
美 [bin]英 [biːn]
  • n.豆;菜豆;豆荚;豆科植物
  • v.击中(某人)头部
  • 网络豆子;蚕豆;豆类

复数:beans 现在分词:beaning 过去式:beaned



n. v.

1.豆;菜豆;豆荚;豆科植物a seed, or pod containing seeds, of a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable. There are several types of bean and the plants that they grow on are also called beans .

2.(咖啡树或其他某些植物的)籽实a seed from a coffee plant, or some other plants


full of beans/life

精力充沛having a lot of energy

not have a bean

没钱;不名一文to have no money

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... muscle n 肌肉 bean n ;豆科植物 △ calcium n 钙(元素) △ ...


蔬菜A-Z字母开头的英文名称?_百度知道 ... asparagus 笋 bean 豆子 day lily buds 黄花菜 ...


各种蔬菜的英语翻译|各类常用英语词汇 ... aubergine,eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet,beetroot 甜菜 ...


科技英语词汇_百度文库 ... bamboo sprout 竹笋 bean 豆荚,蚕豆 beet 甜菜 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... muscle n 肌肉 bean n 豆;豆科植物 △ calcium n 钙(元素) △ ...


豆类(BEAN)燕麦(OATS)马铃薯(POTATO)玉米(CORN)防腐剂 当然是选择天然的,市面上大部分都是用天然的,仅有少数几家 …


电庐电影票房排行榜 ... 神秘村 The Village 憨豆先生 Bean 绝岭雄风 Cliffhanger ...


新概念英语第一册词汇_百度文库 ... bath n. 洗澡 bean n. 豆角 Y beard n. 胡子,络腮胡子 ...

We each in turn take a sticky, sweet bean ball and eat it with a tiny wooden pick. Not easy to do elegantly. 我们依次用小木签扎了一个粘甜豆球来吃,要优雅地做到这一切实属不易。
To create Java Beans to handle the serialization and deserialization of a data-type bean's wire format, referred to as format handler. 为了创建JavaBean来处理数据类型bean有线格式的序列化和反序列化,也称为格式处理器。
Therefore, pour only as many coffee beans in the coffee bean hopper as you expect to use in the next Few days. 因此您只有根据希望在未来的几天使用解开咖啡豆。
While the architectural design of such a system is fairly simple, the actual session bean implementation is often quite complicated. 虽然这种系统的体系结构设计相当简单,但实际的会话bean实现常常十分复杂。
Watch carefully to see how the broad bean grows into a new plant. 仔细观察,看蚕豆在若干天后怎样成长为新植物。
Like your lips, just as soft as bean curd dripping brain, like the Fuji apple red, like the sun. 喜欢你的双唇,就像豆腐脑一样柔嫩欲滴,更像富士苹果一样艳红,恰似骄阳。
Do not expect the output of any of the session bean methods to reflect data changes from running other methods. 请不要期望任何会话bean方法的输出能反映因运行其它方法而造成的数据变化。
If the servlet were to access the database directly, the code would be very similar to the code in the session bean above. 如果servlet要直接访问数据库,那么代码就与上面会话bean中的代码非常相似。
I received that ten dollars from my uncle after I had walked the fields all day long chopping weeds out of the bean fields. 但当时的豆田,你走在田间,手持大砍刀,把杂草割掉,这样做要做一整天。
'My dear Bunce, I've already found it, ' said the crafty Bean. 'It's up in the wood on the hill. It's under a huge tree . . . ' “我亲爱的邦斯,我已经找到他了。”诡计多端的比恩说道,“他就在山上的树林里,位于一棵大树下面……”
The user accessing your secure bean will not possess the business role that the remote application expects from a user trying to access it. 访问安全bean的用户不会占用远程应用程序要求访问用户所具备的业务角色。
The bean only currently provides an abstraction for font styles, but it would be easy to extend the interface for other style types. bean目前只提供字体样式的抽象,但为其它样式类型扩展接口比较容易。
All by itself, it's probably worth using beans rather than trying to manage all of that by yourself. 就容器而言,使用bean可能要比试图亲自管理一切要值得。
Now we re ready to upgrade the stateless session bean into a Web service. 现在我们已经为把无状态会话bean提升为Web服务做好了准备。
Uncle came to the store, on the shop, began to help uncle Fried bean this simple at home doing everyday, so soon finished. 来到了叔叔的店了,穿上了店服,开始帮叔叔炸豆浆这个简单在家里天天做,所以很快就弄完了。
But when Bean and his family got up to greet them, Graff held up a hand to stop them and Carlotta put her finger to her lips. 比恩一家人正打算起身问候时,格拉夫上校举起一只手制止了他们,卡萝塔修女则把手指竖在嘴上。
Then he began to turn the mill. Then salt bean to come out of the mill. He laughed and began to sing. 说着他开始转动磨盘,盐开始从磨里出来了,他高兴得大笑起来,并唱起歌来。
A CMP entity bean is constructed from at least six separate files, having dependencies that cannot be easily verified at compile time. CMP实体bean至少从六个单独文件构造,并有在编译期间无法方便验证的相关性。
The reality of life in poor countries has not been changed by the Bank's bean-counters. 贫穷国家的生活现实没有被世界银行的统计人员改变。
You know how much coffee is worth, when treated as a commodity as a bean? 你知道咖啡值多少钱吗?当我们只把咖啡豆作为商品的时候。
Peaches washed in boiling water in a little hot, peel, core and cut into the size of the small green bean, into a small basin. 鲜桃洗净,在开水中略烫,去皮、核后切成绿豆大小的丁,放入小盆内。
Ron picked up a green bean, looked at it carefully, and bit into a corner. 罗恩拿起一颗绿色的豆子,仔细地看看清楚,然后只咬了一小口。
Each EJB 3 business interface with the unqualified name intf of a session bean bean translates into a service by the name bean_intf. 带有一个会话beanbean的非限定名称intf的每个EJB3业务接口都转换为一个名为bean_intf的服务。
By convention, the name of a managed bean is the same as the class name, with the first letter of the class name converted to lowercase. 按照约定,托管bean的名称与类名相同,类名的第一个字母被转换为小写。
The bean that looks up the dependency defines a lookup method with a declared return type of the type of the bean to be looked up. 查询依存项的bean,用被查询bean类型所声明的返回类型,定义查询方法。
Reminds me of a true Stuff story: One of the original ideas for the mascot costume was. . . . . . a giant magic bean with legs. 这件事也让我回想起关于我魔吉祥物的一件真实的故事:我魔曾经有一个吉祥物的原始创意是……一个有腿的魔术豆。
But you can modify the bean just a bit with a more common and well-known assertion. 但您可以使用更常见和熟知的断言对bean进行简单地修改。
McDonald's, meantime, is going "uptown" with its own, premium Arabica-bean coffees, high-class pastries, and toasted Italian sandwiches. 而与此同时麦当劳却在往上层路线的方向发展,提供用特级阿拉伯咖啡豆自制的咖啡,精致的糕饼和意大利三明治。
Kelly Coffman-Lee wanted to tell the world about her fondness for bean curd by picking certain letters for her SUV's licence plate. 凯里考夫曼-李想要通过选择某些字母组合作为她的SUV的车牌,来告诉全世界她对豆腐的喜爱。
As you can probably see, the document handler manager bean is not directly linked to any bean, though it should be linked to the template. 您可能会看到,虽然文档处理程序管理器Bean应链接到模板,但是它并未直接链接到任何Bean。