
美 [beɪ]英 [beɪ]
  • n.(海或湖的)湾
  • adj.深棕色的;栗色的
  • v.(尤指捕猎时)发出长嗥;厉声强要
  • 网络海湾;月桂;港湾

复数:bays 现在分词:baying 过去式:bayed

bay horse


1.[c](海或湖的)湾a part of the sea, or of a large lake, partly surrounded by a wide curve of the land

2.[c]分隔间(户外或室内的,用以停放车辆、存放货物等)a marked section of ground either inside or outside a building, for example for a vehicle to park in, for storing things, etc.

4.[c]深棕色马;栗色马a horse of a dark brown colour


at bay

(猎物)被围困,被迫作困兽之斗when an animal that is being hunted isat bay , it must turn and face the dogs and hunters because it is impossible to escape from them

hold/keep sb/sth at bay

不让(敌人)接近;防止(问题)恶化to prevent an enemy from coming close or a problem from having a bad effect


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... battle n. 战斗;战役 bay n. 湾; 海湾 BC n. 公元前 ...


中国精油网_精油辞典 ... ·毛蕊花 Mullein ·月桂 Bay ·乳香 Frankincen... ...


学士学位英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... battle n. 战斗,战役,斗争 * bay n. 海湾,港湾 be v. 是,就是,等于 v.在,存在 ...


热能与动力工程专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... natural gas 天然气 bay 隔间 natural/thermal circulation 自然循环 ...


各国十大非同寻常的情人节习俗_普特英语听力 ... 5. bosom n. 胸,胸部 9. bay n. 月桂树 10. sprinkle vt. 喷洒 ...


开字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 开价〖 quote〗 开间bay〗 开疆〖 pioneerthefrontiers〗 ...


变电站通信网络和系统_百度百科 ... 3.9 通信信息片 PICOM 3.10 间隔 bay 3.12 层功能 level functions ...

