
美 [bɑrd]英 [bɑːd]
  • n.条;酒吧;棒;障碍
  • v.禁止;阻挡;拦住;(用铁条或木条)封
  • abbr.(=Browning automatic rifle)白朗宁自动步枪
  • prep.除…外
  • 网络被禁止的;有木栅的;被堵塞的



饮食for drinks/food

1.[c]酒吧a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks

2.[c](出售饮料等的)柜台;吧台a long wide wooden surface where drinks, etc. are served

3.[c](专售某类饮食的)小吃店,小馆子a place in which a particular kind of food or drink is the main thing that is served

巧克力;肥皂of chocolate/soap

4.[c](长方形)条,块a piece of sth with straight sides

金属;木材of metal/wood

5.[c]长条,棒,栏杆(常用作护栏)a long straight piece of metal or wood. Bars are often used to stop sb from getting through a space.

体育运动in sports

7.[sing](球门的)横梁the crossbar of a goal

颜色;光of colour/light

8.[c]条;带a band of colour or light

障碍that prevents sth

9.[c][ususing]~ (to sth)障碍;羁绊a thing that stops sb from doing sth

音乐in music

10.[c](乐谱的)小节one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes that are in it


11.[sing]大律师职业(可出席高等法庭)the profession of barrister (= a lawyer in a higher court)


not have a bar of sth

与(某事)无关;与(某事)毫不相干;不沾手to have nothing to do with sth

behind bars

蹲班房;被监禁;坐牢in prison

set the bar

设定标准to set a standard of quality or performance


翻译界 - 翻译资源- 资料列表 ... barred zone 禁区 barred 被禁止的 barrel bearing 圆筒轴承 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(B) ... barre 扶手 barred 有木栅的 barrel bulk 五立方英尺容积 ...


约拿书 Jonah ... sink down 下沈 barred 被堵塞的 cling to 坚持,黏著 ...


...nnan CDP Module 10 第19屏: 开关小区禁止(Barred)的状态 ************** ************** ************** ############## * * * ...


Ø原产於美国。本品种之变种有8种,其中以横斑 (barred) 芦花及白色 (white) 芦花最有名。


人民大学考博真题词汇... ... hamper v. 妨碍, 牵制 barred adj. 有木栅的, 隔绝的, 被禁止的 hinder adj. 后面的。v.阻碍, 打扰 ...

