
美 [bɪˈlɔŋ]英 [bɪˈlɒŋ]
  • v.
  • 网络属于;住;属於

第三人称单数:belongs 现在分词:belonging 过去式:belonged




《Friends》词汇表B ... heirloom n. 传家宝, 相传动产 belonged vi. 属于, 住 fogged adj. [摄]有灰雾的,不清晰的 ...

《Friends》词汇表B ... heirloom n. 传家宝, 相传动产 belonged vi. 属于, fogged adj. [摄]有灰雾的,不清晰的 ...


January 16, 2013 - CNN Student News with... ... beginning u 开端,开始;c起源 belonged 属於 brain 头脑,电脑,智慧 ...


简单英语问题.._百度知道 ... 2.decision 决定 3.belonged 过去分词作定语 improve 不定式作目的状语 ...

one of his books is a bitter attack on the french academy , to which he never belonged. 他著有一本激烈抨击法兰西学院的书,可是他同这个学院从来没有什么瓜葛。
Some argue that the bones must have belonged to modern humans whose small size was the result of a genetic problem. 一些争辩说,骨头一定是属于体型较小的现代人的,而小体型是由于基因原因造成的。
The algorithm also kept track of which numerals belonged to which person and whose handwriting was more similar or distinct. 通过算法,还进一步记下这些数字相应的书写者以及笔迹较相似或更为不同的人士。
If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, I shall not cry because your leave doesn't take away the world that belonged to me. 如果天依旧是那么辽阔,云依旧是那么清澈,那就不要哭,因为你的离去,并没有带走我的世界。
Not improbably , it was to this latter class of men that Mr. Dimmesdale, by many of his traits of character, naturally belonged. 丁梅斯代尔先生出于他自身性格的许多特点,自然无疑地本应属于这最后一类人的。
They were estimating him to be 15 days old. She picked him up and looked around for anyone who he belonged to but there was no one. 他们估计那时孩子差不多15天大,她将孩子抱起来环顾四顾,看看是谁家的孩子,但是周围没有一个人。
Could you, in such a case, tell surely of any company of civilized men which belonged to the most respected class? 没有了衣服的话,你能不能在任何一群文明人中间,肯定地指出谁个最尊贵?
For a minute he literally hated this earthy, cynical world to which one belonged, willy-nilly. 一时之间,他真恨起这个谁都不能不属于其中的、鄙俗而吹毛求疵的世界来。
"How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress, " said an old knight. “这鸟儿真使我记起死去的皇后的那个八音盒,”一位老侍臣说。
She could only be mine, she belonged to me, and no other men except me, for no one loved her more than I did. 她只能是我的,她属于我的,除了我任何男人都不能拥有,因为没有人比我更爱她。
The other school, to which Reagan belonged, sensed that communism was weaker than it looked and that the cold war would die with it. 而另一学派则认为,共产主义外强中干,会随着冷战结束而消亡,里根总统是这一学派的忠实拥护者。
Marx belonged to a relatively well-to-do family. He had not faced hunger in his childhood. He was much better off than many fellow students. 马克思生于一个较富裕的家庭,他童年时从未挨饿,在学生时代的生活又比他的同学们好得多。
It was a rare pleasure to feed a young man whom she seldom saw and of whom she was as proud as if he belonged to her. 这是一个难得的乐趣,要养活一家人的年轻人很少看见她和她的人感到骄傲,因为他是属于她的。
Two or three once belonged to the LIFG, but more had been pushed toward armed resistance after spending years in Libya's prisons, he said. Ibrahim说,有两三个人曾经参加过LIFG,但是在利比亚监狱中被关押了几年之后,很多人都被迫走上了武装反抗的道路。
He like leaving something what belongs to him on her, but he never remind of that she had never belonged to him. 他喜欢在她身上留下属于他的印记,却不曾记起她从未属于过他…
It belonged to my other set of grandparents and is an old torpedo shell converted into a lamp. 它来自于我的外祖父母,是用旧的鱼雷壳改装而成的。
The game looked as if it belonged to the Kings from the start, an early 11-2 lead eventually turning into a 56-51 halftime edge. 这场比赛从一开始似乎就属于国王队,他们开场早早以11比2领先,然后半场以56比51领先。
and though he belonged to one of the universities, he had merely kept the necessary terms, without forming at it any useful acquaintance . 他也算进过大学,实际上不过照例住了几个学期,并没有结交一个有用的朋友。
The artist signed a contract with him, in which we both agreed that conceptually, the soles of Ma Zhongxin belonged to me. 艺术家与马中欣签署了一份合同,合同证明马中欣的脚底在观念上是属于我的。
The boat floated into the wharf to which it belonged . 船驶入它所隶属的码头。
As she put it, it was as though her story, her suffering, her very intimate being no longer belonged to her. 据她所述,她觉得似乎自己的故事、痛苦挣扎、私人感受不再属于她自己了。
He was told that the bed had belonged once to a famous magician, and that it contained some of the powers of its deceased owner. 有人告诉他床曾经属于一位著名的魔术师,并且拥有一些它已故主人的法力。
It had previously belonged to Ziro the Hutt, and was used to smuggle illegal spice through customs checkpoints. 它以前归赫特人齐罗所有,用来把违禁香料走私运出海关哨卡。
It belonged to my grandfather; that was Major Knox: you've read about him in history books, I guess. 这手提箱是我外祖父的;我外祖父是诺克斯上校:我想你一定在历史书上看到过他的名字吧。
For he knew he would recognize the smallest thing that had belonged to her or that she had touched. 因为他知道:凡是她的东西,或她曾经碰过的东西,不论多么微细,他都认得出。
Uzziah rested with his fathers and was buried near them in a field for burial that belonged to the kings, for people said, 'He had leprosy. 乌西雅与他列祖同睡,葬在王陵的田间他列祖的坟地里。因为人说,他是长大麻疯的。
All the items up for auction Tuesday belonged to a single owner, but Sotheby's in London did not disclose that person's identity. 在周二拍卖会里的所有物品都是由某位人士拥有,然而伦敦苏富比并没有透露这个人的身份。
Castresana and his team had mapped out, with flowcharts and photographs, at least part of the criminal network to which Santos belonged. 借助活动流程图与照片,卡斯特雷萨纳与其团队已经至少掌握了桑托斯所属犯罪网络的部分情况。
She did not have false teeth, so they presumably belonged to her husband. 她本身没有假牙,所以这副假牙被认为是她丈夫的。
Financial leasing is a very important form of leasing, known as capital leasing, also belonged to one of modern leases. 金融租赁是租赁业的一种重要形式,又称融资租赁或资本性租赁,属于现代租赁。