
美 [bæn]英 [bænd]
  • v.下令禁止;查禁
  • n.禁令
  • 网络禁止访问表;被禁止访问表;被禁的

过去式:banned 现在分词:banning 第三人称单数:bans

lift ban,ban use,impose ban,enforce ban,introduce ban
total ban,complete ban,worldwide ban,strict ban


v. n.

1.~ sth明令禁止;取缔to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed

2.[usupass]禁止(某人)做某事(或去某处等)to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc., especially officially


article ... 农业( Agriculture) 禁止( Banned) 氯丹(八氯化甲桥茚)( Chlordane) ...


discuz 表结构说明_百度文库 ... cdb_attachtypes 附件类型表 15. cdb_banned 禁止访问表 16. cdb_bbcodes Discuz! 代码表 17. ...


Discuz表结构 - 飞上蓝天 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET ... cdb_adminnotes (后台留言表) cdb_banned 被禁止访问表 cdb_buddys …


新英语900句mp3文... ... lesson30 EXPRESSING OPINIONS · 表达意见· 1. banned 被禁的;被取缔的 2. president 总统;总裁…


新英语900句mp3文... ... lesson30 EXPRESSING OPINIONS · 表达意见· 1. banned 被禁的;被取缔的 2. president 总统;总裁…


sgs纺织品测试培训资料 - 豆丁网 ... What is the requirement? 要求是什么? Banned 禁用 Toxic Heavy Metal 毒性重金属 61 ...

Very few civilians turned up, but police were out in droves and censors banned the word "jasmine" from China's micro blogs. 集会很少市民参加,但警察已成群结队出动,“茉莉花”这个词也在微博中被禁用。
America in effect banned it, but Britain sought to become a hub for it; a new, liberal licensing regime came into force in 2007. 美国在法令上已经禁止了收集博彩,可是英国却似乎要把本身打造成互联网博彩的“天堂”,并于2007年就出台和实施了十分宽松的政策。
But that issue of our magazine was not banned; it continued to be distributed. 但是我们的那一起杂志并没有被封杀,还在继续发行之中。
In an effort to clamp down on the lucrative poaching industry that sprung up around the big cats, sales of tiger parts were banned in 1993. 为了打击兴起的利润丰厚的老虎偷猎行业,出售老虎器官在1993年被禁止了。
Saudi officials counter that Gezawi was trying to smuggle in vast quantities of a banned anti-anxiety medication. 沙特官员反驳说,卡扎维是由于试图走私大量违禁的抗焦虑药物而被关押。
The use of any and all banned substances within the workplace at the company is strictly prohibited. 严禁在公司内工作场所使用任何及所有违禁物质。
The internet was banned and there was no foreign news on television, so Turkmens knew little of the world beyond the Karakum desert. 没有互联网,电视新闻里也没有外国新闻,所以土库曼人除了卡拉库姆沙漠,对外面的世界一无所知。
HIGH-powered laser pointers will be banned in NSW in a move that will also make it illegal to carry them in public without a good reason. 没有正当理由的高能激光指示器在公共场合的携带,转移在澳大利亚新南威尔士将被禁止。
Very few civilians turned up, but police were out in droves and censors banned the word "jasmine" from China's microblogs. 只有很少一些人响应,而同时警察在公共场所成群结队严阵以待,审查人员在微博上禁用了“茉莉花”的字眼。
That does not mean economists should be banned from policy making. But it does suggest they have no right to monopolise central banks. 这倒并不是说经济学家不应参与政策制定,但它的确表明,他们没有权利垄断央行。
How much more if a college student in class will really cellphone, light banned useful? 何况假若一个大学生真正要在上课玩手机,光禁止有用吗?
I said thet smoking should be banned , but she objected sauing that the tobacco industry is a very important source of government revenue. 我说吸烟应该禁止,但她反对。她说烟草工业是政府收入的一个重要来源。
That theory seems to prove true since less than 10% of the respondents thought social networking should be banned from the workplace. 不到10%的受访者认为社会化网络应当在工作场所禁用便应证了这一点。
It says that of the thousands of applications that it has banned, very few transferred user information without authorisation. 该公司表示,在它封杀的数千个应用程序中,仅有极少数在未获授权的情况下就传递用户资料。
England's smokers are about to be banned from lighting up in pubs, restaurants and offices. 英国将禁止在酒吧、餐厅和办公室吸烟。
Belgorodskaya oblast governor, said the festival does not match with the Russian cultural tradition, there are also banned Halloween. 别尔哥罗德州州长称,这一节日与俄罗斯文化传统不符,同样被禁止的还有万圣节。
That it is just a verbal issue. Unfortunately, in the case of the Louisiana decision, they banned both civil unions and homosexual marriage. 这只是口头的问题,不幸的是,在路易斯安那州的决定中,他们禁止,民间团体和同性恋婚姻。
In December 1956, the Supreme Court banned segregation on public transportation, and the boycott ended over a year after it had begun. 西元1956年12月,最高法院判决禁止在公共运输工具上再有种族歧视的发生,而这场抵制也在开始一年之后宣告退出。
It seems to have had an impact on the environment and has since been banned. 它好象因为会破坏生态环境而被禁止使用了。
And Tin Oo, vice chairman of her banned National League for Democracy party, said his sources told him her release order has been signed. 昂山素季所在的被禁党派“全国民主联盟”副主席丁吴说,他的消息来源说,释放昂山素季的命令已经签署。
In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether. 从长远看来,如果完全禁止吸烟的话,毫无疑问,每个人的生活都会大为改善。
A list of rules pinned to a board instructs tea-pickers not to keep long fingernails or to powder their faces; smoking is banned. 一块板子上写着一系列规定,要求采茶者不得蓄长指甲,不得在脸上搽粉;严禁吸烟。
"Given that Cuba has banned flights from Mexico, perhaps I am not going to be able to go, " the president told a local television station. 他告知一家本地电视台,“鉴于古巴已禁止来自墨西哥的航班,也许我会取消这次出访”。
On leaving office, they would also be banned for at least a year from joining any company tendering for public contracts. 离开公职后,他们亦将被禁止至少一年加入正在投标政府合约的任何公司。
The Equal Opportunities Commission said that this was the first case they had heard of in which a school had banned skirts. 平等机会委员会说这是他们首次听说学校禁止女生穿裙子。
So far this year it has banned 45 contractors found guilty of bribery from bidding for contracts paid for with the bank's money. 今年到目前为止,他们已经将45家被判处贿赂罪的合同商列入黑名单,禁止他们对以该银行的钱支付合同价款的招标进行投标。
U. S. companies have been banned from trading with Iran since 1995, when President Bill Clinton declared it a threat to national security. 从1995年比尔·克林顿总统宣布伊朗威胁美国安全时开始,美国公司被禁止与伊朗进行贸易往来。
In fact, Christianity was actually banned throughout Japan in the 1600s and continued to be so until the mid 1800s. 事实上,基督教早在17世纪在日本被全面禁止此情形一直延续到19世纪中叶。
House churches, he said, cannot afford to stay silent - one of the reasons he granted CNN rare access to film in his banned church. 家庭教堂,他补充道,不能保持沉默。这也是他邀请CNN访问被禁止的教堂的原因之一。
Hayder Mobarak's tale did not impress a local judge, who gave him a whopping C$926 fine ($760) and banned him from driving for 30 days. HayderMobarakde故事并没有给当地法庭留下什么深刻印象,只是给了他一个926加币(760美元)巨额罚款并且30天内不准他开车。