
美 [bæŋk]英 [bæŋk]
  • n.银行;岸;库;河畔
  • v.存款;把(钱)存入银行;(转弯时)倾斜飞行;堆积(某物)
  • 网络河岸;堤;组

复数:banks 现在分词:banking 过去式:banked

central bank,commercial bank,merchant bank,south bank,German bank
rob bank,bank money


n. v.

金钱for money

1.银行an organization that provides various financial services, for example keeping or lending money

收集╱贮存物sth collected/stored

3.库存;库an amount of sth that is collected; a place where sth is stored ready for use

河;水道of river/canal

4.岸;河畔the side of a river, canal , etc. and the land near it


5.斜坡;垄;埂a raised area of ground that slopes at the sides, often at the edge of sth or dividing sth

云、雪等of cloud/snow, etc.

7.(尤指风吹到一起的)积云,积雪a mass of cloud, snow, etc., especially one formed by the wind

机器等of machines, etc.

8.一排,一系列(同类物品,尤指机器)a row or series of similar objects, especially machines


not break the bank

花费不太大;支付得起if you say sthwon't break the bank , you mean that it won't cost a lot of money, or more than you can afford


七年级英语单词表 ... restaurant 餐馆;饭店 bank 银行 supermarket 超级市场 ...

字典中 干 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ shield] (4) ;水畔[ bank] (1) 扞卫[ defend;guard] ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... along 沿着 bank 河岸 water 水 ...

专升本英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... banana 香蕉 bank 银行,库存2.岸, barber 理发师 ...

,波形资料 (BANK) 同步信号 源 (SYNC on/off),兹分别说明如下:3.5.1. 频率:如 1.1.3 之说明, 3250 系列於 CC 模式下 …

(Bank),每个Bank的接口标准由其接口电压VCCO决定,一个 Bank只能有一种VCCO,但丌同Bank的VCCO可以丌同。只有相 …


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... bang vi. 猛敲,猛撞 bank n. 银行,库;堤,岸 bankrupt a. 破产的 ...


开发杂谈_iOS coredata 多表查询_软件世界网 ... 4、工资等级表: salary 5、开户银行bank 1、部门表: department ...

