
美 [beɪk]英 [beɪk]
  • n.烤;烘烤的成品;〈美〉烧烤会餐
  • v.焙;(在烤炉里)烘烤;(将某物)烤硬;(变得)灼热
  • 网络烘焙;烧硬;焗

第三人称单数:bakes 现在分词:baking 过去式:baked

bake cake,bake bread,bake pie



1.[t][i](在烤炉里)烘烤;焙to cook food in an oven without extra fat or liquid; to be cooked in this way

2.[i][t](将某物)烤硬to become or to make sth become hard by heating

3.[i](informal)(变得)灼热,炎热to be or become very hot

新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... baggage n. 行李 bake vt. balcony n. 阳台 ...

2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... baggage n. 行李 bake v. 烤; (面包) bakery n. 面包店 ...


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... baggage n. 行李 bake vt. 烘烤;烧硬,焙干 balance n. 均衡;收付平衡 v.(使)保持平 …


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 91 okay ad. <表示同意或允许>好的,可以,行 93 bake v. 烘焙,烤 94 Teen Talk 青少年论坛 ...


我背诵了40集老友记台词_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... cheat sheet 小抄,作弊小抄 bake 烘焙, 烤, 烧硬 blackmailed 敲诈,勒索 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... baggage n. 行李 bake vt. 烤,烘,焙;烧硬 balance vt. 使平衡;称 n.天平 ...

八、BAKE) 焗是指将各种经过初加工成熟的原料放入耐热容器内,加调味沙司后 放入烤箱或焗炉加热的一种烹调方法。 …

After bake it, the pig were ready to share and there was some sausages hidden inside. 经过烘烤,野猪上桌,大家分享了野猪肚子里的火腿肠。
It may seem to have saved our lives, only to let us bake in the sun a few more days before we finally drown. 感觉好像他救了我们的命,结果是在那里多晒太阳几天,慢一点淹死而已,没什么意思。
He grew up in one of the nearby settlements -- where red-roofed bungalows surrounded by lawns bake in the summer sun. 他在附近的一个定居点长大,那里是草坪环绕的红顶平房,沐浴在夏日的阳光里。
After that, you can roll it out and get it ready to top and bake. 然后你就可以擀面,往上加料和烘焙了。
is a dish consisting essentially of meat, onion and potatoes left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat. 兰开夏火锅主要有肉、洋葱、土豆组成,这些食材要在一个非常重的锅里面低火烹制一天方可食用。
His mother decided to bake him his favorite cookies and serve them nice and warm with a glass of cool milk when he came home from school. 他的母亲决定将烤了他最喜欢的饼干,并为他们服务好,并热情与一杯牛奶凉爽的时候,他回家后,由学校。
The dough will keep in freezer for a few months, so you can slice off just a few cookies to bake at a time. 生面团可以在冰箱中保存好几个月,所以你可以一次只切几片烘烤。
It was like someone had rolled up some clay and left them out in the sun to bake. 好像是有过什么人将黏土滚成球,然后放在太阳下烘烤。
For the members that you did not pick to exchange with, bake a loaf of their favorite homemade bread or cookies. 同时,给那些没有收到你的赠礼的家庭成员制作他们最喜欢的面包或饼干。
bake-off seaweed pack Liang Liang's rice, rice directly on the package is only hanging on for a while, not too hot on the line. 烤过紫菜包梁亮的大米,大米在包装上直接只挂了一段时间,不太上线热。
I remember watching her bake cheesecakes , hem skirts, efficiently manage departments at Macy's and stand up for her children. 我记得看着她烤牛乳饼,给衣裙缝边,高效率地管理梅西商场的各个部门以及站出来为她的孩子辩护。
The sun will bake it out well now, he thought. 他想:现在太阳会把它晒好了。
So we' ve GOT to pay his bill. They decided to take up a collection and hold a bake sale. “所以得由我们支付这笔费用。”他们决定举办一次烘烤食品义卖进行募捐。
Let me divulge a little-known fact that most chefs would rather I did not mention: very few of them bake their own bread. 让我透露一个鲜为人知的事实,或许大部分厨师宁愿我保密:很少厨师自己烘焙面包。
Threatened to bake anti-depressants into our food: got to the point I was scared to eat anything she cooked. 还威胁我们说要在烤的东西里加抗抑郁药进去:闹得我都不敢吃她做的东西了。
She used to come over and I'd bake cookies for her and let her eat them in front of the TV. 她过去常来我家,我会给她烤些点心,让她坐在电视机前吃。
Mike: It may be sweet, but I'm sure it's definitely not as sweet as the rich chocolate cakes and cookies that you bake, Amanda! 迈克:也许会很甜吧,但是我敢确定,那肯定没有你做的全巧克力的蛋糕和小甜饼那么甜的,阿曼达!
She was told to wear flat shoes on account of her bake problem. 由于她的烘培问题,她被告知穿平底鞋。
You could get personalized candy, bake cupcakes, or whatever it is you think they'll like. 你可以买些个性化的糖果,或者烤一个纸杯蛋糕,或者其它任何你觉得她会喜欢的东西都行。
The sun had begun to bake the parking lot , sending heat waves upward . 太阳已经开始把停车场晒得滚烫,散发出一阵阵的热浪。
Not to control the wind after the rain and snow, let us first wheat ground into flour, bake a sweet-smelling bread. 不要管以后的风霜雨雪,让我们先把麦子磨成面粉,烘一个香喷喷的面包。
The more clueless you are in the kitchen, the more points you'll get for trying to bake something edible. 在厨房里你越是手足无措,烤出来的东西可能越好吃。
Bake them whole or mash them with a bit of milk. 整个拿去烤或是伴着点牛奶捣成泥都可以。
By the age of eight or nine I could light a fire, cook dinner for a family of 10 and knew how to bake bread on an open fire. 在8、9岁的时候,我会生火,做一顿十口之家的中餐,或是在明火上烤面包了。
At this point, the proprietress at the edge of hungry, said: "there are ways to use, bake it in the pot, cooked, delicious as anything. " 这时,那个馋嘴的老板娘在边上说道:“有办法利用的,把它放在锅里烙熟,好吃得很呢。”
Therefore, during the summer vacation, a group of friends and I would often hang out at the beach and "bake" under the sun. 就这样,一到暑假,我和朋友们就常常去海滨,在太阳底下“烤”。
Lund, 38, has Down syndrome and was helping to bake the cinnamon-sugar cookies with a care worker in a group home on a recent afternoon. 隆德,38岁,患有唐氏综合症,并帮助烘烤用在不久前的一个下午之家护理员的肉桂糖饼干。
John: How about this weekend? I'll bake a chocolate cake with chocolate icing for you! 约翰︰这个周末如何?我烤个有撒巧克力糖霜的巧克力蛋糕给妳!
Big charity to-do up Portland wa(q12). Governor's gonna be there. (indicates pie) Want the rest of that? Woman can't bake worth shit. 有个大型慈善会,州长会去。(示意馅饼)要剩下的这些吗?女人只能烤出恶心的东西。
The next day you'll simply have to throw it together with the berries and bake. 第二天你只需要把他们简单地倒出来,然后和草莓混起来烘焙即可。