achievement, Nero managed to push deeply into spain and for awhile it looked as if Carthaginian Spain would fall. 之后,尼禄顺利地朝西班牙腹地推进,迦太基的势力似乎即将被赶出西班牙。
Do you think you can fake it to make it? You hear it a lot, and for awhile you can. 你觉得自己可以通过伪装来赢得自信吗?你听过很多这样的事情,在一段时间内也确实可以。
Yes, it might be easier for him to hold his balance for awhile in a static position, but sooner or later he will still fall. 是的,对他来说可能在一个静止的位置保持平衡还容易点儿,然而,如果不动的话他迟早都会掉下来。
This takes time and tends to put your normal thought patterns out of commission for awhile. 这需要时间而且会让你的正常思维模式在一段时间里不能正常运转。
"I am trying to grow it but it's slow, it's taking awhile obviously, " she said. “我正在试着让头发长长,可是此刻长头发的历程较着很慢”,她说道。
Unexpectedly, she managed to chat with Lao Xie awhile, but she did not dare look into his gentle eyes. 她居然能冷静地和老谢聊了一会儿,只是不敢正视老谢善良的目光。
Rose and I remained in touch for a few years via periodic phone calls, but after awhile we lost track of one another. 接下来的几年里,我们通过定期打电话来保持联络,但不久我们便失去了彼此的音讯。
After it had lived on the road for awhile I decided to put it on a record to give it a home. 经过一段时间巡回演出的现场表演,我决定将它收录在专辑里,给它一个家。
After awhile, I accept disappointment and I walk away, leaving her to sweat throughthe night in that oven of a bed room. 我等了一会,接受了这个失望的事实,离开了,让她在这个火炉似的卧室里流汗吧。
After awhile they passed through a dark wood and saw a fine castle on the top of a hill. 过了一会儿,国王他们经过一片阴暗的树林,看见山顶上有个很气派的城堡。
Dawn may be something of a newcomer to the public eye, but actually has been around for awhile; it was first launched in 2007. “黎明”号探测器对公众来说可能是一个新来者,但它其实已经存在一段时间了,是在2007年发射的。
when he had rested awhile the stranger sighed , snuffed the air , and looked about him. 这位陌生老鼠歇了一会,然后叹口气,用鼻子嗅了嗅空气,环视四周。
But I can say this: I've been practicing being present for awhile now, and I've gotten better at it. 但是我敢说,我已经这样练习了很久,并且做得越来越好。
It had taken her awhile, and this was her third try at chemo, but finally she'd reached the magic number that would get her a ticket home. 这可不容易,这是她的第三次化疗,她终于达到了那个不可思议的数字,那是她被准许回家的门票。
Offer up a little bit of yourself every once and awhile. Just tell somebody something you're not completely certain you want them to know. 时不时把你的心事拿出来跟人分享。找个人说说你心中所想,即使你不确定是不是要告诉他们。
She said she might have thrown it out. But she decided to let it sit for awhile. 她说她本想把它扔了,可是又决定先搁置一下。
There are long days on our job, and every once in awhile I miss putting her to bed and giving her a bath, and all of that. 我们的工作时间很长,有时我会想念抱她上床睡觉和帮她洗澡这些事情。
She didn't scold me, but only cleaned off the grease and clay, and looked so sorry that I thought I would behave awhile if I could. 她并没有骂我,只是把我衣服上的油渍和泥土都洗干净了,她显得那么难过的样子,使我觉得只要我能办到,可真得乖一会儿了。
The Bank core assessment in their Economic Assessment was the economy was still sluggish and recovery to take awhile. 该银行的核心经济评估认为经济仍然很萧条,复苏还需要一段时间。
It had been awhile since I last saw him, and I noticed his hair was a little lighter, so I asked if he'd gotten highlights. 因为有段时间没见了,我看到他的头发有些发亮,就顺口问了句您做挑染了啊?
It may take awhile to get such a fun job, but taking good wine home to taste after work sounds like a pretty nice job perk. 也许你需要花些时间才能拥有这份充满乐趣的工作,但在工作之余能把好酒带回家品尝听起来是个不错的额外优待。
Shin: (shakes head) No! Without your help, I might have no time to apply the sorcery. (stops for awhile ) Thank you! 心:(摇头)不!如果没有你帮忙,我也许连施术都来不及,(顿了一顿)谢谢你!
After awhile, however, the techniques became second nature, and you were better able to plan for contingencies at higher speeds. 一段时间之后,这些技巧烂熟于心,你可以想想如何应对各类情况,提高速度。
After awhile, he saw pinpoints of light that turned out to be the blinking lights of abandoned police vehicles. 过了一阵子,他看到微弱的光点,那是被遗弃的警车发出的闪光。
Keep in touch with coworkers, meet at friend for lunch, or just get out of the house and socialize every once in awhile. 和其他的同事保持联系,和他们一起吃午饭或偶尔走出房门和大家交流一下。
We asked awhile ago since we have to pay you 30% up front not to send us the invoice till you are ready to start the job. 我们以前要求过,因为我们需要预付完30%费用,所以在你们没着手工作时候不要给我们开发票。
sit down and stay awhile; they settled awhile in Virginia before moving West; the baby was quiet for a while. 坐下来等一会儿;在移居西部之前他们在维吉尼亚住了一段时间;婴儿安静了一会儿。
We have taken action , but it is going to take awhile for the economy to feel the effects of this good law that I have signed . 我们已经采取了行动,但是还需要一段时间才能使经济感受到我签署的这个好法案的效果。
You know how you will get home. This knowledge is comforting, and you decide to stay awhile longer and enjoy the sunset. 想到这里你感到很欣慰,并且决定再多待一会儿,享受一下夕阳西下的美景。