
美 [bæts]英 [bæts]
  • n.蝙蝠;球拍;球棒;球板
  • v.用球板击球;拍打(空中飞舞的小东西)
  • abbr.(=Bachelor of Arts in Teaching)教学法学士
  • 网络灵蝠杀阵;大气圈传输模式(Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme);地震网



n. v.

1.球棒;球拍;球板a piece of wood with a handle, made in various shapes and sizes, and used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball , cricket and table tennis


like a bat out of hell

疾速地;迅速地very fast

off your own bat

自觉地;主动地if you do sthoff your own bat , it is your own idea and you do it without help or encouragement from anyone else


新概念英语4_百度百科 ... Lesson 6 The sporting spirit 体育的精神 Lesson 7 Bats 蝙蝠 Lesson 8 Trading standards 贸易标准 ...


...tarship:Troopers)里打虫虫~~在"灵蝠杀阵"(Bats)中跟杀人蝙蝠齐打交~~最近又在有线台看她在玩"野东西"(Wild Things: Dinmo…

大气圈传输模式(Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme)

...obal Ecosystems [15-16] 、BATS (Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme) [7] 分类系统也有对应的参数表。


我爱棒球网 - Powered by ECShop ... 定制团队棒球帽 special hats 球棒 BATS 护具 Protection GEARS ...


台湾宽频地震网BATS)自建?以?已超过十?,纪?全球各 地所发生的地震波资?。叠加这些资?将能用?评估台湾宽频地震网成…


心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... batrachophobia 蛙恐怖症 bats 发疯的 battered child syndrome 被虐儿童综合症 ...


Ping-Pong 乒乓球-英语点津 ... corks 软木瓶塞 bats 球拍 cottoned on 明白,了解 ...


NDS 《神秘P.I. 肖像神偷》剧情详尽攻略 ... ... 2 Drills 两个钻头 2 Bats 两只蝙蝠 2 Guns 两把枪 ...

