
美 [ber]英 [beə(r)]
  • v.承受;忍受;不适于某事(或做某事);承担责任
  • n.熊;(在证券市场等)卖空的人
  • 网络小熊;负担;容忍

复数:bears 现在分词:bearing 过去式:bore 过去分词:borne

bear responsibility,bear fruit,bear cost,bear burden,bear pain


v. n.

承受;应付accept/deal with

1.[t]承受;忍受to be able to accept and deal with sth unpleasant

不合适not be suitable

2.[t]not ~不适于某事(或做某事)to not be suitable for sth

负责be responsible for sth

3.[t]~ sth承担责任to take responsibility for sth

坏心情negative feeling

4.[t]心怀(感情,尤指坏心情)to have a feeling, especially a negative feeling

支撑重量support weight

5.[t]~ sth支撑,承受(重量)to support the weight of sb/sth


6.[t]~ sth显示;带有to show sth; to carry sth so that it can be seen


7.[t]~ sth有(某个名称)to have a particular name


8.[t]~ sb/sth携带to carry sb/sth, especially while moving


9.[t]~ yourself well, etc.举止;表现to move, behave or act in a particular way


10.[t]生(孩子)to give birth to a child


12.[i]~ (to the) left, north, etc.转向(左或北等)to go or turn in the direction mentioned


bear arms

当兵;打仗to be a soldier; to fight

bear fruit

成功;取得成果to have a successful result

bear hard, heavily, severely, etc. on sb

使为难;使受苦;压迫to be a cause of difficulty or suffering to sb

be borne in on sb

(逐渐被某人)认识到to be realized by sb, especially after a period of time

bring sth to bear (on sb/sth)

把精力用于;对…施加压力(或影响等)to use energy, pressure, influence, etc. to try to achieve sth or make sb do sth

玩家装备射箭运动工作室 ... DIAMOND( 钻石) BEAR) Martin( 马丁) ...


小熊Bear)I炖 DDZ-1181 微电脑白瓷隔水电炖盅 1800ML(粉紫色) 热销机型,爱不停“炖”,营养美味,预约定时,一锅三 …


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bean n. 豆,豆科植物 bear v. 承受,负担,承担; 忍受;容忍 beard n. (下巴上的)胡须 ...


载字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 用车船装运〖 carry;hold;beloadedwith〗 承载;负担bear〗 担任,担负〖 bechargedwith〗 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bean n. 豆,豆科植物 bear v. 承受,负担,承担; 忍受;容忍 beard n. (下巴上的)胡须 ...


禀字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 赋予;给与〖 bestowon;give〗 承受bear〗 报告〖 report〗 ...


当字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 面对着〖 face;turntowards〗 承担bear;undertake〗 主持〖 manage;takechargeof〗 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... bear n. 熊;粗鲁的人 bear vt. 容忍;负担;生育 beard n. 胡须,络腮胡子 ...

