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回老家(Back home)谁想要回钱那是找死!生命---就是一个逐渐支出和利用时间的过程。


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急!!英语高手进,帮忙解决几个问题_百度知道 ... She smiled at me. 她向我微笑 back home 回到家 7. your turn. 到你了。 ...

But you have to work out carefully how much time you have and go back home before it gets dark. 但你必须仔细地算出来你还有多少时间,并且在天黑前回家。
WANG Jian Qin did not listen to see his opinion, went back home on the Gu Bing. 王翦见秦王不听他的意见,就告病回老家去了。
His wife back home for a week does not come back you do not want to, not Valentine's day, she'll call you: Where do I had? 妻子回了娘家一个星期不回来你也不想,情人三天不见你就给她打电话:上哪去了?
While he has no college debt (his grandparents paid all his tuition and board) many others do, and that helps force them back home. 而他没有很多人背负的助学贷款(祖父支付了他所有的学费和生活费),贷款迫使他们回到家里。
He rushed back home as if on the wings of the wind. 他一阵风的冲回了家。
China was supposed to provide a lucrative outlet for global private equity firms trying to wring returns from portfolio companies back home. 人们原以为,对那些拼命从本土投资组合公司那里榨取利润的全球性私人股本公司来说,中国会提供一条赚钱的出路。
Anyway, once I became conscious of the fact that I was getting no work done, I walked back home and sat down at my computer desk. 不管怎样,一旦我们意识到我即将没有工作可做,我就会走回家坐在电脑桌前。
John missed the flight today and he was very angry . Back home , he took it out on me . 约翰今天误了航班,很生气。回到家,他拿我撒气。
If I were just creating a picture of a farm woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there. 如果我所创作的仅是一幅描绘故乡农场女性的画作的话,那么,这幅画可能仅对她和那里的人们才有意义。
Sennacherib went back home terrified. As he was praying to his own gods, two of his own sons killed him and ran away. 塞纳克瑞布吓得急忙逃回了自己的国家,当他正在向他自己的上帝祈祷时,他的两个儿子把他杀死了并逃之夭夭。
But I think of my grandchildren back home, and all I want is for those kids to be able to see their own grandparents for the first time. 但我也想念家里的孙儿们,同时我也希望,那些失明的孩子能够平生第一次亲眼见到各自的祖父母。
It's said that a girl left home for arguing with her mother, the girl went back home and found the door open. 据说,女孩离家,而她的母亲,这个女孩回家,发现门开着。
It is always ongoing, and those souls that have lost all sense of their true selves, will eventually find their way back home to the Light. 它总是在前进的,那些已经失去了对他们的真实自我的全部的感觉的灵魂们,最终会找到他们的走向光的回家之路。
The king finally came back home from the battlefield, and the first thing he wanted to do was to see his wife and their child. 国王终于归来了,他的第一个愿望就是看看他的妻子和儿子。
Last month, Tom came across my nephew, my eldest sister's youngest daughter on his way back home. 上个月,汤姆在回家的路上碰见了我外甥女,就是我大姐最小的姑娘。
Urgent things push me to go back home, but I have eggs on the spit. Recently people are busy , I have to cheek it to ask help . 有急事要回家,但是手头有事,没时间订票。最近大家都忙,只好厚着脸皮求助呗!
There was no doubt that she did not find she had left the key to the bicycle in her office until she went back home. 毫无疑问,直到回到家里她才发现把自行车钥匙忘在办公室里了。
There was no one to help her during and after delivery and she came back home with the child. 在她生产期间以及之后没有人帮忙她,然后她带着孩子回了家。
Father had not got back home yet and I thought he must have forgotten it was my 18th birthday today. 爸爸还没有回来,但我想他一定忘了今天是我的18岁生日。
On her way back home yesterday afternoon , she was driving faster than usual because she was worried about her little son . 昨天下完回家路上,她开得比平常快因为她担心她小儿子。
Disappointedly, she asked me to take her to the train station, she said she would take the train back home. 她很失望,让我把她送到火车站,说她要乘火车回家?。
When coming back home, she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment in her mother's arms. 回到家,他放肆地哭倒在她母亲的臂弯里,内心像被某种东西抽空了。
He bounded back home to tell his mother that the teacher praised him in class. 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑回家,告诉他妈妈老师上课表扬他了。
Trying to discourage him from driving back Home tonight. 劝他不要夜里开车回家。
Back home, she knocks me down with a roundhouse, puts her boot on the back of my neck and executes me with a bullet to the back of the head. 回到家后,她用一击勾拳把我打趴下,把鞋放在我的脖子后,似乎要用子弹把我给枪决了。
After that, international acclaim is no more than a welcome bit of validation to show the folks back home. 再者,赢得国际赞誉只不过是一份受欢迎的证明,为它们指明回家的路。
Then he took a car with his relatives to go back home in Dehua County of Quanzhou city in the province. 而后他和亲属乘做出租车回到位于该省泉州德华县的家里。
While vacationing in Europe, an oil sheik and his wife decided to send presents to their friends back home. 产石油的阿拉伯国家的酋长,在与妻子在欧洲度假的时候,决定给朋友寄些礼物回家。
The people that come to see you, visit you, hang out with you, in China, will report everything you're doing when they get back home. 在中国,与你见过面,访问你,或者跟你闲逛的人,他们回家之后会把你的事情一五一十的告诉他人。
Liu Qiang, who was trying to go back home to Henan province, said he had been stranded for three days. 刘强(音译)正在试图回到河南老家。他表示,自己已经困在这里3天了。