It's never been a big issue for me to have no holds barred and to talk the way I want to. 我从来不觉得说话要有分寸是什么大不了的事,可别人就很惊讶。
There was one small barred window, too small to let very much air in or out, too high to afford more than a glimpse of the sky. 装有铁条的小窗户倒是有一扇,但小得空气都几乎无法进出,还高到让人只得瞥见一抹天光。
However, parish priest Don Antonio Colombo said there was no question of the pair being barred entry in future. 不过,教区牧师唐-安东尼奥-科伦坡说他们绝对不会就此不让这对夫妇进入教堂。
Barred in this case refers to a state the mobile user is in, and therefore represents a very precise definition of the condition. 这种禁止状态指明了移动用户所处的状态,并为状态展现了一个非常精确的定义。
In August, a Mississippi student's senior portrait was barred from her yearbook because she had posed in a tuxedo. 8月,一名密西西比女学生的毕业照被禁止刊登在学校的毕业纪念册上,因为照片上的她穿着男士无尾礼服。
One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose - colored comb. 多米尼加鸡;芦花纹鸡一种羽毛灰色有花斑、腿黄、冠玫瑰色的美国家禽。
He is. But he's got a bit of a temper. He's barred now, anyway. 他是这样的。但他也是有点脾气的。可不管怎样,他现在被禁止进入酒吧。
Caroline took a candle , and went quietly all over the house , seeing that every window was fast and every door barred . 卡罗琳拿了一支蜡烛,悄悄地到各处巡视一番,看看每扇门窗是否关严闩牢。
Once barred, visitors today are allowed to take photos, though I found waiting to secure a good position among the crowds took patience. 游客们可以拍照,拍照一度是被禁止的。尽管我发现等到一个好位置去拍照是一件考验人耐性的事情。
American financial institutions were barred from dealing with the bank, which has collapsed as a result of the investigation. 美国金融机构已经被禁止与该银行进行任何交易,调查结束后,汇业银行已陷于崩溃。
She rejected him with an inflexible and unmistakable determination, and she barred the door of her bedroom forever. 她怀着不可动摇的决心拒绝了他,永远门上了门。
One group of gendarmes went to arrest a city councilman . His wife came to the door with her baby in her arms and barred the way. 有一帮宪兵去逮捕一名市议员,他的妻子抱着婴孩到门口堵住了路,宪兵就开枪把她打死了。
A great iron gate barred the path, and Edmund reined in his horse. An old woman came out of a stone hut to greet him. 一道大铁门拦住了去路,埃德蒙勒住马,一位老妇人从一所石屋里走出来迎接他。
Registration is often just the start. Sometimes sex offenders are barred from living near places where children congregate. 登记在案通常只是开始,有时性罪犯还被禁止接近儿童聚集的场所。
I have been waiting to get into this bar for so long, but every time I try to get in, they make me leave. The way is always barred to me. 我等着进这个酒吧已经很长时间了,但每次我试图进去,他们都让我离开。
Like many foreign brokers and wealth managers, however, the company has so far been barred from directly entering the mainland market. 但与许多外国证券公司和财富管理公司一样,新鸿基金融迄今未能获准直接进入内地市场。
The next day we were married at the Justice of the Peace. My family is barred from the church from then on. 于是第二天我们只能在基层法院法官结婚,我的家人至此被禁止去那家教堂。
And broadband Internet providers would be barred from discriminating against content and would have to be open about their policies. 此外,禁止宽带供应商对网络内容带有歧视,同时要求公开他们的政策。
The lavender barred muslin was beautiful with those wide insets of lace and net about the hem, but it had never suited her type. 那件淡紫色的条纹细棉面的,配上宽宽的镶边和网缘,倒是十分漂亮,可是这对她的身段很不合适。
But near the door there stood a little table, which formed an embarrassing angle with it, and barred the entrance. 但是门旁有一张小桌子,那角度堵住了路,妨碍他通过门缝。
At least, I would not keep my doors barred in the day-time . I don. 至少,我是不会在白天把我的门锁起来的。
Three men have so far been arrested as part of the investigation and several Hyundai executives have been barred from traveling abroad. 目前现代公司已经有三名职员被捕另有几名高管被禁止离开韩国。
eg: My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage. 我和我的妻子昨晚可真是毫不留情地谈了一谈,把我们婚姻方面的所有问题不管三七二十一都说了出来。
The bank has given a lead by agreeing with other multilateral lenders that any company barred for corruption by one will be barred by all. 亚洲开发银行率先与其它多边银行达成一致,任何一家因腐败行为被一家多边银行禁止的企业,将被所有银行禁止。
But she once ruled that the right to free speech barred New York City from firing an office worker for posting a racist letter. 但是她曾经在判决中以言论自由权为由禁止纽约市政府解雇一名邮寄一封带有种族主义内容信件的办公室员工。
In January, Iran broke IAEA seals that barred access at a uranium enrichment plant and said it would resume nuclear fuel research. 今年1月,伊朗揭开了国际原子能机构加在一个铀浓缩厂的封条,声称将恢复核燃料研究。
Chance had unsealed the grating through which he had entered, but it was evident that all the other sewer mouths were barred. 进来时侥幸遇到了那个开着的铁栅门,但其他沟口肯定是关着的。
The candy shop is a safe area and a checkpoint, but the door at the other side is barred. 糖果店是安全区和记录点,不过出口是封着的。
Again, this new development led to ano-hold*barred position, putting everything out in the open, concealing nothing. 同样,这一新的发展趋势导致了一种“不受禁止”的立场,即把一切公开,什么都不隐藏。
A large North American owl (Strix varia) having barred, brownish plumage across the breast, a streaked belly, and a strident, hooting cry. 一种北美洲大鸮枭(横斑林鸮鹀林鸮属),胸部有褐色的条纹羽毛,腹部有条纹,叫声刺耳似汽笛。