
美 [ˈbeɪs(ə)n]英 ['beɪs(ə)n]
  • n.盆地;流域;海盆;(英式英语)调菜盆
  • 网络脸盆;水盆;洗脸盆


sedimentary basin



1.盆;(英式英语)调菜盆;一盆(的量)a large round bowl for holding liquids or (in British English) for preparing foods in; the amount of liquid, etc. in a basin

2.流域an area of land around a large river with streams running down into it

3.盆地;凹地;海盆a place where the earth's surface is lower than in other areas of the world

4.港池;内港;内湾;船坞a sheltered area of water providing a safe harbour for boats


托福词汇_百度文库 ... lowland 低地 basin 盆地 terrain 地域 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... basic a. 基本的 basin n. 水盆,脸盆 basis n. 原因,缘由,要素 ...


水利专业英语 - 豆丁网 ... compound 化合物 basin流域 replenishment 供给 补给 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... basic a. 基本的 basin n. 水盆,脸盆 basis n. 原因,缘由,要素 ...


专升本英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... basic 基本的,基础的 basin 盆,脸盆 2.盆地 basis 基础,根据 ...


六级单词表_百度文库 ... attachment n. 连接物,附件;爱慕 basin n. 内海;盆地,流域 battery n. 炮兵连;兵器群 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... basically ad. 基本上 basin n. 盆,洗脸盆;盆地 basis n. 基础,根据 ...

The Tanezrouft Basin, in south-central Algeria, is one of the most desolate parts of the Sahara, and is sometimes called the land of terror. 位于阿尔及利亚中南部的塔奈兹鲁夫特盆地是撒哈拉沙漠中一处最荒凉的地方,有时这里被称作“恐怖之地”。
In the last of the paper the conclusions were tested and verified through the design of a shower, a wash basin and a toilet. 结论中提出的原理与流程在论文最后通过淋浴间、盥洗器及坐便器的设计实践进行了说明验证。
Then He poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded . 约十三5随后把水倒在盆里,就开始洗门徒的脚,并用自己所束的手巾擦乾。
an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine. 搅打鸡蛋就是用叉子或机器在盆子中把它打起泡沫。
To whip an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine. 搅打鸡蛋就是用叉子或机器在盆里搅打它。
like a basin of cold water had woken him up completely, yet he felt too lazy to stretch out his arm while his heart was no logger burning. 这一阵寒气仿佛是一盆冷水把他浇醒,他的手懒得伸出来,他的心也不再那么热。
Squatted in a hurry as nervous as stealing, he ladled the rainwater-mixed residual soup from the bottom of dish basin to his bowl. 他很快蹲下来,慌得如同偷窃一般,用勺子把盆底上混合着雨水的剩菜汤往自己的碗里舀。
The environmental impacts of a basin hydropower development are different from that of an isolated individual hydroelectric project. 流域水电梯级开发所产生的环境影响不同于单个的水电工程;
I remember a moving advertisement: a big-eyed little boy carrying his struggling with a basin of water, naive said to his mother: Mom, foot! 我记得一篇感人的广告:一个大眼睛的小男孩,吃力的端着一盆水,天真的对妈妈说:妈妈,洗脚!
The sedimentary features and strata touching relation in the Early-middle Mesozoic of Helanshan area were contrast to that of Ordos Basin. 贺兰山地区中生代早中期的沉积特征及地层接触关系与鄂尔多斯盆地内部相一致;
Miss Roscommon, not in the least discomfited, only began to pour the tea dregs into a slop basin, smiling. 罗丝康门小姐一点也不生气,只是笑着把茶根倒进垃圾桶里。
When a barber passes with a shaving basin on his head, Quixote snatches the basin, believing it to be the Golden Helmet of Mambrino. 当一位理发师头戴脸盆经过,唐吉柯德夺走脸盆,相信它是曼布里诺的金头盔。
Pouring hot water into a basin, Mum passed me a large towel, hurrying me to wash my feet. 把水烧开以后,倒进盆里,妈妈给我一块超大的毛巾,让我洗脚。
The basin was supposed be inset into a cabinet but this had come adrift from the wall and was just placed on the floor. 洗脸盆本应该是镶嵌在柜子上的,但是它却从墙上脱落掉在了地板上。
The son, regretting the swans, turned his head back toward the basin until a corner of the quincunxes concealed it from him. 孩子舍不得天鹅,不住地向大池回头望,直到梅花形排列的树木在拐角处遮住了他的视线为止。
The dust at the bottom of the SPA Basin really does have a fascinating story to tell. I wouldn't give for a few samples of it. SPA盆地底的灰尘有太多故事可讲了,我绝对不会错过任何一个样本。
Europe seems to have been the hot spot, with a whopping 80 new species emerging in the Mediterranean Basin. 地中海盆地出现了数目巨大的80种新种,这让欧洲变成了可能的突变热点区。
Upadhyay is angry that Delhi is being allowed to grow unchecked, to the detriment of every other part of the Ganges River Basin. 阿帕德海耶很气愤,因为德里竟然允许增加未经核准的有害物注入恒河流域所有其他部分。
The conventional formula cannot be used for designing the basin with a great amount of wastewater intake (e. g. metallurgy wastewater). 水量调节是水质调节的前提,对于冶金企业这类污水循环量大的系统,常规调节设计计算方法不能适应。
The basin can be placed on the shelf under your bed, don't put it on the floor. You can only put one pair of shoes under your bed. 脸盆请放在床下的架子上,不要放在地上,创下最多可以摆一双鞋。
The young man and woman ordered a basin each of the mixture, steaming hot, and sat down to consume it at leisure. 这对年轻的男女,叫了一碗热气腾腾的粥,坐下来,安闲地喝着。
Peaches washed in boiling water in a little hot, peel, core and cut into the size of the small green bean, into a small basin. 鲜桃洗净,在开水中略烫,去皮、核后切成绿豆大小的丁,放入小盆内。
When Joseph quitted the room he took his seat in the place he generally chose, and I put a basin of coffee before him. 当约瑟夫离开这间屋子时,他便坐在他平时坐的地方,我便把一杯咖啡放在他面前。
It was: a South American amazon basin rainforest butterfly flapping wing, and occasionally a few, probably in two weeks in Texas a tornado. 其大意为:一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后在美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。
How much is the ecological water demand and water consumption for different regions within a river basin? 流域内各个区域的生态需水量和生态耗水量究竟有多大?
Two years ago, water plants Fengmao, the pleasant scenery of the Central Yunnan basin, has been a strong rise Gudian Kingdom. 两千年前,水草丰茂、景色宜人的滇中盆地,曾崛起过一个强大的古滇王国。
I took a huff and went to balcony ashtray, ashtray easy to water and pour it into the basin of chrysanthemum. 我拿着烟灰缸气呼呼地来到阳台,顺手把烟灰缸里的水倒在菊花盆里。
The results showed that it has features of low wind speed and small in vertical gradient of the wind speed in Sichuan basin. 结果表明,四川盆地具有风速小,且风速垂直梯度亦小的特征;
The total land area that contributes surface runoff to a river or lake is called a watershed, fiver basin, or catchment area. 为某一江河或湖泊提供地表径流的整个陆地面积称作流域、河流盆地或汇水面积。
His sub, equipped with wings, is expected to "fly" to the deepest parts of every ocean basin. 他的潜水器,装有桨,用于“飞向”每个海洋盆地的最深处。