
美 [bed]英 [bed]
  • n.床;花坛;基;(河)床
  • v.把…固定在;与(某人)发生性关系
  • 网络床位;卧室;病床

复数:beds 过去式:bedded 现在分词:bedding

make bed,get bed,wet bed,share bed,lie bed
same bed


n. v.


1.[c][u]床a piece of furniture for sleeping on

河;湖;海of river/lake/sea

2.[c](河)床;(海等的)底the bottom of a river, the sea, etc.

花卉;蔬菜for flowers/vegetables

3.[c]花坛;苗圃;菜园an area of ground in a garden/yard or park for growing flowers, vegetables, etc.

底层bottom layer

4.[c]~ of sth底层;基;基座a layer of sth that other things lie or rest on


(not) a bed of roses

(并非)轻松的境况,令人愉快的情况(not) an easy or a pleasant situation

get out of bed on the wrong side

(无缘由地)一起床就整天情绪不好to be bad-tempered for the whole day for no particular reason

go to bed with sb

与(某人)上床to have sex with sb

in bed

(指性行为)used to refer to sexual activity

youve made your bed and you must lie in/on it

自己承担后果you must accept the results of your actions

take to your bed

(因病)卧床;卧病to go to bed and stay there because you are ill/sick

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有足够多的“床位”(beds) 可以容纳他们。尽管阶级格局是形成的、能够改变的,而不像过去那样,地位是可以承袭的,或者 …


50-70万房源1 ... Location( 位置): Beds( 卧室): Baths( 卫生间): ...


2011中国卫生及医院数据统计_ _行业动态... ... 护士 Nurses 病床 Beds 卫生设施 Health Facility ...

... 层序 基本 层 (bedsets) 层序 层序 (beds) 1985) (Van Wagoner 准层序) 第二章 层序地层学基本理论(准层序 准层序 准层序) ...


《国际英语音标发音指南》全文在线浏览及txt下载 ... Shirts 衬衫 Beds 床铺 Cards 卡片 ...


原创家俱|卧房—衣柜|别有天地—原木创意家具 ... 餐厅 Dining room 床组 Beds 衣柜 Bedroom storage ...


KC Mark认证产品目录... ... Floor-mats 电地板 Beds 电床 Electric moxibustion machines and foot warmers 电灸机和脚暖器 ...

