
美 [bæn]英 [bæn]
  • v.下令禁止;查禁
  • n.禁令
  • 网络取缔;布禁令

过去式:banned 现在分词:banning 第三人称单数:bans

lift ban,ban use,impose ban,enforce ban,introduce ban
total ban,complete ban,worldwide ban,strict ban


v. n.

1.~ sth明令禁止;取缔to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed

2.[usupass]禁止(某人)做某事(或去某处等)to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc., especially officially


lee的博客 - lee - 网易博客 ... balmy adj. 芳香的;温和的 ban n. 禁令 v.禁止; bandit n. 强盗 ...


lee的博客 - lee - 网易博客 ... balmy adj. 芳香的;温和的 ban n. 禁令 v.禁止; bandit n. 强盗 ...


取字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 取道〖 bythewayof;via〗 取缔〖 outlaw;ban;suppress;forbid〗 取而代之〖 replacesb.;takesb'spl…


单词忘不了全套资料免费下载更新了_百度文库 ... 〔wide 宽广的, 〈ban布禁令〕 2. 〔foot 脚、足, ...


新东方四级单词表 - 豆丁网 ... balloon 气球 玩具气球 ban 取缔 查禁 禁止 禁令 band 乐队 群 伙 条文 波段 ...


自考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... ballroom n. 舞厅 ban vt. 禁止,取缔 n.禁止; 禁令 band n. 一帮,一群;带,带 形物;波段 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持 153. ban vt. 取缔,禁止 154. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获 155. ...

Initial measurements by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization had put the Fukushima figure at half that of Chernobyl. 由全面禁止核试验条约组织(CTBTO)最初测量的福岛核电站核泄漏为切尔诺贝利事故的一半。
Ban list: how much trouble is it to put in also the clan name and level of the banned character? 班名单:多大的麻烦是它也把家族名称和禁止性的水平?
Last week's extension of Russia's grain ban and eruption of food riots in Mozambique shows how much needs to be done to meet this goal. 而上周,俄罗斯宣布延长谷物出口禁令,同时莫桑比克爆发粮食骚乱,说明要实现上述目标,仍需付出大量努力。
Germany said it had suspended passenger flights from Yemen, and was considering expanding a cargo flight ban to other unnamed countries. 德国表示已暂停接收发自也门的客运航班,且在考虑将货运航班禁令扩大到其它一些国家。
We do not know who Ban is, why he should have taken so long to speak or why his story has so compelled his as yet unknown audience. 我们不知道本是什么人,为什么他的故事讲这么久,为什么他的故事让他及观众那么的压抑。
Following the ban, however, his training operation was taken over by his wife and a brother. 然而在此禁令颁布后,王德显的训练工作由妻子和兄弟接替。
In an address to the UN Security Council, Mr Ban said he was gravely concerned about civilian fatalities. 在向联合国安理会发表的讲话中,潘基文表示,他非常担心平民伤亡。
Japan argues that years of a global hunting ban have allowed whale populations to grow enough to allow hunting. 日本方面辩解说,过去很多年来国际上都没有允许捕鲸活动,这就使得鲸的数量已经增加到可以捕杀的程度了。
The committee also said the ban "did not amount to prohibited discrimination. " “委员会还说这”不算是禁止性歧视。
Then there was the ban on short selling (borrowing a share and selling it, to profit when its share price goes down) in financial stocks. 随后,美国政府出台了针对金融类股的卖空(售出借入的股票,以便在股价下跌时获利)禁令。
The FDA is not "advising" or "informing" citizens at all. It is trying to ban tobacco without legislation. FDA完全不是在“建议”或“告知”公民,而是在试图不经过立法就禁绝烟草。
Mr. Ban said the U. N. lost some of its best and bravest staff that day, but their legacy endures. 潘先生表示,在那一天,联合国失去了一些非常优秀和勇敢的工作人员,但是他们的遗风永存。
As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging. 等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。
His coach later said he would urge Phelps not to compete internationally until the ban takes effect next year. 他的教练随后表示,他将敦促菲尔普斯不再参加国际比赛,直到明年禁令生效。
Some, though, think the ban on for-profit firms setting up free schools might have to be lifted. 然而有一些人认为应该解除禁止一些营利性企业建立免费学校的规定。
With this ban, India would be the only country in the World to go in for such a stringent move. 根据此禁令,印度将使世界上唯一一个采取如此严格举措的国家。
I bring to mind Plato, who wished to ban all poets from his ideal republic because he thought they were liars . 我想到了柏拉图:他希望将所有诗人据于他的理想国之外,只因他认为诗人不过是些骗子。
But Mr Ban is beginning to run into more serious trouble, over a restructuring plan to make the UN more efficient. 但潘基文正开始遭遇更严重的麻烦,这次是旨在提高联合国效率的重组计划方面。
NBAC plans to call for a continued ban on federal government funding for any attempt to clone body cell nuclei to create a child. NBAC计划呼吁继续禁止使用联邦政府基金资助任何利用人体细胞核去克隆婴儿的企图。
And Mr. Ohata said the Chinese Commerce Ministry had also informed Japan that it had not issued a ban on exporting the minerals. 大畠章宏说中国商务部通知日本说他们没有签署禁令,禁止稀土出口。
Ban visited Gaza on Tuesday. He said he wants to show his respect and concern for the injured and dead. 潘基文周二时访问了加沙。他说他想向死伤者表示尊敬和关心。
The only restriction currently in place in Shenzhen, he said, is a ban on "vicious dogs. " 他说,现在深圳执行的唯一的限制政策就是禁止养“恶狗”。
You can ban me from plastic shopping bags, but I have a right to be here, China seems to say. You can't get rid of me so easily. 中国彷佛在说:“你可以禁止我出现在购物袋里,但我有权在此,你灭我,没那么容易。”
If it is usually by email, put a ban on email for a period of time. 如果它通常是在电子邮件中,那么禁止一段时间使用电子邮件。
In practical terms, the Nebraska decision amounts to a moratorium on the death penalty in the state, not just a ban on a method. 实际上,内布拉斯加州的决定是在一段时间后废除该州的死刑,而不是只禁止一种手段。
Using a mobile phone ahead going to bed can damage your health, lunette ray ban, along to a important study. 一项大规模研究表明,睡前使用手机会损害健康。
But one of the biggest benefits for locals during the Expo has been a virtual ban on above-ground construction. 但对上海本地人来说,世博会期间享受到的一个最大好处,就是地面建筑作业实际上遭到禁止。
Mr. Ban said he saw the statement as a breakthrough in building trust between the reclusive generals and the international community. 潘基文说,他把缅甸军政府的承诺看成是在缅甸与世隔绝的将军们与国际社会之间建立互信的一个突破。
Criticising referees too often could land you a touchline ban, forcing you to leave the next match in the hands of your Assistant Manager. 过多的批评裁判,会似的你在下场比赛的时候禁止执教,而有助理教练代为执教一场。
Labelling is a start, but the government is prepared to look at all proactive options leading up to a total ban. 进行标示仅仅是开始,政府将着眼于所有主动方式以达到全部禁令。