
美 [beɪk]英 [beɪk]
  • v.烤;焙干;烤面包[饼等];烤熟
  • n.烤;烘烤的成品;〈美〉烧烤会餐
  • 网络烘的;烘焙;焗

第三人称单数:bakes 现在分词:baking 过去式:baked

bake cake,bake bread,bake pie


普吉美食中英泰三种语言对照菜单 ... 烧烤 BBQ baked 不要加辣 No spicy ...

关于西餐调料的英语单词 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... smoked 薰 baked knife 刀 ...




冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... bait 饵,引诱 baked 烤的, 烘焙的动词 Baker 面包师,烤炉 ...


2012雅思词汇大全_百度文库 ... grilled 铁扒烤的 baked 烘的 braised 焖, (用文火)炖 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... jag n. 尖齿, 一部分, 狂欢 baked v. 烘焙, 烤, 烧硬 rabies n. [医]狂犬病, 恐水病 ...

常用做菜方法小结。_博博客_新浪博客 ... 煮: boiled baked 灼、煎、锅贴: fried ...

Before Kate thought of buying a cake for herself, he'd baked a delicious cake specially for her. = . . . . . . . . . , he had baked. 在凯特想为自己买一个蛋糕前,他已经特别为她烘了一个美味的蛋糕。
People said he's crazy. He's just a half-baked painter. 人们说他疯了,他只是一个半拉子油画家。
One day Grandmother fell ill, so Red Riding Hood's mother baked her a cake and made her some fresh butter, just to make her feel better. 有一天,外婆生病了,小姑娘的母亲做了一个新鲜的奶油蛋糕,让她去看望外婆。
The UK Treasury made some half-baked arguments this month about why small institutions can be just as risky as large ones to the system. 英国财政部本月发表了一些“半吊子”论点,解释为什么小型机构对系统构成的风险可能不亚于大型机构。
or not, when the concept of the "nation" remains so deeply baked into the American political soul. 别在“国家”概念仍深植于美国政治灵魂(从奥巴马本人开始)的时候这样想。
What's the sense of pushing into a market where the government lets you sell only a half-baked version of your product? 进入一个只被允许销售自己产品的半成品的市场是一种什么感觉?
So she bought a bit of butter , better than her bitter butter, and she baked it is her batter, and the batter was not bitter. 因此,她买了一些比较优质的牛油,放进她的面糊里搅拌,面糊就不苦了。
Between our visits, he thought up riddles to ask me, and I baked cookies to take for our backyard picnics. 我去的时候,他会想出一些谜语考我,而我烤一些饼干带去,做为我们在院子里的野餐。
The wind blowing a little orchard less than feeling like walking in a large steamer, to be baked at any time possible. 而果园里一点风也吹不到,那种感觉就像走在一个大蒸笼里,随时都有被烤熟的可能。
Imaging trying to carry a hot, baked potato in your hand. it would be difficult, even painful, to do so. 试想一下你试图把一个热、烤好的山芋抓在手里。如果这样做将是困难,甚至是痛苦的。
They were baked in, so to speak, when China decided to hold its currency down and thus overpay for US financial assets. 可以说他们备受煎熬,当中国决定压低人民币时就得为美元金融资产多付出代价。
Try them in salads and sandwiches or mashed with a bit of lemon juice, onion, and chopped tomato as a topping for baked potatoes. 试着把鳄梨加入色拉、三明治或者压碎再放入一些柠檬汁、洋葱以及切块的番茄然后放在烘焙后的土豆上作配菜。
Despite soaring commodity costs, baked beans are still relatively cheap and are generally considered to be good for the heart. 尽管这会增加日常开销,但相对来说烘豆儿来说仍然是很划算的,其被普遍认为是对心脏很有益处的。
She baked bread in an outdoor oven and conjured up a feast on an antique range that looked like it had it come from Mrs Beeton's kitchen. 她在一个户外烤箱烘烤面包,魔法般的在一个古董一样的炉灶上变出了一顿盛宴,那个炉灶看上去好像来自比顿(Beeton)夫人的厨房。
Don't think that makes it okay to pig-out on fast-food fries, or bury your baked potato under butter and sour cream! You know better. 我想你应该更清楚,不要以为狼吞虎咽快餐薯条或者将烤土豆拌着黄油和酸奶油大吃会没事。
The chambermaid had a lover in the bakery, and he had baked the ring into a roll, where it lay unsuspected until the search was over. 那个女工有个相好的在面包房,他把钻戒做到一块面包里,藏在里面,无人怀疑,直至搜查结束。
When he got home, he found his mother had fixed him his favorite dinner, fried chicken, and baked him a big apple pie. 当他到家时,他发现母亲已经做好了他最喜欢的饭菜,炸鸡,还为他烤了一个大的苹果派。
About Yao to the age of 10 appeared in the sky the sun, burned crops, baked dead vegetation, people have no food. 到了帝尧的时代,天上出现了十个太阳,烧焦了庄稼,烤死了草木,人民没有了食物。
Crunchy: cocoa nibs baked right into the bottom of each ramekin for a little surprise in each bite. 松脆的:可可粉焙烤后恰好充满每个模子的底部,给每一口都带来惊喜。
diana , as she passed in and out , in the course of preparing tea , brought me a little cake , baked on the top of the oven. 黛安娜走进走出,准备着茶点,给我带来了一块在炉顶上烤着的小饼。
His mother gave him a cake made with water and baked in the cinders, and with it a bottle of sour beer. 母亲让他带上一块在炭灰里烤的面饼子,还有一瓶酸啤酒,做为午饭。
This idiom refers to something that floats lightly in the wind like the smell of freshly baked bread. 这个习语指的是一些东西轻轻的浮在空气里像是新鲜烤面包的香味。
We could not stop where we were, to be baked by the sun and eaten up by the mosquitoes, till we died of fever in that dreary marsh. 反正不能停在那儿让太阳把我们烤干或者是喂了蚊子,最终在这个可怕的沼泽地里害热病死去。
All that fire shot so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that the planet heated up like an oven and baked the dinos to death. 那场大火在大气里产生了特别多的二氧化碳以至于地球就像火炉一样,恐龙就这样被烘烤致死。
And in the uppermost basket there were all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh, but the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head. 17最上面的筐子里有为法老烤的各样食物,但是有飞鸟来吃我头上筐子里的食物。
Imagine trying to carry a hot, baked potato in your hand. It would be difficult, even painful, to do so. 想象一下手里拿着一个热乎乎的刚出炉的土豆,肯定非常难受,甚至会很痛苦。
So her bought a bit of butter, well dawn her bitter butter, or her baked it in her batter, or the batter am not bitter. 因此,她买了一部分较优质的牛油,放进她的面糊里搅拌,面糊不苦了。
In summer, the sun baked fireball like the earth, the mountains and lowered his head a grass thirst. 夏季,火球似的太阳炙烤着大地,山上的小草渴得低下了头。
So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. 由于她买了一些比她原来苦涩的黄油好一些的黄油,放进她面糊里烘培,所以她的面糊不苦了,这正是贝蒂买好的黄油的原因
He was as secretive as he was fastidious. His passion for cleanliness and order on his passion for fried food and baked goods. 他的嗜好隐秘而又挑剔。他对于洁癖和油炸烘烤食品有着无比的热情。