One of the white men hit Mr. Johnson across the face. They all started punching him and hitting him with the bats. 其中一个,朝着约翰逊的脸就是一拳,然后3人围攻,用短棍击打他。
Student: Well, bats. Since they are all blind, bats have to use sound for, you know, to keep them from blind(flying) into things. 学生:蝙蝠,因为蝙蝠是看不到东西的,它们不得不用声音避免视觉的缺陷。
With just a few weeks of training, you can learn to "see" objects inthe dark using echolocation the same way dolphins and bats do. 只需经过几周的训练,你便能像海豚和蝙蝠一样通过回声定位法在黑暗中“看见”物体。
The neighbors who had not opened their doors to us came out with baseball bats and helped Jeremy find his glasses and keys. 没有开门的这家邻居冲我们打开了门,带着棒球棒出来,帮助杰里米寻找他的眼镜和钥匙。
If there is only a gaping wound left then it must gush forth though it produce nothing but toads and bats and homunculi. 如果只剩下一个裂口的创伤,它一定得向外喷射,尽管喷出来的只是蛤螈蝙蝠和侏儒。
The vexing question is: Why? Bats are the only mammal with a better ability to hear changes in pitch than humans do. 但是,有一个令人苦恼的问题是:为什么蝙蝠是唯一的比人类具有更好听力能力的哺乳动物?
Another example would be a window shattering, wind gushing in and a swarm of bats flying towards you. 另一个例子就是窗子破碎,风吹了进来,一大群蝙蝠冲你飞了过来。
more than 20 years. The guano of bats has long been used for agricultural fertilizer. 已知有些蝙蝠已活了二十多年。蝙蝠的粪便在农业上长久以来就用作肥料。
Akre and her team observed that the female frogs and the bats did not always go toward the speaker producing the most "chucks. " Akre和她的研究团队观察到,雌蛙和蝙蝠都不太青睐大部分由“咕噜”声构成的鸣叫。
Biologists found a pregnant female roosting in a pine tree, and say they might be able to improve the bats' living situation. 生物学家们在一棵松树上发现了一只怀孕的蝙蝠妈妈,并说他们也许能够帮助改善蝙蝠的生存环境。
Bats fly in the air everywhere, a few aristocrats wearing black ponchos, riding a dragon, since most luxurious fly out of the building. 空中处处飞翔着蝙蝠,为数不多的贵族穿着黑披风,骑着龙,自最华贵的建筑飞出。
A child comes from American put his table tennis bats in the back of the classroom, and his classmates all appreciated him for that. 一个来自美国的孩子把它最喜爱的那副乒乓球拍放到了教室的后面,因此同学们都很感激他。
There were pillared halls, long corridors carved most beautifully, and there was the smell of bats and of incense. 庙里有立柱支撑起的厅堂,雕琢得极其美丽的长廊,还有蝙蝠和焚香的气味。
Bats may actually be a coward, until the beginning of the war, constipation faceless, hiding in the side match. 可实际上蝙蝠是个胆小鬼,等到战争开始,便秘不露面,躲在一旁观战。
This was the first time satellite telemetry has been used to track bats in Asia. 这是首次卫星遥测技术被运用追踪蝙蝠,而且是在亚洲。
The extreme nature of bats also makes them valuable in helping to understand human health. 蝙蝠的奇特天性也有助于人类对自身健康的了解。
Finally, when RJ bats a blue balloon toward his head, Derek's mouth curls into a smile. 最后,RJ将一个蓝色的气球拍到Derek的头上,他弯了弯嘴角露出一丝笑容。
Forget cricket bats, golf clubs or carbon dioxide, Australia has found a new weapon in its war on the cane toad: cat food. 忘掉板球球棍,高尔夫棒或者是二氧化碳吧,澳大利亚发现了一个对付甘蔗蟾蜍的新武器:猫粮。
"OK, follow me. " he said and flew out of the cave with hundreds of bats behind him. “好吧,跟我来,”他边说边飞出洞穴,数百只蝙蝠在后面跟着他。
Radar compared with radar principle This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar. 蝙蝠的这种回声定位常常可与雷达相比较,其原理是相似的。
This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar. 蝙蝠的这种回声定位常可与雷达相比较。
A thIn membrane extendIng between the body and a limb to form a wIng or wInglike extension, as In bats and flyIng squirrels. 翼膜肢体和躯干间的一种薄膜,形成一翼或似翼的伸展部分,如蝙蝠和飞行松鼠的皮肤褶
Because bats do not have eyes, you can fly in the dark can also be a symbol of intuition. 因为蝙蝠不用眼睛,可以在黑暗中飞行,也可以象征直觉。
Most bats produce a complicated sequence of calls, combining constant frequencies and frequency modulation components. 恒定频率和变频组合.产生一个复杂的叫声序列。
I bet Steve Jobs and a few Apple guys with baseball bats stroll in and begin to trash the place. 我敢打赌史蒂夫•乔布斯正和几位苹果的人正与棒棒球在某个垃圾的地方开始漫步。
The mouse and fish up to retinoic acid contained in the body, which is why snakes, cats, bats, rats born to be their natural enemy. 而老鼠和鱼类体内所含的黄酸最多,这也正是为什么蛇、猫、蝙蝠天生都要跟老鼠过不去的原因之一。
BATS, one of the largest alternative exchanges, announced last month that it was acquiring rival Chi-X to create an even larger platform. 最大的新兴交易所之一——BATS上月宣布正在收购竞争对手Chi-X,以打造一个规模更大的平台。
They hunt bats with a net or long poles, and then roast the beasts over charcoal fires or mince them up into a traditional Thai dish. 村民用网和长竹竿捉蝙蝠,然后放在木炭上烘烤,或将它们切碎放入传统泰国菜中。
Then he turned around and walked down to home plate and picked up our two bats; we always left the bats for him to carry. 然后他转过身,走下本垒然后捡起了两根球棒;我们向来都把球棒丢在哪儿待他拾取。
Some bats have even been utilised in pest control experiments, keeping boll moth numbers down in cotton plantations. 一些蝙蝠甚至被用来做害虫控制实验,使棉花种植园里的棉铃虫数量呈减少的态势。