
美 [baɪ]英 [baɪ]
  • n.柏;畜产工业局
  • 网络白;贝克焦虑量表(Beck Anxiety Inventory);动脉灌注




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贝克焦虑量表(Beck Anxiety Inventory)



经支气管动脉灌注(BAI)药物治疗肺癌周仑;林培裘;段青;林若柏;陈椿; 支气管动脉灌注化疗合并放射治疗中晚期肺癌(附16例报道) …


支气管动脉灌注化疗bai)治疗肺癌已成为综合治疗肺癌的方法之一。本研究从治疗中晚期肺癌为出发点,在应用中药康莱特 …

银行管理协会(Bank Administration Institute)

...览会”(BAI Retail Delivery)由BAIBank Administration Institute)公司举办,创办于80多年前,今年为第33届,BAI是一家 …

Bai acknowledged that the old guard has trouble relating to younger players who have grown up in a more open and prosperous era. 白喜林承认旧的方式确实存在很多问题,尤其是年轻的运动员都成长自一个更加开放和繁荣的时代。
Open its eyes and could only see out of the window if the wind shake shake dry twigs Bai Ye, that I choose to remember her eyes closed. 倘若睁眼只能看见窗外寒风抖摇枯枝败叶,那我选择闭眼回忆她。
The Tang Dynasty is the golden age of Chinese poetry, which boasts the most of Li Bai, a most dazzling star in the sky of the Tang poetry. 唐代是中国诗歌的黄金时代,李白是这一时代的骄子,是唐代诗歌星空中一颗耀眼的明星。
Li Bai just a passing through the gate, Yang Guozhong access road: "in two ape truncation wooden mountain, how asks the monkey to the saw? " 李白刚一进门,杨国忠便道:“两猿截木山中,问猴儿如何对锯?”
Such a causal poetry of the great poet Li Bai has brought us into a heaven on earth. 唐代大诗人李白不经意的吟诵,把我们带进人间仙境。
" Li Bai laughed loudly: " How could such a thick rod be sharpened into a delicate embroidery needle? 李白大笑:“这么粗的铁杵怎么可能磨成那么细的绣花针呢?”
Li Bai is unimaginable somewhat , and he comes off the rim to ask once more : " be such bulky iron strongly polish into the needle ? " “什么?”李白有些意想不到,他脱口又问道:“这么粗大的铁棒能磨成针吗?”
Bai also said he and other workers were forced to work all day long without any rest, and then they all slept in cramped confines at night. 他还说,他和其它工人被迫每天干活,不准休息,晚上他们所有人都睡在狭小的空间里。
S. and China joined at the hip at least until this financial crisis has fully worked itself out. --with contributions from Bai Lin. 至少在金融危机没有完全过去以前,这种情况将使中美两国继续穿同一条裤子。
I stretch out a pair of emollient big hands, the prison prison embraces Lin Bai Shui's slender waist and picks her up down. 我伸出一双有力的大手,牢牢抱住林白水的细腰,将她接了下来。
The sixty-five-year, old woman, Kuttu Bai, sat on the funeral pyre with the head of her dead husband on her lap. 进行撒提的65岁妇女库土·白坐在火化的柴堆上,她死去的丈夫的头放在她的膝盖前。
"To the bloggers" , says Mr Bai, "if Bush said the sky was blue, then it was green. " “对于博客主来说”白尔说道,“如果布什说天是蓝的,那么它肯定是绿的。”
Bai si wu ran or "white pollution" seems to have visibly declined but that may have more to do with tidying up garbage than any ban. “白色污染”似乎明显减少了,但是这可能更多的归于对垃圾箱的清理而非限塑令。
I am going to call my husband now. Miss Bai likes to cook for her younger sister. Mr. Zhang must cook for his wife. 现在我要给我先生打电话。白小姐喜欢给她妹妹做饭。张先生得给他太太做饭。
Ancient Chinese poet Li Bai is sprawled on a chair, seemingly drunk, with a delicate wine cup and a typewriter in front of him. 中国古代著名的诗人李白半躺在椅子上作仰天长叹状,他的面前摆着一只精致的酒樽和一部打字机。
It was more fun when Bai Jie told it personally . Written words often kill the funny tone of a story! 当百洁本人讲的时候比较好玩,写成文字往往就抹杀了故事的趣味性。
Make glutinous rice flour used in cakes thin and sweet, color BAI Liang, made of steamed rice cakes can be fried, tastes fragrant and sweet. 做年糕所用的糯米粉细而甜,色泽白亮,制成的年糕蒸煮煎都可,吃起来又香又甜。
It turned out that Ratti Bai had herself chosen the poor helpless woman left to care for her husband and children. 结果是拉蒂·巴苡自己决定让那个可怜无助的女人留下来照顾她的丈夫和孩子们。
Li Bai felt funny at her words. "How can you grind such a thick pestle into a needle? " he asked. 李白听了不由觉得好笑,便问道:“这么粗一个大铁棒,你怎么能磨成针呢?”
Bai Yun appeared to have contractions into Wednesday but there were no plans to intervene unless she showed signs of medical distress. 她从周三开始出现感染,但是工作人员现在还不打算介入,除非她有健康危险。
Li bai a poem, a article on changan city restaurant, called sleep right to not into the boat, the wine cents. 李白一斗诗百篇,长安市上酒家眠,天子呼来不上船,自称臣是酒中仙。
Li Bai has listened, showed a faint smile, said: "prime minister starts, three in steps to, did not calculate that I lose. " 李白听了,微微一笑,说:“宰相起步,三步内对不上,算我输。”
Bai finally sees what Hei has done for her. She doesn't even have a chance to say "I love you" to Hei now. 白终于明白了黑为她做的一切,她甚至来不及对黑说一声“我爱你”。
Stressed that "the European war effect" exactly prove that he "Fan Bai evolution, are mainly made of material" point of view is not wrong. 强调“欧洲大战之效”恰证明他“凡百进化,皆以物质”的观点不误。
Big Bai think for a while and said: I had also just off from work, we both take taxi home then. The heaven! 大白想了想说:我也刚下班,那就一起打的回家吧。
I have been registered through your web site off two years ago in the American-born panda Su Lin and her mother, Bai Yun. 我一直通过你们的网站关注册二年前在美国出生的大熊猫苏琳和她的母亲白云。
He had many works which had been included in the book of Bai ling xue shan. II. 作者一生著述颇丰,大多数作品收在其所汇编丛书《百陵学山》之中。
but different in that Li Bai took the moon as a symbol of his own spirit; while Du Fu regarded the moon as an aesthetic existence. 其异,对于李白,月亮是诗人主体精神的象征,对于杜甫,月亮是其审美观照的对象性存在。
Things have happened like this, There was a love affair between monkey king and bai jingjing, So now she loves super gold at first sight. 原来,500年前孙悟空和白晶晶曾有一段恋情,因而白晶晶与至尊宝一见钟情。
Qu Qiu bai was an early leader of Chinese Communist Party as well as an emotional poet. 瞿秋白既是中国共产党早期的无产阶级革命家,又是一位才气横溢、感情丰富的诗人。