"With the help of media, which can enlist other members of the media, the weight of public opinion can be brought to bear, " he said. 他说,“媒体之间相互支持,在传媒的协助下,可以充分利用发挥公众舆论的力量。”
"It looked just as if that Bear whispered in your ear, " he said. "What did he tell you? " “那头熊好像跟你说悄悄话了”他说,“它说了什么?”
How much more greenhouse gas emissions can the world afford to bear, then, if developing countries keep consuming as much energy. 假如世界各国持续像今日中国那样消耗巨大能源的话,我们的地球到底能够承受多少温室气体的排放。
He said the measures he has put in place in his first months in office are beginning to bear fruit. 奥巴马说,他在就任最初几个月采取的经济措施已经开始见效。
Prof: yes that's a bit of background information that you may bring to bear on this particular argument. 教授:是,这有点背景信息,你可以在这一个论点上。
'So when all is said and done, I think we'll have had a worse-than-average bear market and a less-good-than-average bull market. 因此在该说的都说了,该做的都做了之后,我认为我们将迎来比平均水平更糟糕的熊市和不如平均水平的牛市。
Bear Stearns's "shotgun marriage" to J. P. Morgan "is not the sort of thing we set out to do, " he told the audience. 他告诉听众,贝尔斯登与JP摩根的“强迫婚姻”不是“我们安排的计划”。
I'm going to try and save you all the time and all the money and go through it in the next three minutes, so bear with me. 我会试着帮你节省点时间和钞票在接下来的三分钟里关于这究竟是怎么回事,且听我一一道来。
If a grizzly bear does actually make contact with you, curl up in a ball, protecting your stomach and neck, and play dead. 如果大灰熊实际碰触你了,你可以卷成球状,这样能保护你的胃和脖子,然后装死。
But I cannot bear to think that, and so I try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together. 但我不能忍受想到这一点,所以我要记住他,因为他对这些个月,我们得到了一起。
All this would not answer my end, which was to get an earthen pot to hold what was liquid and bear the fire. 但是这一切并没有达到我的目的,因为我的目的是要做一个可以装流质,可以经得起火的泥锅。
If it works as well as it did in mice, Bear says, it could be a first step to treating other causes of autism. 如果这种药物在人身上也能起到同样的效果的话,将是向治疗其他原因导致的自闭症迈出的第一步。
It was easy to see by the newspapers, that if ever they had known what it was to bear a good name, that time had gone by. 从报上容易看出:如果说这两位先生也曾知道爱护名声的好处,那是以往的事。
But, I stand upon My word and I bear witness of the truth of My own words to you, that I will not continue to require this of her. 但是,我站在我的话,我承担我自己的话给你的真理的见证,我不会继续要求她。
they did not pay any attention . in the end , i could not bear it . i turned round again. 'I cant hear a word ' i said angrily. 他们一点也没注意到我。最后,我实在不能忍受了。我再次转过头来。我很生气地说:‘我一个字也听不见了!’
Dear Sir, I have clearly informed you that SDY would not bear the postage of samples which was one of the company's regulation. 我己经很清楚的告诉您了,SDY公司经营的原则是不承担样品邮寄费的。
He made no mention of my mother I'd rather than to argue with him, he mentioned I really could not bear. 他不提我妈我倒也懒得跟他争辩,他一提我着实忍不住了。
The tracks of the big bear were all around the barn, and there were marks of his claws on the walls. 牲畜棚周围都是大熊的脚印,四周墙上还有它的爪子印儿。
A black bear has no shoulder hump and its facial profile is flatter (some describe it as having a "more Roman nose" than a grizzly). 黑熊背部没有隆起,脸更平一些(有些描述还称它有一个比灰熊“更罗马的鼻子”)。
At best, EU bureaucrats can be naive about how much integration ordinary voters will bear. 从最好的方面看,欧盟官员天真地幻想着普通选民们能承受多高的整合度。
And my daddy told me, baby, the passion is in the risk. it's like i always say, "if you're going to be a bear, then be a grizzly. " 可是爸爸说,孩子,爱情的美丽就在于未知。就像我一直所说的,“如果你想当一头熊,就一定要当头灰熊。”
In the short term, import tends to bear the brunt of the trade account's adjustment because exports respond only with a lag. 在短期内,进口往往首当其冲地受到贸易帐户调整的影响,因为出口不会立竿见影地作出反应。
If you can't bear to leave your sports news at home, sign up for "ESPN Alerts" by text message and download small-screen videos. 如果您想在离开家的时候也能收看体育新闻,那么您可以发送手机短信订阅“ESPN新闻通报”并下载电视录像。
'No one knows what is going to happen here, ' Mr. Persson said, 'but bear in mind that this is just one of many factors affecting our costs. 佩尔松说,没人知道这里将会发生什么事,但要记得这只是对我们的成本构成影响的诸多因素之一。
Some cases of the two groups bear headache as a side effect and a few patients had to stop the treatment for it. 2组病例均有少数病人出现头痛等副作用,而对照组个别病人头痛明显中断治疗。
The goal was not to make you ignore +armor trinkets. The goal was that a bear lacking those trinkets wouldn't be at such a disadvantage. 我们的目的不是让你忽略带护甲的饰品,我们的目的是让没有这些饰品的熊不至于太无力。
the fine lines of your eyes so that I could not bear to face up to its smooth face As it is with you in exchange for the beauty. 你眼角的细纹让我不忍去正视自己光滑的脸庞,因为这都是用你的美丽换来的。
Short of an implosion to rival that of Bear Stearns in March, however, the rumours are unlikely to become real deals for the time being. 只差一次内部爆炸便足以同三月份的BEARSTEARNS相媲美,不管怎么说,时间不会让流言成真。
His intelligence is often called upon to aid a certain bear of very little brain. 他的智力是经常被召唤来援助某种熊的很小的大脑。
I bear great thanks to the hotel owner whose supports have enabled me to do what I aspire to without restraints. 我非常感谢业主方对我工作的支持,让我可以没有束缚的开展我想要做的工作。