In a very short time, the world has gone from trying to hold malaria at bay, to aiming for its eradication. 在非常短的时间内,世界已经从试图遏制走向最终根除的目标。
Presently he said that the President would like very much to have a meeting with me in some lonely bay or other. 他一开口就说总统很愿意在一个偏僻的港湾之类的地点同我会晤。
The Bay Area is home to one of the oldest chocolate manufacturers in the United States, making it a destination for many chocolate lovers. 旧金山的海湾地区是美国最古老的巧克力生产商之一Ghirardelli的发源地,该地区因此成为了许多巧克力爱好者必去的目的地。
The British Times featured detailed reports of the public opinions of different countries about the German occupation of Jiaozhou Bay. 英国《泰晤士报》对德国侵占胶州湾后各国的舆论反应进行了详细的报道。
He would recover from it, the scientific men said; and he did, ere the BEDFORD'S anchor rumbled down in San Francisco Bay. 科学家们说,他会恢复过来的,果然,在贝德福德号捕鲸船的铁锚还未在旧金山海湾抛下之前,这个人就完全正常了。
In one of his first official actions, he ordered the closure of the American detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year. 在他第一次的官方法案中,他下令在一年之内关闭古巴关塔那摩湾的审讯中心。
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 善良的人们,当最后的波浪卷过时,哭喊他们可怜的业绩本应多么灿烂地在绿色港湾里舞蹈愤怒,愤怒的抗拒阳光的泯灭。
The San Francisco Bay salt flats pictured above have been used for commercial salt production for over a century. 上图中的旧金山湾(SanFranciscoBay)盐滩曾经出产了将近一个世纪之久的商品盐。
I could have dealt with a small, funky, haunted room but being relatively far from Causeway Bay was a deal breaker for me. 我本来已经预订了一个小的,怪异的房间的,但是距离铜锣湾比较远这样的现实是我不能接受的。
Like a targe of polished metal the round sea lay at his feet, and the shadows of the fishing boats moved in the little bay. 圆润的海洋如一面打磨光滑的金属圆盾一般,匐于他的脚下,渔船的影子在小小的海湾里游弋。
the aircraft were re-positioned at the end of the shift for the next day's work to take place in an adjacent bay. 飞机会在与第二天附近海湾要做的工作进行交接时换个位置。
When I looked into that bay and saw the ship was gone , I knew it was all over . 当我向海湾望去,看见船失踪了,我就知道全完了。
Just a few weeks ago, somebody actually created an archive of the Pirate Bay as a torrent file. 就在几周之前,有人竟然将海盗湾的存档制作成了种子文件。
When he came into office, President Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay within a year. 当奥巴马开始执政的时候,他承诺将在一年之内关闭关塔纳摩监狱。
The city that the museum located is called St. Petersburg, in another direction of Tampa Bay and going there needs to stride the sea. 博物馆所在的城市,叫作“圣彼得堡”,在坦帕湾的另外方向,需要跨海而去。
Bay, who has directed both of the immensely popular Transformer movies said he was working on a third installment in the series. 湾,谁已经指示了极大的欢迎变压器电影都表示,他对在系列的第三部分工作。
Lithuania has said it will not accept a single former prisoner from the Guantanamo Bay prison until the matter is clarified. 立陶宛称在查清此事之前,将不会接受任何一名曾在关塔那摩监狱蹲过的囚犯。
Spent characteristics to a seafood lunch after the "Oriental Hawaii" said the Australian Green Bay, after the warm-up swim. 用完特色海鲜午餐后前往具有“东方夏威夷”之称的青澳湾,热身后进行游泳。
He is beginning to understand that his best hope for keeping these intrusions at bay is to slowly tame the beast that stalks him the media. 他开始懂得要想抵挡住这些侵扰,最好的办法是慢慢驯服媒体这头紧逼不放的野兽。
just trying to make conversation. . . just trying to keep the loneliness at bay. . . you know? 只是想使谈话保持在海湾的寂寞…你知道吗?
Recently he contacted the Byron Bay Northern Rivers Center by telephone to ask if he could come and visit the following day. 最近他致电询问,是否能在隔日拜访小中心。
Yet, in places like Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, DC, every other car seems to be a Toyota Prius. 不过,在一些像洛杉矶、旧金山港湾区和华盛顿特区之类的地方,似乎满眼都是丰田普锐斯。
So far, the early return seems to have kept the holiday blues at bay. 到为止,早返校的学生们似乎都摆脱了假日忧伤的烦恼。
Michael Bay has shown us select scenes from the film, and it looks incredible. I can't wait for you to see it. 迈克·贝给我们选了一些电影里的片段给我们看,那看起来极棒,我已经不能等到你看它了。
Odds are we'll never need them. But it's better to be safe than to end up in a situation that resembles a Michael Bay movie. 很可能我们根本不需要这些。但是有备无患总是比最后陷于迈克尔·贝的电影《天体大冲撞》中出现的场景要好。
He set up a bay and worked with his two film editors in an 1862 farmhouse on the Mission property for a week or so. 他和两位电影剪辑师在「传道度假」牧场一栋1862年的农舍内作业约一星期。
In "The Cove" he focuses on trying to prevent the slaughter of 23, 000 dolphins a year in a bay off Taiji, Japan. 在《峡谷》里,他关注的是阻止日本太地町每年屠杀两万三千多头海豚。
And yet, when I dropped my wife and her many layers of clothing off at the dock, only eight boats sit out on the bay. 然而,当我开车送妻子和她无数的衣服到码头时,海湾里只有八艘船出海。
Finally we had to leave, but still managed to get some last views of this beautiful bay when going back to the car. 最后我们不得不离开,不过在回去停车的地方,沿途上我们还可以最后再欣赏一下海湾的美景。
For most animals, sex is not only a way of producing the next generation, but a means of keeping enemies at bay. 对于大多数的动物,性不仅仅是一种繁衍后代的方式,也是抵挡竞争对手的方法。