On Saturday, they came to take a walk along the river bank. The sun warm weather, where there are many flowers and a ship on the surface. 上周六,他们来到河边散步,阳光洒在地上,天气很温暖,那里有很多的花,旁边的河上飘着船。
Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, recently called for a "public and informed debate" on the issue. 英国央行行长默文-金(MervynKing)近日呼吁就此问题展开“开诚布公的讨论”。
The bank, it seems, should be placing bigger bets with the public subsidy it gets in the form of its too-important-to-fail guarantee. 看起来,巴克莱在“太重要而不能倒掉”的理由下获得的公共补贴,似乎应该更多地拿去冒险。
Instead, an employee, amused at the bank's Nineteen Eighty-Four management style, set up a fake e-mail address and sent the page to me. 美林的某位员工,觉得该行的1984式管理风格(NineteenEighty-Fourmanagementstyle)很好笑,于是编了一个电子邮件地址,结果却把该内容发给了我。
Unstoppably I splashed across the stream to the bank by the road, touched bottom with my feet, then swam back into the middle again. 万碍无阻﹐我溅起水花﹐横过小溪,直到路边的河岸,脚下一触河底,翻身又游回河中央。
But the money is in the bank and it depends on him when a lot of money is employed. 可是,钱在银行里,当要动用的一大笔钱的时候,却是他说了算的哦。
The bank credit conduction is blocked due to the low capital adequacy ratio of state-owned commercial banks account for a dominant position. 由于资本充足率低的国有商业银行占主导地位,致使银行信贷传导出现阻塞。
Zeltner also said the bank would now start to raise prices for its services. 他还表示,瑞银现在将开始上调服务价格。
There was a bright little brookthat ran into a bog at the foot of a very steep bank. 一条粼粼的小溪流进陡峭的河滩脚下的泥塘里。
At least half will have to be paid in stock or 'contingent capital, ' meaning it won't be paid if the bank hits difficulties. 至少有一半奖金要以股票或“或有资本”的形式发放,这意味着如果银行遇到困难,这类奖金就泡汤了。
The bank said the cut was a response to lower inflation, but analysts blamed "jawboning" by Mr Putin. 俄罗斯央行表示,降息是因为通胀下降,但分析师将此归因于普京的“呼吁”。
The bank's third-quarter results, which did not live up to expectations, presumed a peak in unemployment of around 10%. 银行在第三季度的业绩没有达到预期,估计失业率会达到10%,创下高峰。
Citi also came under fire over a little-noticed decision by the US tax authorities to allow the bank to keep a $38bn tax break. 花旗还因美国税收当局做出的一项很少有人注意到的决定而受到批评。美国税务局允许该行保留380亿美元的税收减免。
Everyone knows that this will have to include sharing Jerusalem with a Palestinian state and handing over the bulk of the West Bank. 人人都知道这将包括与巴勒斯坦州分享耶路撒冷并交出大部分约旦河西岸。
Such a subversive notion has recently received the endorsement of senior figures at the Bank of England. 这种颠覆性的概念,最近受到了英格兰银行的高层人物的认可。
Woman: Yes, I was the only other person in the bank besides the tellers. 女士:是的,我是所有目击人员中唯一靠近出纳员的那位。
China began its partnership with the Bank in 1980, just as it embarked on its reforms. 中国与世行的合作开始于1980年改革开放之初。
Last month I set out a plan to help remove the remaining obstacles to increased bank lending and set the banks on a path to a safer future. 今年1月,我制定了一个计划,目的是帮助消除仍在阻碍银行增加贷款的障碍,并让银行走上一条通往更安全未来的道路。
Mervyn King, the head of the Bank of England, has been more forthright, telling the British that their standard of living will fall. 英格兰银行行长梅尔文·金直接得多,他告诉英国公众,他们的生活水准将会下降。
To be honest, we do not know much about running a market economy and managing it. You are a bank, but we do not think we mainly need money. 说实话,我们对市场经济运行和管理知道得不多,你们代表银行,但我们认为我们需要的主要不是钱,我们这里的储蓄率是相当高的。
The officer of the bank have had dining, please wait a minute. 银行的人去吃饭了,请等一会。
Indeed, since the bank's beginning after World War II, many other ways of helping the poor have developed and shown their worth. 事实上,自从世行在二战后开始以来,其他许多帮助穷人的方式得以发展并显示其价值。
The question for UBS: did the bank need all this capital? 瑞士银行面临的问题是:它真的需要这么多资金吗?
The bank is looking for a few good specialists to focus on adapting to global warming. 他们正在寻找几位可以胜任的专家来重点研究顺应全球变暖的问题。
He said the advice in the report will be extremely valuable to the bank. 他说报告里的建议对银行而言具有很高价值。
The HKMA has no plan to take such actions in respect of Hongkong Chinese Bank or any other local bank. 金管局没有计划就香港华人银行或任何其他本地银行采取上述行动。
Each filter in the bank of filters is associated with at least one channel having an electrode. 滤波器组中的每个滤波器与至少一个具有电极的信道关联。
If you only keep about $100 in the bank, you only save a few bucks a year by moving from the worst rate to the best. 如果你只在银行存了一百块钱,你从一个最差的利率撞到一个最好的利率,可能也只是一年存上几块钱。
Because the bank knows its borrower better than anyone else, it has the best idea of what the loan is really worth. 因为银行更了解其借款人,它自己对贷款到底有什么价值拥有最好的认识。
He says there are difficulties these days with money, with the bank limiting how much one can withdraw. 塔利克说,这些日子以来,用钱很困难,因为银行限制个人的提款数目。