back in time

  • 网络时光倒流;古墓迷途;回到过去

back in timeback in time

back in time


音乐欣赏歌曲 ... +Voices From The Past 古声 +Back In Time 时光倒流 +Enlightened Nature 自然的启迪 ...


电影|魔幻 《古墓迷途》(Back in Time)[DVDScr] 电影|魔幻 《帕那索斯博士的奇幻秀 BD英文对白》(The Imaginarium of Doctor …


银河网路电台 ... lights 屋里的灯光 02.back in time 回到过去 04.clear skies 湛蓝的天空 ...


... the Future)所创作并演唱的电影主题曲《及时回来》(Back In Time)以及插曲《爱的力量》(The Power Of Love)。


... Collect all intel 收集所有情报 Back in Time 玩穿越 Use a future weapon in the past 在过去战役中使用一把未来武器 ...


现在或是永不_百度百科 ... 03 Electric 导体 04 Back In Time 回到从前 05 Obscenely Delicious 如此美妙 ...


求a-teens的With or without... ... Do not let go 不要放弃 Looking back,back in time 回望过去,回望过去的时光 ...


[03:31]Lyn - 시간을 거슬러 时间倒流(back in time) [03:36]Soinam Wangmo (索朗旺姆) - Song of the Washer Girl (洗衣歌) [10:0…

All that there ever was still exists and you can as you would describe it, go back in time or into the future. 所有那些曾经存在的,以及你将描述的,不是很快走入未来就是倒退消失。
Sam also drunk, but now he must hurry back home because his wife is sick, if he can not rush back in time, He never seen his wife! 萨姆又喝醉了,可是现在他必须赶回家,因为他的妻子生病了,如果他不能及时赶回家,他就永远也见不到妻子了!
"Take Your Skin Back in Time, " Origins suggests, an idea that has special allure for me just a few days before my birthday. OriginsOrganics建议说,“这将会让你的皮肤焕发青春”。这对我太具有诱惑力了,毕竟再过几天就是我的生日了。
If I could go back in time to tell myself one thing, I'd almost certainly wind up harassing teenager me about buying CDs. 如果能回到过去,我一定会告诉自己不要使买CD了。
It was worth the risk of a fine for being out after sunset but fortunately we made it back in time. 这个景象是值得冒日落后逗留外面逗留罚款的风险,但幸运的是我们及时到赶了回来。
You'll also be able to go back in time (with a slider) to watch all of the aforementioned data evolve. 你还可以通过滑条来观看之前所发生的所有事件。
When the bus pulled away, I looked back in time to see a dog carefully carrying the cup in his mouth as he headed for home. 当汽车驶离,我回头正好看见了一条狗小心翼翼地把杯子用嘴衔起,然后,回家去了。
He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day. 他估计有足够的时间爬到山顶,然后原路返回,搭乘最后一班缆车。
For older, experienced lovers, outercourse can hurl them back in time, helping them to reclaim the thrill of the forbidden nature of sex. 对于那些老夫老妻,非性交性快感能够把他们带回到新婚的甜蜜时光,帮助他们重新找回被禁忌的自然性爱的快感。
"I thought we should try to be back in time for lunch at Galatoire's, " he said, referring to the legendary New Orleans restaurant. 「我感觉咱们应该赶回加拉特瓦吃午饭,」他说。加拉特瓦是纽奥良很是出名的餐馆。
Have I really been transported back in time? I run to the mirror to see if I'm still me. 我是不是回到了过去?我走到镜子跟前,看我是否还是我自己。
What I said was "shang su" , meaning to trace back in time. 我说的上溯,意思是从现在的时间推算到以前。
One family in the UK went "back in time" to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. 一个家庭在英国“时光倒流”去看看生活就像没有所有的发明,我们有今天。
Did everything that happened over the series' run take place in real time, or can the whole mess be undone by going back in time? 故事剧发生的一切会在现实生活中一一重现,混乱的局面放到过去处理不了吗?
Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。
Going back in time, the British philosopher John Stuart Mill said he could read faster than he could turn pages. 以前,英国哲学家约翰斯图尔特米勒说,他可以读得比翻书还快。
Then Alberto sends her a video that shows him in present day Athens and somehow he seems to go back in time to ancient Athens. 然后阿尔贝托寄给她的视频,显示他在雅典和当今不知他似乎回到了古代雅典的时间。
"Our models of this ring let us sort of look back in time to when the solar system was young, " said Marc Kuchner. “尘埃环模型让我们有机会一睹太阳系在诞生初期时的面貌,”库切纳说。
There's a lot of fun in being able to go back in time and see yourself as you were years ago or the way you were thinking. 能够回到以前看看几年前你是个样子,或者你是怎么想的,这是很有意思的。
Imagine that you could go back in time and tell your younger self just one lesson to help them (you) make the most of your life. 想象一下你能够回到过去,并告诉那个年轻的你仅仅一件能够帮助你使你的人生发生巨大改变的教训。
The children are hopeful that their parents will come back in time on New Year Eve and set out to earn money for the reunion dinner. 孩子们期待父母能在除夕前回家,于是努力工作赚钱,以准备一顿丰盛的团圆饭。
He wasn't sure [certain] whether he would be able to get back in time. 他不能肯定他是否能准时回来。
Almost none of the graves had markers, and as the men moved back in time, from row to row, they became less certain of identities. 几乎没有一个坟墓有标记,而当男人们按时回来扫墓时,从一排到一排,越来越搞不清楚坟墓的主人。
Sitting in the semi-darkness, listening to the all-male choir in red cassocks, it was hard not to feel transported back in time. 坐在昏黄的烛光中,听着身穿红袍的男士唱诗班的吟唱,人们难免萌生时空错换的感觉。
It is impossible to go back in time to see how our solar system formed, nor can we create a solar system as an experiment. 我们不可能回到过去,目睹太阳系的形成过程,我们更不能在实验室中造一个太阳系,验证我们的理论。
Logs let you look back in time to see whether errors occurred and get more details about problems as they occur. 日志允许您回顾历史,查看是否有错误发生并在问题发生时获取有关问题的更多细节。
If I could go back in time, here are a few items I would tell my 22 year old self. 如果时光能够倒流,我会告诉22岁的自己这些事情:
We can see all the way out to the edge of the observable universe, all the way back in time, almost to the moment of the Big Bang itself. 我们能够一直看到可以观测到的宇宙边缘,能够回望时间长河,几乎追溯到宇宙大爆炸的瞬间。
The boy made an apology to his mother for not phoning her back in time. 那男孩因没有及时给他妈妈回电话而向她道歉。
Fortunately, I jumped back in time to avoid being hit It was a terrible experience, and I won't forget it. 幸好,我往回跳得及时,才没有被撞着。这是一件可怕的事,我永远也忘不了。