They started as side-by-side beds, then after a few months we made them into bunks to get a bit of floor space back. 原来是两张并列的床,几个月之后,做成了上下铺,比较节省地方。
This seems to be an effective means of increasing the drainage efficiency once the sand beds are again flooded. 这个建议看起来是一个当沙床被再次灌溉后提高渗漏效率的有效方法。
Surrounded by the fields, it had no garden but for a few beds planted about its feet. 它的四周就是原野,没有花园,只在房子下面有几座花坛。
Back of him, where some of those were whose beds were safe, a relaxed air was apparent. 在他身后,那些铺位已经有了着落的人站的地方,显然有着一种轻松的气氛。
On piled-up feather-beds sat a woman with a small baby, an old woman, and a good-looking, rosy-cheeked German girl. 一个抱着婴孩的妇人、老太婆和一个两颊绯红、年轻而健康的德国姑娘坐在绒毛褥子上。
While potassium is present in most rocks and soils, the ore is often mined from ancient sea beds and salt lakes. 尽管钾存在于多数岩石和土壤中,但它通常采自年代久远的海床和盐湖里。
he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards, he got under the beds, he took up the carpets. 拖地板,掸墙壁,一会儿站在椅子上擦洗着食品柜顶。一会儿钻进床底清理杂物,一会儿又卷起地毯。
All beds must be made up in a way to take the minimum amount of time with clean and well maintained linen and bedding. 要用干净和完好的布草,用最短的时间把床铺好。
They look like dry river beds, and suggest evidence that this ice trapped underground could have once existed on its surface. 它们看起来像干涸的河床,表明埋藏于地下的冰也许曾经位于地表。
When there are more prisoners than bunks, as is often the case, beds are laid on the floor. 铺位不足时,囚犯就得打地铺,而这一情况常常发生。
"I put the dogs into the small empty out yards first thing, then clean the kennels, hose out, straighten beds etc, " he said. “我把狗小空出码的第一件事,然后清理狗舍,软管,理顺病床等,”他说。
And yet no supper was provided here -- nothing but beds. 可是这里并不供应晚饭--除了床铺,一无所有。
There was one exception: a line of beds that used so-called memory foam instead of a standard mattress and box spring. 只有一个例外,那就是一系列使用所谓记忆泡沫材料的床,而一般的床用的都是弹簧床垫或床垫架。
The bed was a bit uncomfortable as it was made up of of two single beds pushed together so there was that annoying gap! 床铺有点不舒服,因为它是由两个单人床合到一块的,所以中间有条让人烦恼的缝隙。
Note that it is not at all said that he inspires desire. If he slips into women's beds, one does not know how he is there. 请注意,我根本没有说,他激发欲望。即使他偷溜上女人的床,我们也不知道,他是如何混进去的。
The new boy had to get the short end of it because all the comfortable beds in the dormitory had been taken before he arrived. 这个新来的男孩只好吃点亏,因为在他来之前宿舍里所有舒适的床位已让别人占了。
She began to put the house straight, making beds and washing dishes, cleaning and tidying; but she could summon up no enthusiasm for it. 她开始无精打采地收拾房间;叠被子,洗碗碟,又扫又擦。
Prisons are overcrowded; prisoners spend most of each day lying on their beds; almost half reoffend within a year of getting out. 监狱人满为患;囚犯成天赖床度日;几乎一半的人出狱后一年内会再犯。
Some of this mixed blood will go into the aorta and on to the body, producing cyanosis (blue color of the skin, lips, and nail beds). 这混合血的一部分进入主动脉供应全身,产生紫绀(皮肤、口唇、和甲床呈蓝色)。
Guests will be amazed at how much has been packed into this suitcase, which includes bunk beds and a bathroom. 客人们会惊讶于这个手提箱里装进了多少东西,其中包括双层床和一个浴室。
Dr Stanley, who sleeps separately from his wife, points out that historically we were never meant to share our beds. 与妻子分床而睡的斯坦利博士指出,从历史来看,夫妻并同睡一张床的习惯。
since she had been able to feel the three little peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. 因为压在这二十床垫子和二十床鸭绒被下面的一粒豌豆,她居然还能感觉得出来。
The sun hung low above the reed-beds along the western bank, as the wind began to gust and rip. 夕阳低低的悬挂在河西岸的芦苇荡上空,风开始嘶吼了。
And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was. 就跑遍那一带地方,听见他在何处,便将有病的人,用褥子抬到那里。
"It would hold full twenty beds, " said he, as though speaking to himself. “此地足够容纳二十张病床!”他自言自语地说。
In my country of Slovenia, there is old proverb: "if a woman beds a horse, at least the children will have quick feet. " 在我的国家斯洛文尼亚,有一句谚语:“如果一个女人怀了一匹马的孩子,那孩子至少跑得会很快。”
Children across the land on Christmas Eve will nestle all snug in their beds to hear the classic poem "The Night Before Christmas. " 圣诞前夜,各地的小孩子们会舒适安乐的偎在自己的床上听经典的小诗《圣诞夜》。
The overburden in the mining influencing zone is often composed of red strata and coal beds in many coal mines. 许多矿区煤层采动影响范围内的覆岩层由红层和煤层共同构成。
Like a spring rain, followed by grass beds in general, is to open your eyes all over the sky of stars. 春天的草地犹如绵绵的床一般,睁开眼睛便是漫天的星星。
Every room has 4 beds, an air-conditioner as well as a balcony, wardrobes, an electric fan and a TV connection. 每个房间配有阳台、空调、风扇和有线电视接口,四个人住一间;